Repeat Listens


What year is this?!?
Sep 22, 2001
I might be stating the obvious here, but has anyone noticed how different an album can sound after you've listened to it a few times? It's also really weird when you throw on a CD that you haven't heard for ages, and suddenly all the preconceptions you had are thrown out the window. I decided to listen to a Dimmu Borgir album that I haven't bothered to play for months, because when I first bought it I listened to it a couple of times and didn't really think too much of it. I'm listening to it now while I type and I can't imagine why I haven't been playing it all this time.

I guess a lot probably has to do with the mood you're in too, and how much attention you pay to the album.
yeah, listening to an old album brings back memories to, but the wierd thing is, as much as you like the album, it always ends up back in the reject pile, only to be played in another few months time.:err:
Until I stop listening to Blackwater Park (which has been for months now), no other album stands a chance. And, when that chance finally arrives, hmmmmmm.....4 other Opeth albums I have yet to fully indulge in. I guess that reject pile will just have to continue to collect dust until my grandchildren say: "hey Grandpa, look at all these CD's. Wow - but I need a vacuum to read the names.":lol:
Ahh, yes. The reject CD phenomenon, I have some albums that have been collecting dust for quite sometime now. There are only those special few that can be listened to on a frequent basis.
Originally posted by _Transparent_
yeah, listening to an old album brings back memories to, but the wierd thing is, as much as you like the album, it always ends up back in the reject pile, only to be played in another few months time.:err:

Sometimes that is the best for a is that much better when you only listen to it every once in a while and it evokes memories.
Of course, then there are the cds that are wonderful every time you listen to Opeth :headbang:
and suddenly all the preconceptions you had are thrown out the window

Yes, I find it is quite sudden. I am quite used to this phenomena now, but I used to be really surprised at how much my opinion of an album changed in what seemed like even one minute to the next. All I need to really do is find that something that "touches" me in some way and usually this is about the time my perception clicks upside down, all preconceptions, and sometimes prejudices, are cast aside.