IMO "Deliverance" is below Opeth's quality

Originally posted by Ectoplasma
up to now i saw that everybody enjoyed the new album...but i don't (except for "wreath" and "for absent friends" the other songs i can't stand)...i don't know why...for me something is missing there...maybe i need to listen to it more times...anyway, this is my first impression.


ECTO!! Porqué téngale abandonado nos!?!?
I think it's the best thing they've ever done. It's got everything in an album that I could ever ask for. I don't see anything wrong with it in any way, shape, or form. It's certainly different, but better. To me, it's an incorporation of everything good from all their albums in the past plus many new and awesome ideas. It's got the solos and melodies of the first two, the agression of MAYH and the atmosphere of the last two, all mixed with more brutality and beauty than they've ever done before. It's album of the year in my book.
Thanks to Opeth I have basically learned not to judge anything unless i really listen to it for some time. I mean I would love to say that I think that In Flames' "Rerout to remain" sucks, because i didnt like Clayman, but guess what, I havent event heard R2R so I wont judge it.

Also, there is not a 1 Opeth Album that you can grasp on the first try. Thats the beauty of their music. Secret meanings, different plots, and lots of texture. Its not pop music with a lead melody that gets repeated 4 times in a song for you to be able to like or dislike the song after the first 2 tries. <theend>

sfarog :)
Originally posted by Sfarog
Also, there is not a 1 Opeth Album that you can grasp on the first try. Thats the beauty of their music. Secret meanings, different plots, and lots of texture. Its not pop music with a lead melody that gets repeated 4 times in a song for you to be able to like or dislike the song after the first 2 tries. <theend>

sfarog :)

Yes. BWP was their most easy to get into (if you're going to like it at all), but I still didn't care about half the songs on there for quite a while.
Still Life is still my favorite Opeth cd, but I think Deliverance is alright. Maybe after awhile I'll grow to like it more, but for right now I might place it above Black Water Park.

1.Still Life
2.Morning Rise
3.My Arms your Hearse
6.Black Water Park

We all have different opinions.

Though for me all my Opeth cds are far better than anything else I have... or heard. (not including new bloodbath, or dan swanos' moontower =).
It's great. I can't stand blackwater park, i can't stand the album at all... but this... this is good... it's a progression for them, and a good one. Heavier, MORE GUITARWORK instead of that tired sixties prog style, it's almost proper deathmetal...
Originally posted by Trapped
It's great. I can't stand blackwater park, i can't stand the album at all... but this... this is good... it's a progression for them, and a good one. Heavier, MORE GUITARWORK instead of that tired sixties prog style, it's almost proper deathmetal...

Hey Trapped.:)

Yeah and typical death metal doesn't sound exhausted to you forumboy?:lol:
So many cynical bastards, so little time. If someone likes the album, he/she gets flamed. If someone dislikes the album, he/she gets flamed. To an outsider, it would seem that the only way to be safe on this board is to not like Opeth at all, but then said non-Opeth fan would be flamed.

That said, I like Deliverance. I think the shining star on this album is Martin Lopez. I realize that he was in Amon Amarth, but some of the drum work is downright stellar. We come to expect this musicianship from Mike, so when others step up and steal the limelight, it's almost refreshing. I love the guitar work, save for one aspect-- the solos. Now, some of the solos are of high quality and seem pertinent to the song [read: Deliverance, A Fair Judgment, and Master's Apprentices], but on Wreath, I feel as though the soloing seemed, well, forced. The final solo specifically is devoid of any sort of emotion. Just a minor qualm, and so far, it seems like I'm the only one to voice such an opinion. I think the experimentation on By the Pain I See in Others works wonderfully and works to create perhaps their most unique song to date. And, as it has been stated, the growls at around 7:45 in Master's Apprentices are the sickest things I've ever heard.

Highlights [for me]: Breakdown part in Wreath [1:47-2:44, 3:40-4:08], intro to By the Pain I See in Others + watery death vocals, Master's Apprentices [entire song], Deliverance [entire song], A Fair Judgment [entire song], clean guitar work in For Absent Friends

As always, this is just opinion.
I like the 8:00 solo in Wreath, I think it adds an interesting aspect to the song, it's just a completely sick shred megadeth-ish type run for a bit, it's kinda cool to see a solo like that. I think the changes in the new album are all good. I know lots of people here would like to see Opeth release another Morningrise, but awesome evolution like this is what keeps a band fresh, every CD is totally different, yet still the same.
I have downloaded two tracks (and I will not download any more - don´t wanna spoil all the fun at 4/11), Wreath and Master´s Apprentices. I think they are amazing! Especially Master´s Aprrentices. But what´s all the fuzz about the scary vocals in that track? Ok, there is some really dark growls after the acoustic part, but scary? Well, whatever. Amazing track! Love the Morbid Angel stuff in the beginning and even more the acoustic part. Mikaels clean vocals there are by far the best I have heard from him. Deliverance is easily the record of the year (not a big surprise, though).
Originally posted by SoundMaster
This is NOT good news.

Don't worry about that comment that"its almost proper death metal" I have only heard a couple of songs and it goes WELL BEYOND any death metal band I"ve ever heard, it really is a special release. Trapped is just one of those idiots that likes to go against the grain because he knows this is a Opeth forum and the majority of the members on here really appreciate the band and are open about the way they feel, so basically he just tries do give people here a hard time about what they have a passion for and love.

For those of you that are like Trapped and get the urge to make negative comments regarding my post then go ahead, it doesn't really matter you just prove my point.

This is an Opeth forum so I don't feel bad talking good about the band as long as its done here then its okay, if I was on another forum bragging about how great Opeth is then that I would totally understand and realise that it isn't correct. Its only okay if you boast here, and theres nothing wrong with it.

Being here is like being in "Opeth's house" You have to show respect, when ever I go to someones elses house I do the same, I show respect for the family its just the way it has to be if you start being an ass about things you don't like then that family isn't for you, you have to move on somewhere else where you fit in, some people though choose to disrespect and as long as this persists its gonna cause problems and people are not going to feel comfortable speaking freely like it once used to be here.

I always felt that band forums are for individuals that really have an affinity and passion for the band not for people that kind of like the band, and if this is you then you have to respect as much as possible, just like I would if I were on another forum regardless of the the behavior within it.

Opeth really does deserve everthing that is said about them. In terms of metal there the only ones that are doing something extraordinarily special and different, sure theres many GREAT metal bands that I listen to, but Opeth truly are on a league of there own there the main reason why I'm still into metal right now if it weren't for them I would be more focused on prog-rock, jazz, some reggae, latin, tropical and various others, but Opeth demonstrated to me that there's still hope, that metal still has a chance.

Opeth is not for everybody, but when your here you really should show respect for the band and its members that really enjoy the music, if you want to be totally negative an a regular basis then go somewhere else and do it, so this place could be comfortable and rejoicful place to be a part of.
No, its true. With each album Opeth are turning more "typical death metal". Most of the riffs sound like they've been derived from Blackwater park (the song). The first six minutes of Wreath are just plain boring, and the screeching and Pearl Jam style solos also don't do anything for me.

Highlight of the cd - Deliverance 9.30 - end. That part could go on forever as far as i'm concerned.

But just one question - this is a double CD, right? How can you judge/review a double CD after only hearing one CD? The album IS ultra heavy, but its obvious Opeth are just trying to make up for damnation. It will all balance out.
It's not a double CD. I doubt any themes presented on this album will appear on Damnation. He's said the two aren't connected at all.
Originally posted by hibernal_dream
No, its true. With each album Opeth are turning more "typical death metal". Most of the riffs sound like they've been derived from Blackwater park (the song). The first six minutes of Wreath are just plain boring, and the screeching and Pearl Jam style solos also don't do anything for me.


Thats funny I used to think the same way about MAYH particularly "Demon Of The Fall" and "The Amen Corner."

It took like one year and a half to finally hit me and realise how powerful and just plain kick- ass those songs are. There now one of my favs on the record, same went for Still Life, only with still life the only song that I actaully cared for was "The Moor" at first then like one year and in a half later I finally realized how beautiful the rest of the songs were, but it happened in stages until finally I loved the whole record.

As far as Wreath is concerned, I think the whole damn song kicks ass, very emotive. At first I was like "wow" interesting and now I'm just like "damn I love this song." Due to the drum tempos and over-all heaviness, (but not THAT heavy) the album has attained a death metal-esque sound, but in a very special way. Opeth was smart in acquiring a "death metal" feel for this album(I have only heard two songs Wreath and Deliverance this is what I'm assuming for the additional songs that I have yet to hear)

It just shows which ever avenues Opeth decides to explore and approach they do it well and beautifully. In this case the approach was into the realms of death metal entwined with Opeths quality and beauty.

Originally posted by pac1288

Yeah, into typical death metal in a un-typical way.:lol:


Of course, its not the style of music they play, its the way they execute it. Thats what makes it unique. I just found it lacking those parts which make you roll back your head, close your eyes take a deep breathh and say "wow" (chorus part of fair judgement comes to mind). Its still brilliant music, but just plain heaviness doesn't do it for me anymore.