recommendation: ashes against the fuckin grain

im thinking of even buying the jewel case version, so i never play the wooden box cd. also, I dont want to carry a wooden box into my car when i get the hankering to listen to the cd.
I would have gotten the $32 deal, but by the time I had the money, it was already sold out. The regular box version doesn't interest me much, since I mainly wanted the shirt, so I'll just wait for the regular version.
J. said:
im thinking of even buying the jewel case version, so i never play the wooden box cd. also, I dont want to carry a wooden box into my car when i get the hankering to listen to the cd.

...and then sell it to me!

I am genuinely upset about missing out on this.
heh, wierd that I just happened to have the urge to buy some new music. I woulda so missed out on this. And yet, I couldn't care less about some wooden box special edition, i just want the album. Doom, I'll sell you mine for $100
Haha how generous of you. No, I'm not quite desperate enough to pay that much, just yet at least.
that's what you get for not selling me one of your wooden box empyrium demos as you promised :mad:

lol no but seriously i can't help you sorry
J. said:
hell no, i got a promo copy from my friend who interviewed them :heh:

dorian gray said:
heh, wierd that I just happened to have the urge to buy some new music. I woulda so missed out on this. And yet, I couldn't care less about some wooden box special edition, i just want the album. Doom, I'll sell you mine for $100
hahaha, dorian you're a douchebag :lol:
From The End Records Forum said:
There is another small batch on the way ...... should be up today

And they just went up. Got mine, awesome.

No t-shirt, but nevermind.

I just found a guy with an XL shirt, I'm buying that, so maybe I'll get the $22 thing afterall if there's any left.
Update: bought the $22 + the Rotting Christ 2 CD + shirt thing for $45 something

Ellestin said:
I'm not too crazy about the album's artwork honestly. If my XL don't espouse my slender body curves in a gay way, I shall give you a heads up.

Thanks :kickass: