Recording guitar through snake


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I currently have a 100ft cable snake running to a room in my detached garage with 24 XLR inputs and 4 1/4" to XLR Sends. I track drums and guitars through the snake.

I am wondering if there is a way to have the guitarist play from the control room sending a signal through the snake to the amp in the detached garage room.

I am guessing that I cant send the amp speaker cable output through the send so the head has to be in the remote room with the cab and not in the control room.

So I am thinking that my only option would be to have the guitar signal sent there.

Would the guitar signal come out correctly running through a Send?

I imagine I might need a direct box. Then a male XLR to 1/4" cable to plug into the amp.

Any recommendations?

That much cable is going to kill the guitar tone... I wouldn't even use a speaker cable that long, but that seems like the best way for you to do it.

Go buy a bigass extension cord (yeah, giant orange one), cut off the ends, and solder 1/4" plugs to it.
Guitar -> active Di box -> balanced cable -> reamp box -> instrument cable -> amp
seems to be the best option in my opinion.
Would it be a good idea to make a cable with 1/4" mono to xlr (speaker out to xlr on the wall), and in the live room I use a same cable (with the other xlr connector) to the cab?
As far as I have been educated by a Live Sound and Recording Studio Techniques instructor, you can use a direct box on an intrument and go long distance on the snakes with no loss.

But in this case it would be reversed and feeding to an amp.

So it seems to me like that changes things a bit because I have gone from guitar level to mic level and would need to go back to guitar level with a reamp box like another person suggested.

I think I am pretty well screwed in regards to recording guitar within the control room.

Looks like I will have to wait until I finish building my studio and have the rooms next to eachother.

Appreciate everyones input. :kickass:

Lots of good ideas here.

But what about this?

There's a 100 Foot 12 Guage Speaker 1/4" cable.

I could get that for $79 plus a Radial X Amp for $179 on the 3 Easy Payment Plan. :rock:

Then I can finally Reamp and keep the heads in the control room.

According to this site, I would get around a 6.4% signal loss connected to my 8ohm cab with a 12guage 100foot cable.

I guess that doesnt sound too bad does it?

speakercables don'r cause the same trouble as instrument cables.
with instr.cables the problem is capacity, the longer the cable the higher the capacity (the conductors act like the 2 plates of a cap).
the higher the capacity the bigger the loss on high freqs.

that is not an issue with speakercables (or better with the higher voltage (compared to guitarsignal) -signal of your amp's out).
so the main problem with speakercables can be resistance...
you should be fine with using a high quality low R speakercable!

plus: you wouln't have to run to your garage all the time to turn a knob on the amp.