Redeeming Songs


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
What Opeth songs have you totally disliked...but that somehow redeem themselves at some point and you start to love them?

Wreath absolutely did it for me. A couple weeks ago it had to be my least favorite song of Opeth's past 3-4 albums. But one day I just put in Deliverance and decided to listen to the album all the way through..Let's just say after listening to Wreath 5 times I decided not to :)

I guess it's that Wreath doesn't really flow together all that well and I didn't like to because of that. I still don't care for the first 45 seconds of the song(which means a lot the first few times you listen to the song) Once I listened to the latter parts of the song more I grew to love it.

I agree with both of you. When I first had deliverance I detested wreath. I considered deliverance a 5 song album. Then one day i let wreath play and it kicked my ass.

Demon of the Fall I always thought was overrated. But then after dozens of listens it too kicked my ass.
"The Amen Corner" definitely grew on me a lot... I hated it at first, but I think it's just because my heart kept skipping a beat whenever the earblasting intro came out of nowhere after an unexpectedly short "Madrigal". But I think it's great now... and the outro really gets me.

"Dirge for November" is another one I wrote off too fast... but Mikael's singing is so offkey in the beginning, I think that's why.
In Mist She Was Standing. Never really liked it. Now it's my third, maybe second favorite song from Orchid.

Dirge For November. I used to not like the structure or the song. Now I just don't like the structure. That part at the end is really beautiful.

Wreath. Used to hate it, then I realized how atmospheric and ghostly it is. It's almost my favorite song of the album.
Moonlapse said:
Just about any song off MAYH or Still Life. You know what they say about truly great albums - you start out hating them.

I don't yet own MAYH but from the 3 times I listened I didn't really care for it. April Ethereal kicks ass though. I hope you're right about it!
Blackwater Park, the song. I didn't hate it at first, but I didn't like it much either. After seeing it live, though, I now play that song first whenever I put in BWP, the album.
koolboee cdmo87 said:
"The Amen Corner" definitely grew on me a lot... I hated it at first, but I think it's just because my heart kept skipping a beat whenever the earblasting intro came out of nowhere after an unexpectedly short "Madrigal". But I think it's great now... and the outro really gets me.

"Dirge for November" is another one I wrote off too fast... but Mikael's singing is so offkey in the beginning, I think that's why.

He's singing acappela, jackass. Off Key compared to what?
oh yeah...

none of the songs have had to redeem themselves to me...they're all good. Some better than others of course. But I don't mind any of them.
koolboee cdmo87 said:
"Dirge for November" is another one I wrote off too fast... but Mikael's singing is so offkey in the beginning, I think that's why.

It isn't off key, it's unrefined. And besides that, it's intentional. Mikael obviously wanted it to sound raw and unpolished to convey a sense of vulnerability, or frailty, or something, or else he would have done more takes until it was sparkly and perfect.
The Amen Corner defintely...part of the reason I didn't care for it before was because I barely knew the song
I guess Nectar would be another, I used to find that song quite boring compared to the rest of the record.
Now that I like those songs now, EVERY Opeth song to me is an owner.
actually the only one I really had a hard time getting into was... The Drapery Falls :err: . I Don't really know why, but if I was listening to BWP I would skip it. Of course now I love it.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
When I first had deliverance I detested wreath.

I've liked Wreath from the first time I heard it. It almost puts you in a trance. If I still smoked weed, I'm sure that song would fuck me up :loco: Back when we did the "least fav Opeth song" threads, and tons of people listed "Wreath" - I was shocked!

In mist she was standing and Forest of October still bore me, especially the latter one. But both songs have some amazing parts. Maybe they'll grown on me someday..


Sorted by albums:
Silent Water
Rose Immortal
Like..the whole of MAYH
Funeral Portrait

oh yeah.. Now I rank them all among my favorites..