Release an album each year for the next five years in order to conquer the world?

Metal Ambition

New Metal Member
Sep 29, 2008
I believe that if Amon Amarth would churn out an album each year for the next five years, then they would stand a chance to conquer the world (not just the metal world). Most of the bands who have become truly big have done just that. Their frequent releases of not necessarily brilliant albums but high quality ones were able to trigger a tsunami of public interest which then just carried on for decades. I also believe that a release of another great album next year (like with oden on our side) would convince most music journalists, in retrospect, to hail Amon Amarth as the greatest band of the first decade of the millenium.

Now, conquering the mental world of each and everyone, including those with sucky taste, is perhaps not the most important thing to strive for. However I believe that right now the gods are contemplating whether Amon Amarth are truly the greatest band of all time and worthy of sitting right next to Odin on his right side. The only thing they need are another five albums to make it twelve. Since time flies, people get older (including metalgods), and one never truly nows what to expect around the corner (didn't the maya predict the end of the world in 2012? :heh: :headbang:), I believe that it's imperative to increase the release rate!

Now to the practical reality. I have absolutely no idea how much work is behind the release of every album. Obviously they shouldn't release something that is beneath their quality. However I have read that the band usually spends a month writing and composing the songs. Since there are twelve months in the year my simple mind thinks that it would actually be realistic with one release each year for a five year period. It would of course necessitate a trimming of the relentless touring scheme but I believe that cities like for instance Gothenburg could survive without a concert since the gothenburgers would be able to take the train to the royal capital of Sweden and there see the band in a bigger venue. I understand that touring is now a big part of the business for most bands but my predicted tsunami of public interest would make it possible with bigger venues and fewer concerts.

Cheers! :kickass:
I wouldn't want to rush them, and sadly they will never be as big as any of the "hardcore" bands that are shown on MTV or any rap groups or whatever, and I prefer it that way. Almost everyone at the show last night was a die hard AA fan and most of the people were singing along, even some 50 year old lady behind, and if they were big I feel that most of the energy and love that people show for them would be gone.
Are you kidding me? Look at the other bands that started churning out the albums just to get name rec. They become clichés. Before you know it they are dumbing down or softening their music to get it on the radio. Do you really want them to turn into Amonamarthica?
How about you release 5 albums, and lets see if you would get as big as amon when they realeasd there 2nd album

PS, Amonamarthica ahahhahah thats awesome!

How about you check your spelling and the quality of your posts before you start with personal attacks and brave talk about quality? Your posts are full of misspellings. Not that I really care about misspellings but I wonder if you really are from Canada and whether those misspellings are really undeliberate since they are so frequent and present in practically everyone of your posts? Are you perhaps a very infamous troll with a swedish and not canadian IP adress?

Anyway I don't think you got my point. Quality is of course much more important than quantity. It's the quality of their output which has made me and probably most others interested in their work but these guys have been touring like crazy between every release, probably in order to put food on the table in the initial stage. Relentless touring has to take time and energy from the songwriting efforts. I was suggesting a lighter touring schedule now that they have become a bigger band in order for them to be able to spend at least a month each year on songwriting instead of one month every second year. That the time between releases affects a bands sales and the publics interest in the band is evident. Now, two years is today considered a short time between album releases but the bands with the greatest commercial success of all time usually had a stint during their career (or their entire career) when they released at least one album every year. I fully understand that it's not an easy thing to maintain the standard that Amon Amarth has done on their album. In fact I hold them as the greatest metal band of all time but if it's true that their main songwriting efforts are done during one month every second year then I believe it would be possible to release an Amon Amarth album every year, at least for a few years. It's not only quality and quantity that matters but also frequency.

And no, I'm not applying for the job as their next manager.
How about you check your spelling and the quality of your posts before you start with personal attacks and brave talk about quality? Your posts are full of misspellings. Not that I really care about misspellings but I wonder if you really are from Canada and whether those misspellings are really undeliberate since they are so frequent and present in practically every post? Are you perhaps a very infamous troll with a swedish and not canadian IP adress?

you noob! everyone over here (people who have been posting for a while) knows who i am, and im not canadian
and yes i do have LOTS of spelling/grammer/sentence/everything related to english language wrong
cause english is not my first language
you noob! everyone over here (people who have been posting for a while) knows who i am, and im not canadian
and yes i do have LOTS of spelling/grammer/sentence/everything related to english language wrong
cause english is not my first language

Ok, I'm satisfied with that answer. As I said, I don't care for undeliberate spelling misstakes, only trolls who deliberately misspell every single post. Great quality of that particular post by the way, except for "grammer" (it should be "grammar" (i think)). English is not my first language either so I definitely do my share of mistakes.
and btw what i know,
the month or two your talkin about
is the time to RECORED!

i've heard they do write stuff on the road and when they get enough stuff, they recored it

but i might be wrong, although thats what i heard
but the bands with the greatest commercial success of all time usually had a stint during their career (or their entire career) when they released at least one album every year.

This is the big flaw. Metal isn't about commercial success. Thats what was flailed about glam metal. They had to buttfuck into this terrible quality to get recognised. No death metal band will ever be big commercially, sure, if any are it'll be Amon Amarth because they're music is decently melodic, but they're still death metal, and people will still whine about how "we cant understnd teh lyrucs wtflol>??!"
well to be honest im working on it, my speaking english is just fine and normal, but i dont know why i suck at essays and wirting :(

It's just that I feel that your very frequent spelling mistakes of the simplest words (not the difficult ones) doesn't really square with your overall command of the english language which I feel that you almost involuntarily show of now and then. It also doesn't really square with your decent cognitive abilities and your decent sense of irony.

By the way I have now noticed that while you claim to live in Canada you say that you are originally from Dubai. I read your story about the reason why you moved to Canada. It was very heart rendering and seemed like a very sound reason to move permanently abroad (due to an Amon Amarth concert :lol: ).

Link to your post:

I have heard a few things about both Dubai and Canada, would you perhaps know the answers to the following questions:

1. Where in Dubai can you find a huge map? What does it show? On what is it displayed?

2. In Dubai you can have 1,2,3,4, or 5 numerals. What is that all about?

3. If I say to you "You run like, your associated twin or was that a michmatch, superior like .... Usain Bolt, earily like Jessie Owens, great like jamaican Merlyn Ontay like it even borders on team USA skills. What do you think of?

4. Which kuirdish loird lost a battle in 1193? Which kuirdish loird loses a battle everyday in his mind? How is that possible to constantly lose a battle in your mind? (If this one is to difficult you can skip it)

I actually think those questions were much to easy but anyway, thank you very much in advance for the trouble. :worship: :kickass: :headbang:

and btw what i know,
the month or two your talkin about
is the time to RECORED!

i've heard they do write stuff on the road and when they get enough stuff, they recored it

but i might be wrong, although thats what i heard

Of course it would be strange if they didn't come up with anything during jamming sessions on the road but from what I have read they do most of the songwriting and composing effort during one month or so before the recording of the album which happens every second year. Now of course it's pretty common for artists to romanticize the creative process a bit. It's more exciting to describe it as a blizzard of creativity and short intensive work during late nights than as a 9-5 work all year long. This does not seem to be the case Amon but as I said, I wouldn't be surprised if they found some inspiration on the road. However I still believe with my limited knowledge about the band that it would be possible to release an album every year which I as a listener would greatly appreciate but I also believe that it would raise the band above Metallica in commercial success.
Amon Amarth's music is not mainstream. I don't say this as an insult. I say it because it is true. In order for them to reach the commercial success of mainstream metal (or mainstream death metal for that matter) they would have to seriously dumb down the music. They would have to clean up the vocals or go Satanic or horror in theme. Satanic and horror (meaning songs about killing and gore) are the only two subject matters that are accepted among mainstream death metal fans.

Think about it. Mainstream fans are not going to pick up on a band that requires you to research just to understand what the song is about. Most of Amon Amarth songs have me opening a mythology book or going to mythology websites to completely understand the songs. I don't mind doing this. I like a band that challenges me intellectually. But most mainstream fans just want to yell “Hail Satan” and take another bong hit.

And since I am lucky to get one or two shows over here in the states, I don't want them to cut down on the touring. You obviously have not been to a show or you would know seeing them in concert is by far the greatest thing about the band. Judging by your join date and post count I'm not even sure you are a fan. You could be just another troll looking for attention.
Ok, I'm satisfied with that answer. As I said, I don't care for undeliberate spelling misstakes, only trolls who deliberately misspell every single post. Great quality of that particular post by the way, except for "grammer" (it should be "grammar" (i think)). English is not my first language either so I definitely do my share of mistakes.

hahaha i love this guy

tell it COLOUR or COLOR?
I believe that if Amon Amarth would churn out an album each year for the next five years, then they would stand a chance to conquer the world :

If by "churn out" you mean put out anything... well, I dont think that is the way... And they probably want to have lives at some point too.

Besides, the underground brotherhood is the best thing about metal. :headbang: Always makes my day to go into town and see someone wearing a t-shirt of a relatively obscure band I like.
Amon is actually on the way to conquer the world. they leave nothing then burning ruins after there concerts. even shagrath from dimmu borgir said that after there Tour 2007.