Recommend music to your fellow boarders.

Graah, since I noticed most of you are just recommending random bands, I guess I'll be of some use. I'll stick to shit that fans of Nevermore will enjoy (Which 2 of these I would have thought to be obvious recomendations, and by far should of been done already) :

Firstly, Prog/Speed/Power/Thrash Metal madhouse Manticora!

A lot like nevermore in the aspect of taking influences from several genres and combining them into a cornucopia of most excellent sound.

Next we have, the Progressive (Viking) metal band Týr.

Not much to say here. Viking Mythology influenced prog metal. Yeah, just listen. :P

I suggest skipping the album How Far To Asgaard, personally. Though I'm sure you can find samples and decide for yourselves.

Lastly, we have the Adramelch.

Progressive metal with an EXCELLENT vocalist. Listen to some samples, see if you enjoy it. I think you should, if not... I will call you gay.
If people picked up the 2006 version of Torture's Storm Alert, check out the original version too.

Rimfrost- pretty good BM with a lot of Immortal worship.

Zeelion- Neo-classical metal. Total worship of the first two Yngwie albums

Time Requiem- Neo-classical prog. The keyboards are used excessively though, but not in a goth way.

Spheric Universe Experience- Prog. Really great stuff and rather heavy.

Nagelfar- Really underrated, folk influenced black metal from Germany (I don't think they're around anymore though). Many people overlooked them in favor of Naglfar, who are also excellent. Virus West is actually better than anything from Naglfar in my opinion.
I'm sure almost everyone here has heard of Believer, but not that many people gave them the attention they deserved because they were a Christian band.
But truth is, these guys played some of the best tech/thrash around.
You can hear a lot of their influence on the whole Gothenburg scene.

Plus, their Dies Irae is the best metal version out there
The best part is that I got into Atheist and Believer at the same time. Both impressive technical thrash bands, and their very names so contradictory as to be fun...
I like Watchtower and Atheist pretty much the same.

The contradiction of Believer and Atheist's names is hilarious indeed.

I listened to all three bands today. I'm going to listen to some Voivod now.