Recent CD buys

Meliah Rage "Kill To Survive" [2012]


and "Solitary Solitude" [2012]


Does anyone know if these 2012 reissues have been remastered? I can't find any info on them anywhere. The only thing I know is they're digi releases.
After somewhere near a year and a half, I finally got the new City Of Fire CD. I had donated to their PledgeMusic campaign and chose an autographed CD. There were behind the scenes issues getting this release out and so I wasn't surprised to find I didn't get an autographed copy. Instead they sent the new album, their first album (first press self-released version, which I already had) and a necklace. Can't complain too much and a (former?) member of the band (who shall remain nameless) has made it onto my "people that suck" list :P This will probably be their final release too:

Meliah Rage "Kill To Survive" [2012]


and "Solitary Solitude" [2012]


Does anyone know if these 2012 reissues have been remastered? I can't find any info on them anywhere. The only thing I know is they're digi releases.

Don't know much, let me know if they are remastered. who put them out? what label? there was speculation they were legit.
Don't know much, let me know if they are remastered. who put them out? what label? there was speculation they were legit.

Southworld Records is the label. I had my reservations, but hearing they were digi releases, I figured they were probably legit. I've heard bootleggers shy away from fancy packaging. I'll give a full description when I get them in.

You can look at the cover art [ame=""]HERE[/ame]
Southworld is a weird label but they seem legit. There's no website or anything but they've done good reissues of Bad English, Exodus, MSG, Mortal Sin etc.

Yeah most labels like that, without websites, are like what Universal wanted me to do LONG AGO when I approached them about the Stone Fury records. They were in control of everything and I would pay for it and just slap my logo on it. Needless to say things have changed a bit since then. But I am pretty sure I was going after those REALLY early on with my label (pre-Divebomb even).

So somebody runs Southworld, but just bankrolling it.

I am REALLY curious to see if they are remastered. Kill To Survive is one of my faves of that era. Remember seeing them open for Metal Church not knowing who they were and being blown away.
I only managed through it twice. I think it's rather boring to be honest. Not as bad as the last one though. I love how Volbeat have their sound nailed down but after 7 years of manic listening I was hoping for some nuances at last. But more power to them anyway for not straying from their path!