recomend me strings for drop-b

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
Hey guys I need a pointer for the roght strings.

Me and the other guitarplayer dont have barritones, onlye standard 6-string axes.

I use currently the d´addario drop-c strings but I have the feeling they are too thin.
Music is very breakdown orientated (bury your dead style) so I want the strings very thick.

im using this on my Esp m-II

Hah so yesterday.....
I almost bought the DR Drop-Tuning megaheavy strings at .65 low e. Guitarcenter didnt have them tho so they gave me GHS Boomers, the thickest ones at a .70 low e. It sounds amazingly heavy but be warned if your used to strings less thick
1.The .70 was a bitch to put on, it would barely fit the tuner and i couldnt fit much in! and makes me wanna keep it B# at absolute max!

2. As opposed to my ernie ball slinky regulars, the tone is WAY bassier. Like I had to redo my eq and amp settings it was that bad.

I currently am successfuly tuned to drop A tho, and it kicks the crap out of drop D. Way more powerful, and makes singing a breeze for my range.
we use pyramid custom strings for our 8 strings, .86 for the lowest note (e), the great thing is pyramid makes those strings thinner at the bridge, so they fit the damn thing.
they are really cool people to deal with.
thanx for the tip danny.
I bet those pyramid strings cost a lot.

I ordered some small things at thomann, I realy needed. I hate how small things make the bill big:)
Lemon - Oil

damn 40€
had this convo with greg a while back about string sizes when I accidentally put acoustic strings to my guitar:

lolzgreg: why would you ever use 53 in dropped d anyone
lolzgreg: that shit would sound TERRRRIBLE
ahjteam: well, I normally use like 48 or 50 on drop d
lolzgreg: thats probably one of the reason why your tone is suffering
lolzgreg: its too much, period
lolzgreg: a 10-46 set sounds optimal in dropped D
lolzgreg: 11-50ish in dropped C#
lolzgreg: 12-52 in dropped C
lolzgreg: and 13s in b standard
You can use any point 0.13 + strings and our tone wont suffer because of the strings.
I personally think Ernie Ball strings are the best.