

satan said i get a cookie
Jan 10, 2006
hey i just listened to the song "inferno" by symphony x and was wondering if you guys could reccomend some other good songs?!?!?!?
Every song on "The Oddyssey" is my faveourite, Inferno is track1 on that album so get the rest!
other faveourite songs from other albums are:
The Edge Of Forever
The Damnation Game
On The Breath of Poseidon
I see you're a Metallica fan. The first album is alot more raw than the other albums. Raging Seasons and Absinthe and Rue are songs you may like.
turke said:
Hi buddy, is that your web site. I wanna say Madsword was a great band. It is lame that they are no more.

It's not my site, but it's one I use to recommend anyone who wants to learn about prog/power metal.

Honestly, you guys are recommending the most progressive album to a Metallica fan who enjoyed one of Symphony X's heaviest songs. Why mislead him, espescially since most people here agree that V has to grow on you?
MTLHEAD_789 said:
hey i just listened to the song "inferno" by symphony x and was wondering if you guys could reccomend some other good songs?!?!?!?
Every song made by Symphony X ever made, EVER. Ever. That's it. Oh, and try Frontiers. That'll be probably the easiest to find!

- The Somewhat Fat Guitarist
DO NOT get thier first album yet. It doesn't have thier current singer in it.

Get Divine Wings of Tragedy for sure.

edit...I was a huge Metallica fan (load/reload/black album only) when I discovered Symphony X and metal in general. Still a Metallica fan but really only RtL and MoP.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I love And Justice For All... I like their first 4 albums actually but can't stand the 5th. And Justice is my favorite of all of them, though.

- the Somewhat Fat Guitarist

Wow, for whatever reason I was just thinking about this today...what is my favorite tallica album? and I chose Justice. There is just something about it that really stands out from the rest of their stuff.

Anyway, I second the motion to avoid the S/T...I think the band would too. :D
Justice would be my favorite, but the production is bad and you can barely hear the bass. But why are we turning this "your favorite tallica album" lol