Recent Purchases




Got my Bodom ticket the other day, show is Friday. Me 'n' Mystique will be rocking the fuck out :kickass:
Going to be buying a Bloodstock ticket v.soon. I have bought The God that Never Was, and Like an Ever Flowing Stream by Dismember, Of Death by Byfrost, and Slaves Of The Word by Old Man's Child.
does anybody else listen to Diskreet, might be a stupid question but a lot of there videos only have like 600 views and there last album is golden

I bought a scarf, it's gonna be 26degrees Celsius tomorrow. 3 euro FTW :)

and a kaki-green leopard-skirt, i have a serious leopard addiction, might wanna get some help for that :/
It's a guitar, if you care about people calling you a fanboy you are retarded.


Though it works both ways. If you buy a guitar just because your idol has one, you're retarded, and if you don't buy a guitar you'd want, because you're afraid of being called a fanboy, you're retarded. I don't think RR24 is universally regarded as a fanboi-guitar though, only if you look like miniature-Alexi anyway.

Also, what I've bought recently:

Not the exact same model, but leather pants anyway.



Couldn't find good pictures, but also spandex pants, sunglasses and Hammer Open Air-tickets.