
Green Tea

New Metal Member
Jun 19, 2004
I'd like to get another Opeth album. I got one, Damnation...and when I got it I was thought for sure this band was a metal band! But then I heard later they made a soft album and I actully like it now where before I didn't. So I guess I need to get one of thier heavier albums which is what I wanted in the first place. Which one should I get?
Yes, you do. I would suggest Blackwater Park to start with, and make your way backwards.

This has become a frequently occuring event. Damnation has turned into a gateway Opeth album.
Deliverance is heavier than Blackwater Park, if that's what you're looking for, but it's not as good. I don't know you or your tastes, so I'm going to take a wild guess and say you'd like Blackwater Park a bit more.
Blackwater Park.

I actually had this album for a full year before I even listened to it for the first time. And it got me into Opeth.
I don't agree with doing that, especially if they are spread across such a span as Opeth. A few years span is ok, but one might not like the oldest stuff if all they have heard is the newest, as there is a definate change in style after about 10 years. And so, people should work backwards.