Recabinet 3.1.1 - now with Speaker Dynamics

just a thought, cant the speaker dynamics algorithm be used as a plugin on miced guitar tracks? if you have a track where the amp wasnt cranked, it lacks some grit because of the lack of movement of the speakers.. cant the algorithm help with this?

The algorithm would have to be tweaked a bit to support this use case. Cool idea, but there's not enough demand for this kind of a feature to justify development time on it.
Great question. If it was just a question of EQ, then producers would have been able to make this happen with clever mixing tricks a long time ago.

What Recabinet's Speaker Dynamics is, by contrast, is highly specialized dynamic saturation, designed to replicate the response of a speaker. Unlike an EQ, this adds harmonics and responds to playing dynamics.
So you could do a rotating speaker simulation with your algorithm?

Though I think there's still another factor not covered which is affecting a miced speaker sound: the mic itself as it has a membrane that is moving (and possibly distorting) according to the loudness of the input signal from the speaker.
So you could do a rotating speaker simulation with your algorithm?

Though I think there's still another factor not covered which is affecting a miced speaker sound: the mic itself as it has a membrane that is moving (and possibly distorting) according to the loudness of the input signal from the speaker.

Like a Leslie? Not a common request on metal forums, but I love that sound. Speaker rotation is a whole different beast to tackle, though.

As far as mic capsule distortion goes - it's not a pleasant sound and you're not going to typically hear it on recordings. Good luck pushing a 57 (for example) into capsule distortion - a lot of mics we use on guitar cabinets can handle ridiculous, thermonuclear explosion level SPLs.

I just bought the Recabinet 3 and get awesome results using it with my Bogner preamp, Rocktron Chameleon and even with S-Gear. I would also like to record my Triple Rectifier Reborn with Recabinet 3 but don't now the best way to connect it. Should I use slave-out or fx-send? I also have the Palmer PGA-04 but I only use it as a load box for silent recording as you can't get an unfiltered sound out of it or can I?

I just bought the Recabinet 3 and get awesome results using it with my Bogner preamp, Rocktron Chameleon and even with S-Gear. I would also like to record my Triple Rectifier Reborn with Recabinet 3 but don't now the best way to connect it. Should I use slave-out or fx-send? I also have the Palmer PGA-04 but I only use it as a load box for silent recording as you can't get an unfiltered sound out of it or can I?

Great to hear! Looks like that Palmer unit has a Full Range mode that might give you what you need?
holy shit your dad is in the doobie brothers?

That's the main thing he's known for, although he's got a lot of other credits as well. It's not something I go around bragging about - even though my dad's awesome - we don't pick our parents. I've always maintained a careful distance from that legacy, only recently putting it more forward in my bio to give a sense of chronology and roots.

I don't figure there's too many Doobies fans on here, so it hasn't come up until now. :lol:
Thx for the fast reply. How should I connect the Rectifier if not using the Palmer?

You could try the FX send, or if you have a Countryman Type 85 DI box you can use that to get a direct signal of the entire head including the power section (provided you have a proper load connected.)
That's the main thing he's known for, although he's got a lot of other credits as well. It's not something I go around bragging about - even though my dad's awesome - we don't pick our parents. I've always maintained a careful distance from that legacy, only recently putting it more forward in my bio to give a sense of chronology and roots.

I don't figure there's too many Doobies fans on here, so it hasn't come up until now. :lol:
