Well if you want to share your knowledge im right here
I'm getting my friend in so i can 'test' my new equipment on drums (I finally equipped myself with a decent interface and a couple of mics)
So my room is basically the average nightmare , a square with an 8 foot ceiling. There isn't much flutter at all though and it sounds pretty dry. However I'm struggling how to find out if my room is 'good' or not, is there anything in particular I should be looking out for?
edit: forgot to say, I dont write epicly composed masterpieces with a 16 piece kit with a gazillion effects, Im usually in the domain of prog/punk music and usually quite raw, just thought i'd say that so that people know what I'm aiming for

fuck it I'll say the stuff i have for micing and how im gonna use them
Audix d6 (kick)
Rode NT5s (ohs)
sm57 (snaretop)
audix i5 (snare bottom)
Im hoping the toms will shine through enough in the overheads :zombie:
eventually I'll be getting tom mics but money is slim being a student