

Pretentious asshole
Hey, I joined UM about five years ago, but haven't been a regular poster for around three years, so long time no see :)

Things have changed quite a bit for me - I am now an undergrand studying music, and am aiming to write a finals dissertation on black metal, possibly involving some fieldwork in Bergen this summer (during Hole In The Sky festival - end of August). So yeah, I thought it would be a good idea to be active on these boards again, and hopefully forge some links and so on, so that by the time I head over to Norway (presuming it goes ahead), I have some points of entry!

So yeah, any advice or chat - from recommended subforums, to bands, to Bergen contacts - is much appreciated.

Take it easy


just noticed that most people who post here mention what they're into, so just for fun -

black metal
averse sefira, bathory, blut aus nord, burzum, darkthrone, dawn, deathspell, drudkh, eikenskaden, emperor, enslaved, ktl (are they bm?), kvist, sigh, ulver, xasthur

death metal (basically a lot less informed as the list probably shows ;) )
deicide, entombed, immolation, suffocation

disembowelment, esoteric, khanate

alice coletrane, my bloody valentine, jungle brothers, dubstep, dead kennedys, etc. - I try and listen to a variety :)