Recipe Thread


New Metal Member
Apr 25, 2011
Boise, Idaho
Fried Chicken

Chicken with the skin on, dip in egg wash (eggs and buttermilk beat together), bread and deep fry. Breading is corn flour, ground corn flakes, paprika, salt, and ground black pepper.

Grandma loved paprika. Buttermilk is the secret ingredient in the mashed potato. Real honest to God peeled, boiled and mashed potato. They're extra creamy from a hand mixer, butter, and buttermilk. Boiled giblets start the best gravy. An extra teaspoon of real vanilla extract and some rum flavoring is the secret to extra tasty cookies. Nutmeg was the secret ingredient at Christmas time. Genuine lard cookies with almond extract at Christmas. Nutmeg is also the secret pancake ingredient. An ice bath after boiling the eggs is how we dye them sooner at Easter. Plenty of pepper in the green bean casserole at Thanksgiving. Don't forget the fried onion topping. Bacon in the beans and the greens. The only secret to good asparagus and brocolli is not to overcook- just cook until the green brightens. The salad always had romaine lettuce. Mustard in the potato salad. Celery seed in the tuna. Worchestershire sauce in the sheperd's pie and on the chex mix (mix, sauce, bake until dry again, cool before serving).

Is there something I've missed that you really loved from Grandma?
Is this girl retarded?

And by girl I mean "guy in real life"

Why do people like you even have access to the internet?

>Implying that all girls aren't retarded
>Implying that girls should stay in the kitchen as opposed to being anywhere near electronics
>Implying that there are men willing to post the recipe to grandmas fried chicken
>Implying that these men have free time in between putting their Worchestershire sauce in their grandma's sheperd's pie

Why do people like you even have access to the internet?

The responses to a recipe thread on a metal forum are so amusing one cannot avoid creating such a widely hated thread.

There's a fucking ice cream thread.

It's also useful for figuring out who has tits and who has balls. The above commentators all have balls.
>Implying that girls should stay in the kitchen as opposed to being anywhere near electronics
>Implying that there are men willing to post the recipe to grandmas fried chicken

1) Most women I've known were horrible cooks.
2) I'd love to, if I had one.

But yeah, there is a thread for food stuff like this. It belongs to me >8(
You should read the pms she sends me every day this is nothing compared to that. And if you've seen pics of him, you cant even look at his posts without feeling sick
You should read the pms she sends me every day this is nothing compared to that. And if you've seen pics of him, you cant even look at his posts without feeling sick

yeah, I pm snowy all sorts of crazy ass shit. He hasn't replied since the first ten messages, but I keep sending 'em. Sent at least 40 by now.
She also never really posted a recipe, probably because many Americans don't know shit all about food.

Real honest to God peeled, boiled and mashed potato..

"Real honest potato" is actually what some yanks think is impressive, because they can't even figure out potatoes without a package and instructions :p
you're right that it's not a real recipe- just a bunch of tips. nowhere does it say what temperature or for how long.

you really should invest in paprika, nutmeg, and celery seed. mostly nutmeg. you really want to serve me food containing nutmeg.
what the fuck is buttermilk btw?

Basically soured skim milk. Its really rich and thick, has a sour-cream taste to it, but has nothing to do with butter and is very low in fat.

Used mainly in baking and cooking, Eastern Europeans fucking love to chug that shit down. :p and you know this!
omg there was one time this girl with black pigtails came over to the house, got into the fridge, and then ran off. my mom made mashed potatoes that night (with buttermilk obvy) and the entire family started tripping! My step-father got so pissed he thought it was me that did it, and he locked me in a stall the barn. Eventually, he went to bed and my mom came and let me out.

The next day I was ordered by my mother to take the mashed potatoes to school and "dispose" of them. My homeroom teacher REALLY wanted some so I let him have some after I tried to warn him. but really what are you going to say to your teacher like 'these potatoes make you trip I'm going to need some cash before you can eat them?'

anyways, I personally disposed of the remaining potatoes in the usual manner.
I'm not a bro. It did happen. People used to slip me PCP all the time.

The girl that did it that time died of a heroin overdose the same year. I assure you this is all very much true.