Black Metal


Damage Driven Creep
Aug 6, 2001
Since I'm bored, I would like to know how you feel about black metal. I have listened to black metal for few years in my past, but I don't really respect it any more.

Needless to say, I have no respect for the pop-black metal bands like dimmu borgir who bring evil deeds closer to common teens trying to persuade them to act against society (please, correct me if you have had a different picture).

I can understand the passion that is the most important part of the older bands like mayhem and dark throne. One of my best friends listens to black metal and is a very intelligent person, so I don't people who listen to these bands are stupid.

The reason why I stopped respecting black metal, is that I started feeling that it involves too much hate and narrow-mindedness for me. These are exhausting feelings and I think narrow-mindedness is unnecessary. I try to aim away from it.

I would like to know how you feel about these things.
Well, the whole "troo black metal" thing was kinda laughable and pathetic in it's own hypocrisy and general sillyness.

I don't have any feelings towards the musical genre as a whole... it's just a type of metal. Like any other category of music, some of it is good and some of it is crap.

For example, I think Emperor is an intelligent and respectable (and just plain good) band and always have been.
I KNEW I should have added that those words don't concern Emperor:lol:

(I don't treat them as a black metal band any more...)
Hmmm, interesting topic (from my perspective).

I remember in the mid 90's I became interested in the black metal scene, specifically Satyricon, Darkthrone, Immortal etc. and found it barely satisfying. Fortunately I discovered My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost etc afterwards which I prefered.

Anyway, the point is, lately I've become interested in the bands which get most of the criticism ie. Dimmu Borgir and Cradle of Filth (actually I've enjoyed Cradle for many years). The third which I love is Emperor which I find quite extraordinary (and I need not discuss their genius).

Whether Dimmu or Cradle can be considered black metal or not, I have to say a good word for the new Dimmu album. I know it won't be for everyone, but it's been the surprise album of the year for me. If people have heard old Dimmu and not liked it they might like to check out the new album. It's very different and seems more powerful.

So basically I enjoyed the 'true' black metal bands but now find them rather bland and basic. Perhaps I'm not a black metal fan, but I love the new bombastic sounds of Emperor and Dimmu which I see as an improvement (if bastardisation) of the genre.
I'm a big black metal fan. I agree that some of the bands out there suck badly, but that's their problem not mine. I'm not the type that severates true black metal from the rest, I actually enjoy both of them equally. The shitty thing about black metal is that you either like it or hate it. I love a band like marduk while someone else thinks it's total crap. well, again, that's not my problem, but I can see why not everyone likes it
I think it´s a great genre, there are many good bands! I´ve been listening to black metal for 7 years now and I still like it, I mostly listen to older stuff like Darkthrone´s - "Under a Funeral Moon" and Marduk - "Those of the Unlight" but I also like the new style of black like Dimmu Borgir,...
To bad that most of black metal albums today have a good production, I´m more into the raw production!
Hmm basically, I like black metal, and for me, most black metal bands, even if they're pretty bad, are better than some gore-death-metal like cannibal corpse & co. Marduk, Satyricon, Emperor, etc. are great, and I can stand the satan-blahblah-lyrics that many black metal bands have, as long as the music is good.
Btw, the new Dimmu Borgir sucks imho, I think it's far too polished and wannabe-original. I don't like the style CoF do either.
hmm well i liked enthrone darkness triumphant by dimmu borgir, some great tracks, like some satyricon, emperor and mayhem, not really into the whole scene though....
I like music which is produced like its worthy for our millenium, so i like opeth, theyre brutal but they try to bring us their music in a great production. So i dont understand why i should listen to crapshit like darkthrone and call it cool underground and "atmosphere"...come on. it's nonsense... most of black metal stuff is going on my nerves. yeah i know i am a wimpy muthafucker :D
I don't really like most black metal bands not because of the voice, or what there talking about but because there music just seems to be "I can play faster than you and have more notes in it," it just after a while seems all the same. But for some strange reason I like to listen to Cradle and Nile(every once in a while). And for some reason everyone thinks I crazy for this but I really don't like emporer I think that they suck (please don't kick my off for that statment). I don't now, but now you know my opinion and what you do with it is up to you :)
The reasons you give for disliking black metal are the same I give for a lot of the pop-metal in the mainstream today. All they talk about is despair, depression, hurting yourself, bad relationships, go out on your own, blah blah blah.

I personally like all metal, and lyrics don't sway my opinion when it comes to metal - I just like the sound way too much. And, IMO, the new Dimmu is amazing.
I consider myself a Black Metal fan. I can appreciate the newer forms it has taken on, such as the more electronic sounding (dare I say "techno"?) influenced bands like ....and Oceans or Zyklon, or Thorns, or the more symphonic stuff like Dimmu. And I can appreciate the primitive Black Metal (or "True Black Metal") as well, for it's contributions to the Metal Universe.

Unfortunately, these days, the Black Metal scene is very watered down. There are just too many corpse-painted, power-chord playing wanna-be's, and I think alot of Black Metal fans are tired of the stagnation, and are looking for something else.
hmm.. well, im pretty tierd of all this black, death metal... I like this melodic music, Opeth is an outstanding example.

those band like cannibal corpse... morbid angel and so on.. damn im sick of it.. that is not good music in my opinion.. that is just "hit_the_drums_as_fast_as_you_fucking_can_I_stuck_the_microphone_in_your_mouth_so_we_cant_hear_what_you_are_"singing" "

:loco: <---hehe
I agree with _Transparent_ . But for the most part I love Black Metal. Unlike others...i even enjoy (in some cases) corpse elements are is fucking entertainment. I know it is music first and foremost but hey face fits.
I love black metal....unfirtunately one of my friends is more into the how "true" aspect. He only listens to talentless bands like Black Witchery (horrible), because they're TRUE. Oh well. I like alot of so-called true BM, as well as the more theatrical/progressive BM. Some raw BM is good too (specifically the Finnish scene-Clandestine Blaze, Azaghal, Horna, Kyprian's Circle, Pest, etc). Anyways I dislike the often nationalist/racist view, but choose not to listen to bands that share those ideals...