Recipe Thread

Man am i the only one who totally dislikes her writing style???:lol:

I cannot finish his posts, so I don't bother to. I wait untill you people pick it apart in quotes.

Also that nutmeg thing ive been hearing for a long time. This greasy loser I knew in highschool was alsways looking for ways to get high as cheap as possible. He thought he was the shit cause he could make a bong out of a pepsi bottle, so he always did, and actually called himself "pepsi boy" cause of never stuck with anyone except himself... he always made the bowls out of plastic and they would slightly melt when he smoked them, he was fuuuuucked.


He said he smoked nutmeg, and the reason he didn't get high was because he drank Chocolate Milk, which negates the effects of nutmeg hallucinations (which is good to know, I guess).


You'd have to eat enough fresh ground nutmeg to fuck your bowles up hardcore, or smoke enough to permanently fuck up your throat. Its true you can hallucinate with nutmeg, but the negative effects are so terrible it usually stops people from even trying it.
Man am i the only one who totally dislikes her writing style???:lol:

You only dislike her writing style????

This greasy loser I knew in highschool was alsways looking for ways to get high as cheap as possible. He thought he was the shit cause he could make a bong out of a pepsi bottle, so he always did, and actually called himself "pepsi boy" cause of never stuck with anyone except himself...

I guess there's one of those in every school. I also knew a loser who thought he was king shit druggo. He told us everyone called him Marijuana Joe - nobody did, :lol: his name was not Joe either.

He was a pathological liar and had some great bullshit stories, which he totally believed himself.

When I was a freshman i befriended a stoner named Frankie, who was a junior, in my cooking class no less. He joined the class the end of October actually, so the first day he's in our class it's halloween and he whips out a zip, dangles an oz. in front of him and tells our teacher he's a drug dealer for halloween. He was notorious for selling shrooms and coke, so it made it that much more hysterical. He ended up dropping a fat zip a few days later and left it behind, so i did the noble thing and gave it back to him. Since that day I contribute every drug related mishap and failure on his supply and overwhelming connections.
You only dislike her writing style????
for a sec I thought I forgot everything I learnt about this language :D

WOOHOHOO the first one that made sense, since the thing is a bit butthurt

''WTF is so funny about a baby christmas picture? nobody laughed at it you tool''

He told us everyone called him Marijuana Joe - nobody did, :lol: his name was not Joe either.
for a sec I thought I forgot everything I learnt about this language :D

WOOHOHOO the first one that made sense, since the thing is a bit butthurt

''WTF is so funny about a baby christmas picture? nobody laughed at it you tool''

You are totally my favourite foreign kid!

lol, I do have multiple personalities and they each inhabit a separate body! How did you know?

oh yah, and it did work. I just lied and told you it did not. nice sheets.

speaking of: can you guess what I hid in a locker in the UNT college of music? golly, I can't remember if I paid for five years or ten years... what year did I did I do that? 2006? or was it 7? gosh, I wonder if that locker is even still paid for- it could very well have been 2005!
no wait, it was 2006. and it was for five years, and this school year is coming to a close. but the guys in the locker office said they don't throw out people's stuff too fast so you can just return the key...
I know I said the locker was in the Annex, but there aren't any lockers big enough in the Annex! You guys are so gullible!

ok ok, for real Alexi's REAL amp has been sitting in a locker on the second floor of the main music building other side of the atrium from the main entrance. the locker is across the hall from the rehearsal room. fucking hurt my back lifting it the one foot or so to get the damn thing in the locker. ouch.