ReCabinet -VS- GuitarHack Impulse Shootout

The first sounds like it's being bussed to a stereo IR and the second to a mono. Are you sure they had the same SIR settings?
The first sounds like it's being bussed to a stereo IR and the second to a mono. Are you sure they had the same SIR settings?

Hey, thanks Ben... I probably posted this too soon. Right after I posted the file, I heard the same thing. Not sure what went wrong with the export, but both have the correct ambiance now. Fixed!

Sorry bout that.
Cool... I'm really glad you guys agree with the conclusion that I already came to. #1 is GuitarHack and #2 is ReCabinet.

I think ReCabinet may have its place attempting to nail a certain tone, but these impulses should both be very similar since they are incorporating the same cab style and mic, but they are very different. Don't you agree?
The key word in my post was "should" sound very similar, yet they don't. Obviously it comes down to GH's talent and know-how in making his great impulses. Same with Andy. ;)

Are you implying something is wrong with Shane's skill of micing a cabinet? If so you must not have heard any of his recordings...

Everyone has their own tonal preferences and you have a right to your opinion but if this thread was set up to bash Recabinet you've come to the wrong place.

Are you implying something is wrong with Shane's skill of micing a cabinet? If so you must not have heard any of his recordings...

Everyone has their own tonal preferences and you have a right to your opinion but if this thread was set up to bash Recabinet you've come to the wrong place.

He didn't insult Kazrog, only compliment guitarhack and mr. sneap. I think you're reading too much into it.
He didn't insult Kazrog, only compliment guitarhack and mr. sneap. I think you're reading too much into it.


It just seems that I've seen a fair amount of people whining about Recabinet since 2.0 came out including a member of this forum who decided it would be nice starting the same thread on multiple forums causing Shane to have to track them down and defend his product. And I won't forget to mention this was after Shane publicly offered him a refund.

And why just guitarhack vs. recabinet with all the other great impulses being used on the forum at the moment?

It just seems that I've seen a fair amount of people whining about Recabinet since 2.0 came out including a member of this forum who decided it would be nice starting the same thread on multiple forums causing Shane to have to track them down and defend his product. And I won't forget to mention this was after Shane publicly offered him a refund.

And why just guitarhack vs. recabinet with all the other great impulses being used on the forum at the moment?
eh. guitarhack and recabinet are name brand impulses around here but I agree there are others as well. if this is part of some bigger drama bomb i am unaware of it. I can see the value in comparing recabinet to free impulses though. It is good to know what you're paying for.
For the record, I wasn't ever trying to "defend" my product, just trying to help the user in question, who didn't want a refund and was actually extremely humble and even apologetic about his concerns, if a bit strange in his approach. I'm still a bit confused about it actually. :lol:

At any rate, as myself and others have said on this and other forums before, I don't think IR comparisons like this really provide any valuable insight, unfortunately, for a variety of technical reasons that have been discussed thoroughly. It's really a question of what works best for you and your music. If you're happy with free IRs, what really matters is that you are happy creating music, achieving desired results, etc. - I'm not here to try to force my product on anyone, there's lots of room out there for these things to peacefully coexist.

Anyway, I appreciate the concern, but honestly even if somebody came on here and started overtly talking massive shit about me and/or Recabinet, I really wouldn't care and would probably save a screen capture for the LOLZ.

For example, I have had the awesome experience recently of one customer who told me "I Cant (sic) be arsed spending way much on something which is not even worthwhile" only to tell me a month later "ur (sic) product is superb... a real need for any producer..." I get a kick out of this stuff really. :loco:
I'm not really sure how to say this without offending anyone, so I'll just go ahead and speak truly.

The release of Ryan's set of fredman impulses basically cemented that the very best cabinet IRs to be had out there are to be had for free. Couple those with a cross section of GHs best, poida's engl impulses and even some of marcus' old JSX ones and you can blend together just about any shade of impulse high-gain toneage you might need.

I appreciate a good business endeavor as much as the next guy, but to be honest the only time I'll be parting with my hard earned is when somebody actually delves into the science and pushes convolution technology further. The Acusticaudio guys seem to be the only ones doing this. Nobody seems to be capitalizing on their platform to create cabinet IRs that are truly multi-dimensional. We've been crying out for someone to test run it all and create something usable for several months now, but at the moment it's just a rag tag collection of people passing sweeps around, deconvolving and wondering 'why the fuck isn't it working like it should?'. If someone were to create a method to capture a cab with NAT, that would be a worthwhile business endeavor right there. I would pay a lot for never having to use a cabinet again.

As it stands, IRs are still just cheap replacements for real cabinets. I've tried them all, and I've tried to incorporate them in all sorts of projects ranging from demos to full length albums. They are simply not there and will not provide the same level of quality as a real cab. As a result that leaves them as a demo only tool, and being such, I don't see much incentive to pay for a collection of them when the freely available ones can create such a diverse and potent variety of tones.

Before anyone takes issue with what I say, know that I don't say it to be malicious, but merely truthful. I've cared about this line of technology for a long while now and I anxiously await someone to push it to the next level. That is yet to happen.
......As it stands, IRs are still just cheap replacements for real cabinets.....

^ :)

Don't worry about offending me. :) I have nothing invested in mine and no real interest if anyone likes them or not, in a nice way, with all due respect :). If they work for some people, that's great, if not, whatever... I created my Impulses as a very quick way for me to switch between different relative mic placements to hear the sound of different mic positions. Basically to learn/hear what position delivers what sound. I really only made a few Impulses of deliberate positions that had yielded me a half-decent mic'd cab tone that I thought others might get some benefit out of. They were New_IR, thisone, final and grind. Pretty much all the others were just a matter of placing the mic and recording the sweep. I didn't check to see if the position was useful for a decent tone. If someone found it useful, great. That explains the sheer number I created. Of course they were not all going to be useable.

One thing that I seem to be noticing more and more on here about impulses is that people are now complaining that real mic'd amps and cabs are fizzy compared to the smoother tone of sims and Impulses. There is a VERY GOOD reason for this. Real Amps and Cabs are fizzy! They have much more harmonic content, etc, than a static sounding sim/impulse. Whilst the sim/impulse can sound smoother and initially more pleasing, they never seem to sound as full and dynamic sounding as throwing a mic at the real thing. They can sound rather single-dimensional and sterile/lifeless. I understand the convenience factor though. They are a useful tool for scratch tracks and possibly demo's, I just hope that ongoing modern metal production does not start to rely so heavily on things like Sims, Impulses and to that matter bought samples (user created is a different story). Where has the art of recording gone? Seems like too many are looking for the easy way out. To me it cheapens the whole recording process and the skill of Audio Engineering when any 12 year old can buy album-ready drum samples, Impulses, sims, etc... and make an album with little to no skillbase. Again, I understand the convenience. I just think the "art" is being lost. I hope we dont end up as an electronica-metal world with simulated/sampled/impulsed everything.

My 0.02.

Didn't mean to get carried away. Feel free to not read my rubbish. :lol:

Also, regarding the OP. You can't just dial in an amp/sim tone that suits one mic position/Impulse and then throw another completely different Impulse on it and expect it to sound good. From what I can gather about Shane's filename is that the mic is dead-centre on the grill. New_IR (or whatever the hell it is called) was an Edge position on a different Cab. Not trying to be rude, just explaining. :) Thanks for the love though. :lol:

BTW, Shane, I am still waiting for that Impulse versus Mic'd comparison of yesteryear? :p

EDIT: BTW, I haven't listened to the comparison. :lol:
if this thread was set up to bash Recabinet you've come to the wrong place.

Quite the contrary. I wanted to start a constructive discussion about Recabinet impulses, I also wanted to hear others opinions of what I was hearing and see if there were varying opinions. I didn't bash anyone. If this discussion can help Shane improve his product, that would be great since his aim is to create the best possible impulses available, and why I spent the money for his product.

I also think it's a testament to GuitarHack that his free impulses sound so good even compared to impulses that cost money. Thanks GuitarHack!!!

I too have also been waiting for audio demos of ReCabinet impulses vs real miced cabs for comparisons sake for a long time. Weren't those demos promised right after the initial release of ReCabinet 1.0? Were they ever done?

Thanks for all your input guys!
^ :)

Don't worry about offending me. :) I have nothing invested in mine and no real interest if anyone likes them or not, in a nice way, with all due respect :). If they work for some people, that's great, if not, whatever... I created my Impulses as a very quick way for me to switch between different relative mic placements to hear the sound of different mic positions. Basically to learn/hear what position delivers what sound. I really only made a few Impulses of deliberate positions that had yielded me a half-decent mic'd cab tone that I thought others might get some benefit out of. They were New_IR, thisone, final and grind. Pretty much all the others were just a matter of placing the mic and recording the sweep. I didn't check to see if the position was useful for a decent tone. If someone found it useful, great. That explains the sheer number I created. Of course they were not all going to be useable.

One thing that I seem to be noticing more and more on here about impulses is that people are now complaining that real mic'd amps and cabs are fizzy compared to the smoother tone of sims and Impulses. There is a VERY GOOD reason for this. Real Amps and Cabs are fizzy! They have much more harmonic content, etc, than a static sounding sim/impulse. Whilst the sim/impulse can sound smoother and initially more pleasing, they never seem to sound as full and dynamic sounding as throwing a mic at the real thing. They can sound rather single-dimensional and sterile/lifeless. I understand the convenience factor though.

absofuckinlutely :)
BTW, Shane, I am still waiting for that Impulse versus Mic'd comparison of yesteryear? :p

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten, there wasn't time to do a series of proper clips once I got into the two different studios to build 1.0 and 2.0. The development process was very time consuming and the main focus was on getting each IR perfect. I'm building a studio this year, so that I can take more of the Recabinet operation in-house and devote more time to cool stuff like this.

For many people, and for many applications, I feel that IRs in their present form will replace miked cabinets. For others, nothing will ever replace a miked cabinet. For most, IRs are a great and convenient way to get a good guitar sound direct, and they are being used on demos and albums already.

What has happened with the advent of IRs is that the difference between direct tone and miked cabinet tone has gotten much, much smaller. Of course there is room for improvement, but what we're now debating about is a very small threshold of difference, where each new development is only going to make marginal improvements, which will seem big to some and small to most.

To put it another way: Steven Slate isn't trying to fire your drummer, and I'm not trying to get you to sell your cabinets and mics on eBay. :loco: