recommend me a good studio vocal mic?

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
I'm looking at getting a decent vocal mic for recording with. Needs to be capable of being used for singing and screaming, which I guess is the norm these days.

I've heard SM7bs being mentioned quite a lot...

Anyone got some strong recommendations?

Actually I use a Superlux. It's a tube mic based on Neumann. It does the job very well. Used in every Tue Madsen's album (Mnemic, The Haunted, etc...) and pretty cheap.
The SM7B is indeed a great mic. It not only sounds good, but screamers can hold it in their hand while they track, which in my opinion helps get better performances than putting a mic up on a stand.

On top of that, the SM7B sounds good on almost any instrument, which makes it a no-brainer for $350.
I got me a Rode NT1000 some months ago, used it on male vocals, screams, grunts, soprano vocals, acoustic guitar and it all sounds great! I used an AKG C2000 before, but the NT1000 is much brighter and has less noise.
you can get great recordings from a straight up sm58 - obviously its voice pending so if you have money invest in a few different vocal mics and trial all of them with your different vocalists. i heard before dave from the foo fighters spend weeks trailing and testing microphones in studio and in the end they ended up using a 58 because it suited to his voice the best. dont hold me to that, i just heard it somewhere
Thanks for the responses guys.

Long time no post! What is your budget? C414 is always a good choise, as is SM7

Hey man - yeah I haven't posted that much of late! I'm still on here briefly most days, I just come from the "if you don't have anything useful to say, then don't say it" school of thought!

I don't really have a budget, but don't want to spend more than the cost of an SM7.
if you opt not get an SM&, or don't have a preamp with a lot of gain to drive it, the AT 4033/4040 are always winners as well

work great on most vox, along with many instrumental applications
SM7 is a killer mic if you've got a good preamp with enough clean gain to drive it.

This is a good point, the SM7 needs alot of gain from a quiet preamp, I'm hoping to pick one up soon but need to see if my pre's are up to the job, if not then I'll have to pick up a new preamp!

Any recommendations for a cheap pre that is good with the SM7.
Finish Winds of the Cataclysm and your budget will be much higher!:grin::grin::grin::grin:

hahaha just messing around!

I have the SM7B and I love it! Lacks some warmth though but that probably could be made up for with a nice preamp!
Try the Studio Project C4. btw "Lowberg" isn't your band the one that created a cover of "I'm on a boat"? lol