<crimson> said:
so i bought 2 cds on ebay, from this guy in Russia. he sent them out on March 7th. It is now April 25th, and i just recieved them a minute ago.
note to self: NEVER order from Russia again..and probably nothing out of the US again.
btw the cds:
Diabolical Masquerade - Nightwork
Absu - Tara
Are they Russian editions? If so, then avoid them at all cost! You might get crappy quality + band doesn't get a penny from it.
Russian CD companys have so called agreenments with labels and they probably pay something but not for the artist, just "rights" to reproduce this label's CDs, no matter who artist is.
Even if one particular CD sells a million in Russia then band won't even know it...
This payments are probably minimal, becouse if record comapny won't agree, then Russians still release it and get all the money.
Russian versions aint'r rare on anything special like Japanise or smth...
the biggest firm is
they reproduce and sell allmost all... and all the money goes to their own pockets...
So, if you like to pay Russian maffia then go ahead!
PS I can easely go to CD store and buy this crap (because they still sell them in Estonia also), but I won't, I just download or buy original if I really like the thing...