Recoms: If you like Nevermore, you just might like ... cause ...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

DT has got to be THE most overrated band of all time...but they're PERFECT for Italians. Their Italian fanclub is the largest in the now you know why Italian musicians can shred like Petrucci but can't write a single hook or riff.

I always thought Italians were the pioneers of modern musicianship and ability until I realized they just copy everyone else because of their inability to write a decent original song. Novembre aside, there's really not that much here. Sad, really, to see all that talent go to waste.
I would hardly call 'Images & Words' "copying eveyone else".


Not saying DT copied everyone else, but Italians do.

However, now that we're on the subject, DT got everything they know from Rush. Images and Words is a decent album, but it's not exactly the most original thing in the world. Prog is like politics; it's a big circle...if you go too far in one direction you'll just end up on the opposing side if you travel far enough.

It also puts me to sleep.
Hey, what's all this DT-bashing about ? There's a definite pattern here :u-huh:


It's all part o the complex structure of this board.
We keep talk of IE and DT to a minimum so in case we really want to start a flame-war there's plenty of kindle.

It's because Dream Theater totally fucking suck.

No yuo.