recommend me 8 channel micpres


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
I'm going to get a RME Digiface and now I'm looking for 2x 8 channel micpres.
Which one should I get?

Focusrite Octopre (Dynamic), Focusrite ISA 828 (could only afford one of these), RME Octamic II, Audient ASP 008...

I'm really GASing for an API 3241 but I just don't think I'm there... yet.
+1 for the ISA (but heyy you know that already, i suggested it :p)
Perhaps you could get one ISA 428, one ASP008 and one octopre?

That gives you 4 brilliant channels, 8 great ones and another 8 perfectly acceptable ones
+1 for the ISA (but heyy you know that already, i suggested it :p)
Perhaps you could get one ISA 428, one ASP008 and one octopre?

That gives you 4 brilliant channels, 8 great ones and another 8 perfectly acceptable ones

sounds good but if I want 4 brilliant channels I would save up my money for the API 4 channel mic pre. Right now I don't need more than 16 channels that are pretty good because I don't want to buy something that I'm going to sell in two years to get better gear.
Its good. Dont get me wrong
But when ive got an API a TG2 a UA610 2 shadow hills GAMAS 2 A design p1's and in the studio im at the mo a massive DDA desk, it rarely gets picked sonically.
It's Vanilla flavoured, but really mildly vanilla flavoured.
Oh and it keeps breaking.
Get the audient or save for an API
Crane Song spider :D .. Octopre Le is good for the money

I hear that they are good for the money but I'm preparing for the future. I don't think I will be happy with 16 Octopre preamps for long.

I really like the feature to set the impedance with the ISA 828 for every channel.

I haven't seen anything about the RME Octamic II around here. Is it good?
The octopre LE will get you far. Look after Focusrite red preamp, they can go really cheap these days, SSL VHD is pretty good.

If i where you i would buy midrange preamps, and start building up my mic collection. The sound quality of a Octopre LE vs Crane Song Spider isnt as big as a cheap condenser vs a expensive
What really bothers me are the two front xlr ins. what about the octopre mkII dynamic? It has compressors on which I wouldn't use too much but it has all the connections on the back.

Still GASing for the API 3124... :) Problem is: I could afford it. I just don't know if it's REALLY needed. Would be a good start though. 4 channels + some 8 channel micpre + 2 channel from the FMR RNP. makes 14 channels which is a good thing. 2 Snare channels, 4 tom channels, 2 OH channels, 1 Kickchannel (get's 100% replaced in all of my mixes!), 1 ride, 1 china, 1 hi-hat (to turn that fucker up for the drummer...), 2 rooms. Wow.

If I WOULD get the API I would also need a really good ad/da converter. Fuck man... that would be a lot of money. Does anybody know what you gotta pay for a used API 3124 these days? Never seen one on german ebay though...

Budget really doesn't matter atm. So... give me some hints on 8 channel micpres that aren't mediocore.
If I WOULD get the API I would also need a really good ad/da converter. Fuck man... that would be a lot of money. Does anybody know what you gotta pay for a used API 3124 these days? Never seen one on german ebay though...

Budget really doesn't matter atm. So... give me some hints on 8 channel micpres that aren't mediocore.
There is one that have 8channels of the best preamps and 10channels of the best a/d + a world class master clock.... Crane Song Spider 6500euro :D

Buy it you wont regret it

yeah. right. That's fucking insane. I was thinking to spend something around 1,500€... maybe a bit more. I really don't trust the octopre.

some people were talking about Audient... Gabriel, what can you tell me about those?