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It's just segments out of the artwork with the lyrics printed and a bandpic on the back of the booklet.Anyone mind posting a pic of the digibooks interior?
It's just segments out of the artwork with the lyrics printed and a bandpic on the back of the booklet.Anyone mind posting a pic of the digibooks interior?
Got mine!!! That was fast! Dusty, the closeups inside the booklet look great!!!! Awesome detail
Hey, thanks man! Good to know it all printed up nice
Yeah, unfortunately I find that the figures on the sleeve look less crazed/famished that when you see their faces up close. I'm just really happy to see how much effort you put into the painting.
Haha, funny how gruesome stuff like this actually makes me smileThey wanted:
Miserable dying humans (dressed in rags etc.) in a dry desert-like location. Faces should be twisted expressing extreme despair and fear. It was also important to have a strong biblical vibe and they had some reference they sent me of the style they were looking for. The shadow was also part of the concept and was intentional. That was what I had to work with....and went from there.
Stuff that I elaborated on was to make them starving to add to their agonized states. I thought of how disturbing it is to look at holocaust victims and the like and I wanted to recreate that discomfort of looking at those types of atrocities. I also added the bloody eyes just because I thought it looked brutal, haha.
PS, actually that guy (on the left) reminds me a bit of the Live After Death cover, coincidence? Is Derek Riggs an influence?