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- Apr 2, 2018
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disproving spontaneous generation is NOT the same thing as disproving evolution, micro-evolution is still going on today, nothing alive today is exactly the same as it was 10 thousand generations agoYou're gonna have to attentively read the Bible before you debate the Bible. If you bothered reading the Flood account almost all of humanity died in the Flood. All except 8 people.
I've read the old testament Genesis to Malachi, i'm saying that all of humans alive today being descended from 8 people on one boat is bullshit, did you even bother to read my posts on mitochondrial DNA and the 38 boats theory??
There are many geologists who strongly disagree with evolution. For one, sedimentary rock is checkmate against evolution theory. We should not find a single fossil if the K-T event is true. Firestorms do not leave fossil records. But a global Flood leave a fossil record in sedimentary rock. Noah's flood would have actually worked as K-T Event if you could somehow prove that dinosaurs were NOT on Noah's ark, but your dumb-ass said dinosaurs really were on Noah's ark in order to "prove" that Behemoth and Leviathan (creatures mister Job had seen with his own eyes) were actually humans interacting with Dinosaurs in the days when Abraham (father of Isaac/grandfather of Jacob) was alive even though mst people are pretty sure Leviathan was a freaking crocodile or perhaps a kimono dragon That is real geology vs. the Marxist geology of far left politics. But so many people want to follow politics over science which is why they believe in evolution. no, people "choosing polotics overt science" is when the people in "the bible belt" become "creationists" instead of paying attention to high-school science classes The theory does nothing but feed hatred and is directly responsible for the mass murders of nearly 200-million people in a short time span of the 20th century. evolution killing people?? Had it not been for Karl Marx, the theory of evolution would have faded out after DR.Louis Pasteur proved it cannot happen and took credible for proving evolution was false. For in ancient times evolution theory was just called Spontaneous Generation by the pagans of Greece and Rome. Pasteur a lab...that such an occurrence from non-life to life cannot ever happen. Evolution theory is a political view only.
i'm pretty convinced Fezzilla is not actually reading all of the sentences in the posts that are written by mePlenty of religions much older than Judaism believed that the Earth was far older. The Vedas get the age of earth around 4.4 billion years old. geologists astronomers etc say the earth is 4.4 billion years old same as Vedas Other religions claim tens or hundreds of thousands or millions of years. I think the Abrahamic faiths have the youngest earth of all the religions, excluding some utterly ridiculous NRMs.
outside of the Abrahamic faiths, i don't think any of the religions specifically say that the earth is only 5 days older than humanity
You have no problems holding your views against anyone, because you refuse to accept any evidence that contradicts them.
Christianity has a way of turning fiction into fact, go read my posts about mitochondrial DNA and the 38 boats theoryI'd like to see how you got that from the Vedas since I don't even think that mentions the age of the earth. Anyone to believe the Vedas over the Bible has lost all credibility to criticize the Bible. Hinduism is extreme mysticism and completely unrealistic. The Biblical faith led to modern science. You can read the chronologies of Sumer and get ridiculous ages in there which are not credible. There is no way in hell mankind can exist that long on earth and not invent the first airplane by 50,000 B.C. Judging by Sumer and Egyptian chronologies, we should have been to the moon by 20,000 B.C. Humans are not stupid, contrary to what evolutionists teach about humanity. Humans constantly make strives forward as history demonstrates. The earth and humans have not been around no where near as long as evolutionists claim they have been. We don't even have enough fossils to account or millions of years of dead people.
the above seems to indicate that Fezzilla is still convinced that the earth is only 5 days older than Adam, which is of course, totally idiotic, of course the earth is way the fuck older than the human species
The compound interest of human population which included wars, famines and deaths etc., places the population of today in the time frame of the Biblical chronology. If mankind was on the earth as long as evolutionists claim then where are all those fossils of the dead? There should be human fossils piled up to the moon of humans have been on earth as long as evolutionists say! not all corpses become fossils, dumb-ass But today's population agrees with the compound interest of Biblical chronology. not if you say everyone drowned in Noah's flood
I know all about evolution theory. Its a total lie. Its a good theory if you want to put down other people and dehumanize them. how exactly does evolutionary theory dehumanize anyone?? But as a science its complete fantasy. again, micro-evolution still occuring today... But people will believe this nonsense out of their anger against God. atheism is a word with a prefix, atheist aren't angry with The Father Of Jesus, atheists say he doesn't exist, what you're thinking of is deism where anger at "God" prevents people from worshipping the god that they are pissed off at, and why would i be pissed off at YHWH?? clearly The Father Of Jesus is NOT "the Inteligent Designer" of the universe Politics has a way of turning fiction into fact. That is part of the science of tyranny which evolution theory has fed from the beginning.
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