Recabinet 5 (originally 4.1) released


May 9, 2012
I've been following the thread over on the KVR forum. All five packs are now available for VIP members in the "Current Downloads" section of your user account.

A few important notes from Shane:

There should now be 5 plugin pack installers for Thermionik 5. Windows doesn't require a separate factory presets installer. It's an issue I haven't found an elegant solution for on the Mac without writing a custom shell script, so it's been easier historically for me to just have a separate Mac presets installer.

So, really quick, just to clarify for any crazy early adopters here:

  • 25 Thermionik amp models exist now.
  • Each amp is its own plugin, for an elaborate set of great reasons I'll discuss at length when I'm more awake.
  • Regular Recabinet 4 owners can download the 5 updated versions of the original Thermionik amps (Modern Classics I.)
  • VIPs can download all 25 amps (split across 5 packs) right now.
  • Recabinet 5 itself has returned to its roots as a dedicated cabinet simulation plugin (also for a lot of great reasons), and will be released some time next week as there are still a few kinks being worked out. In the mean time, just use Recabinet 4 with Thermionik bypassed as your cabinet sim, or use your favorite cab sim plugin that isn't Recabinet if you want.
  • If you want a glimpse into what this release is all about philosophically, the new manual is currently the best way.

PS - if you're wondering what ever happened to the rumored "modular UI" talked about here many months ago, long story short, it took on a life of its own and will evolve into the ultimate plugin racker/chainer/wrapper - with a focus on live performance - down the road. This is the ultimate win-win situation, and much better than what I'd originally planned.

PPS - Enjoy the new amps!

PPPS - None of the new products are available for purchase in the Kazrog store (yet.) I'll be putting the purchase hooks in ASAP. For now, at least existing users have some new stuff to play with!

These amps are all awesome. Even some of the original Recabinet 4 amps have updated controls.
I'm actually shocked how good some of these turned out. The 2ch Rec, EVH 5153, and Friedman BE-100 models are the only ones I've demoed so far and I absolutely loved them.
Yeah, man. I LOVED the BE-100 model. All of these are awesome. I'm glad I don't start work until 12 pm today. :D

It was honestly worth the wait.
sounds really great! only thing - got lots of crashes in logic X on Mac OS 10.10.5 when record enable and switching knobs.
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Sounds are quite good and I appreciate modeling controls for each amp including GEQ for Mesa Marks, but HOLY CRAP, 5 installers, 25 separate plugins with similar generic GUIs. And all this beauty for the money that I paid over a year ago!
hi, thanks. Got the shecter hellraiser. Infront the TSE 808, afterwards little eq, limiter and ozone 7 imager. I have to look for the CAB IR, I think it was something from the latest Ownhammer, but not sure. Have to look at this later!
Did a quick comparison clip for anyone interested. I really love the IIC+ model. It slays.
I'm so damn impressed with this, Kazrog. I loved Recab 4, but this is just incredible; I'm more than happy with it since I've been following your updates for about a year. I haven't tried all of the new models, but I've spent some quality time with the FB100 over the past few days and I can say that it is the absolute best tone I've ever achieved ITB, which is especially important to me since I'm forced to run amp sims exclusively at the moment. It's frickin' Mastodon in a box, dude. Love it.

I'm going to open up a ticket just because there are occasional crashes when switching controls in Logic Pro X, but it's nothing major and everything else is so damn high quality.

Congratulations on the release and I look forward to the Recab/suite/pedal update that you have lined up for later. I'm ready to throw some more money your way.
Thanks! That means a lot!

I'm aware of some issues affecting Logic, Sonar, and Ableton Live at the moment, and I'll be working this week to fix them. Despite a lot of thorough testing in every DAW by myself and various testers, sometimes these things make it through into a release somehow anyway.
Wow. I bought the modern classics II and I really like it. The 2ch Rectifier and the 5150 III are awesome. Better than the other versions that came stock with Thermionik 4. I think I may have a new favorite software amp sim. Really looking forward to what's in store for Recabinet/Thermionik.
Shane when do you plan on releasing the standalone version ? :)
EDIT : and I mean an OsX app version ?

What I'm working on next is a standalone VST/AU racker/chainer for Windows and Mac geared at live use, which can be used with my plugins or any other plugins that support VST or AU (obviously, VST only on PC, both formats on Mac.) I'm also working on FX models, bass amp models, and of course more guitar amp models.