Recommend Metal

A friend of mine bought another bathory cd. I know he's going to put it on if we get drunk:yuk: and tell me how metal it is. What a retarded stoner alcoholic:lol:. I'll tell him it's great because I don't want to be a dickhead. I will bring better music over to listen too like into the grave.
The Greys said:
A friend of mine bought another bathory cd. I know he's going to put it on if we get drunk:yuk: and tell me how metal it is. What a retarded stoner alcoholic:lol:. I'll tell him it's great because I don't want to be a dickhead. I will bring better music over to listen too like into the grave.

Aren't you also a retarded stoner alcoholic?
IOfTheStorm said:
These are the minor differences. Also dont put Mercyful Fate and Venom in the same sentence, Mercyful Fate were/are full of melodies, Venom were/are not.

Venom had melodies, what the fuck are you talking about? There are plenty of parallels between the two bands.
Dodens Grav said:
Aren't you also a retarded stoner alcoholic?

1. average
2. occasional drinker.

Have not smoked pot in years. I would not be able to remember my riffs. I'm still a learning musician also.
Dodens Grav said:
Venom had melodies, what the fuck are you talking about? There are plenty of parallels between the two bands.
The only common thing is that they both play metal. On every other department the differences are HUGE. Even about the lyrics - Venom were just having fun, K.D. was dead serious.
Why compare KD to Venom. King Diamond is a progressive metal band.
We're talking about Mercyful Fate, not King Diamond, The Greys. King Diamond has always been Heavy Metal.
I have no problem categorizing Venom, MF, and CF as first wave black metal. They had musical and thematical relevance to the artists of the second wave that other regular thrash and heavy metal bands didn't have. Black metal bands acknowledge direct influence, so it's not unreasonable to set up these bands as part of the same lineage. Those early bands sound different, but look at the range of sounds within the second wave of BM.
MasterOLightning said:
You fucking fucktard. You aren't a total noob, but you still waste space by not using the stickied thread at the top. It's not even like you wanted something even remotely specific either. Just fucking die.
do you see how many posts I have? yes, I am a noob, and I didnt see the sticky at the top

rabble rabble rabble, why does everyone make such a huge fucking deal if I accidentally posted a thread that happened to be at the top...
Namelezz Projekt - Demo 1

Demo, Gungnir

1. first fuck off
2. second fuck off
3. third fuck off
4. fourth fuck off