Recommend me some good TV shows/Movies/B-Movies!

"Seriously, Paul. I do wish this was a vacation. I really think you could use a break from all this scientist's work. It's almost as if you've been doing too much science!"

"Too much science, is that possible?! Seriously, Betty, you know what this meteor could mean to science. If we find it, and it's real, it could mean a lot. It could mean actual advances in the field of science!"

"Well, I know, I'm used to it I guess. You might say I'm a scientist's wife."

"There's a lot in what you say, Betty. In many ways, it's hard to be a scientist's wife, the wife of a scientist... and yet in other ways.. it's good, really good."

"I'm sorry Ranger Brad, I guess all this talk of horrible mutilations has me on edge."

"That's alright Dr. Armstrong, this horrible mutilation has a whole lot of people on a whole lot of edges."
"Yes, it is different this earth as it is called but then are we of the planet Marva as we call our planet not also strange and different to this planet and its people also?"

"You think the earth people think we are strange, you think? It is strange how the ways of different people on different planets differ."
"Yes, it is different this earth as it is called but then are we of the planet Marva as we call our planet not also strange and different to this planet and its people also?"

"You think the earth people think we are strange, you think? It is strange how the ways of different people on different planets differ."

"you must find the atmospheriummmmm"


"I don't understand, why does she need an amish terrarium?"

"Don't the amish live in open air, like us?"

"Of course, Betty, it's absurd, putting the amish in glass cases would be inhumane"
"I'm sorry Ranger Brad, I guess all this talk of horrible mutilations has me on edge."

"That's alright Dr. Armstrong, this horrible mutilation has a whole lot of people on a whole lot of edges."

"I've seen a bear do things, well... even things that even a bear wouldn't do."
"Not moving very fast now, are you my interplanetary friends?"

"So this is your idea of sharing."

"It's not like Marvan sharing at all. This must be Earth sharing."

"You'll find much of Earth sharing works this way. It's really more like I'm sharing with myself."

"If I could only reach you, we'd share... pain."
"It doesn't make any sense..'brains', 'head'!? First of all skulls don't smile, they're dead, and it's more of a grin really. Believe me, I know, as a scientist I've looked plenty of skulls in the socket in my time, not a pretty sight. [...] I'm sorry Betty, but until you explain to me what you mean by 'brains' and 'head', even you can't be trusted. [...] The only one I want in that pretty little head of yours is me!"
speaking of scrubs, if any one knows a link where it can be streamed online, i'd be most appreciative...