Rediscovering Opeth


Jul 7, 2001
Quebec, Canada
Well fuck, these days im so totally into Opeth, especially My Arms, Your Hearse. I always liked the album from the day i started listenin to it. But i feel like i'm loving it even more each time i put it on. Songs like When and April Ethereal which i never thought were so beautiful, well they are now! :o

Did any of you actually went into the same phase :eek: as i did? Of actually rediscovering almost enterily an Opeth album? or a song for that matter?
Yeah, almost exactly. I got MAYH first, almost two years ago, I guess, and I thought it was pretty cool but I thought Morningrise was Opeth at it's best... and I loved Morningrise and then Still Life came out and I LOVED Still Life and then, right about the time Blackwater Park came out, I started to listen to MAYH a lot. Like.... every night for about 2 weeks in a row. And I never got tired of it. Morningrise (which I had listened to to death) was starting to lose my attention and Still Life was just getting too familiar... but every available second I craved MAYH and that's when I realized that it actually is Opeth's best album.
I got Morningrise about a year and a half ago. I listened to that for a couple of weeks then I bought Orchid, MAYH, and Still Life all together. So I did a lot of rediscovering getting all those albums at once. I think I almost went insane trying to figure out which album to listen to because they were all so damn good. My senses were overcome with a lot of great music.