Recording of the Paris Antimatter gig ?


Feb 13, 2002
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Was unable to go to the gig... What a shame for me...
Just love antimatter and i was not able to go there...

So does anybody recorded this gig ? Will be very happy to hear how this band sound in concert...


Please PM me or leave a message here,

Thx for your answer,

I know that the gigs of Ghent and Lille were recorded (saw that happen with my own eyes). And since Giorgos was in Paris too, he'll probably have recorded that one too.

Then again, Giorgos certainly isn't the fastest one in putting the stuff to cd. I'm still waiting for the cd from the acoustic bit on Graspop.
Originally posted by Heiko

Then again, Giorgos certainly isn't the fastest one in putting the stuff to cd. I'm still waiting for the cd from the acoustic bit on Graspop.

You're kiddin' :lol:
Indeed that's why I kept my MD in my bag...
And btw about bootlegs, I'm maybe gonna find the time to make the heavy work to try to get a bootleg of Anathema (Paris 08.12.2001!) I still have to mix it (and that won't be easy!!)

Originally posted by pince
I hope you can make a miracle Burn :erk:

I can't promise anything.. But this gig gave me the courage to attack that big task!
I just have to
capture the MD on my PC
mix it from stereo to mono erasing the left channel to get a 'ffffff' away
and then I think I'll cut off the high frequencies and it should become listenable...

It won't be a great bootleg more a souvenirs for those who were there!!

Originally posted by Burnn
I can't promise anything.. But this gig gave me the courage to attack that big task!
I just have to
capture the MD on my PC
mix it from stereo to mono erasing the left channel to get a 'ffffff' away
and then I think I'll cut off the high frequencies and it should become listenable...

It won't be a great bootleg more a souvenirs for those who were there!!



nevermind the sound mate! I WANT TO HEAR THATTTTTTTTTTT :)
Maybe Mariner and Giorgos, they recorded the Gent gig too, but Giogos his record got fucked up though, some problems with his MD.
But what's more important: Giorgos also recorded it on VIDEOTAPE! :D
Only bad thing is that I hear from some people that he is kinda......sloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww......:s
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Maybe Mariner and Giorgos, they recorded the Gent gig too, but Giogos his record got fucked up though, some problems with his MD.
But what's more important: Giorgos also recorded it on VIDEOTAPE! :D
Only bad thing is that I hear from some people that he is kinda......sloooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww......:s
Giorgos recorded it on MD indeed.
The one recording it on videotape was actually Dwra.
Hopefully she's much faster than our ssssssllllooooooowwwwwww(take 5 min coffee break)wwwww Giorgos indeed.

And the fact that Giorgos or Dwra or Sophia haven't posted yet is probably because they didn't get back home yet. Paris - Athens is quite a travel. And Sophia is going to London first anyway.
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
Oh! So there may be some hope of getting the video a bit quicker! :D
Is Dwra a user of the forum anyway?

yes she is, but she don't post very often... just now and then, sure she reads everything!
But don't fuck things up with her she'll get you anyway!!! and then you're for the dick!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
the gigs have been fantastic and maybe the best i have ever done. i have never played so many truly great songs in one night. thanks to everyone who came. peace to the true friends amongst know who you are! ;)