Black Metal, props and gripes

Bubonic Chronic

Waste of bullets
Aug 22, 2002
Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA
While black metal is an exciting style - and definitely one of the most prolific these days, I have a few gripes with some of its fans.

I have been listening to metal since I figured out that I had taste in music, which would be like 15 years now. i go to talk to a lot of these "new" young metal heads who proceed to tell me that what I like isn't "real metal" because it's not black metal.

Excuse me? I like BM as much as the next guy, but Black Sabbath, Maiden, Metallica (well, some of it), Megadeth, Slayer, Sepultura, Corpse, Opeth, etc.,etc. are REAL METAL damnit! Not only that, but all of them have been at it a lot longer than most of the black metalers. Let's just smoke a bowl and spin a CD and forget putting everything in neat little categories.
I personally think that all Metal apart from Nu - Metal is real Metal. If you look at a band like Children of Bodom, they mix elements of both Heavy Metal and Black Metal and create some fantastic music in the process. I don't know what those kids that spoke to you are on about, but a lot of 15 year olds (at my school) seem to think the great 80's Heavy/ Thrash Metal bands are "old and farty". Yes people, thats what (some) of the new generations think of the music we worship...but if they want to stay ignorant about whats good and whats not, leave them to it. We'll just keep the good stuff to ourselves :)
Uh.....First of all Cannibal Corpse sucks. So do druggies.

I listen to Metallica and whatnot. No one ever tells me it is un-TR00 because there are no other Black/Death metal fans around here.
Originally posted by InMyKingdomCold
Cannibal Corpse do NOT suck in my opinion, I thought they were great at Wacken, Corpsegrinder doing 10000 mph head swirling...I'm surprised he didn't fall offstage!

i'm surprised his head didn't fall off...

also cc rules. they are one of the pionèer death metal bands, and they are just plain awesome. i really don't understand why so many metal heads think they suck... :cry:
Originally posted by Punisher

i'm surprised his head didn't fall off...

also cc rules. they are one of the pionèer death metal bands, and they are just plain awesome. i really don't understand why so many metal heads think they suck... :cry:

Very well said, "take a bow"!

Yeah he was going mad!! I do that for 5 seconds max and I'm falling around all dizzy...I nearly killed my tv once by accident. I guess its all practice mind.

Yeah they are a great band, excelent live. I was surprised we didn't get any between song growls...well actually he introduced most songs with a growl, and demanded:

<adjust voice to nasty death growl>


*Start ludicrous headbanging and swirling*
i also keep hearing alex did a bass solo between 2 songs because paul busted a snare or something... is that true? must have been awesome.. it would rule to see them live one day, i have only seen their videos... :cry:
which songs did they play from gore obsessed?
i don't listen to metal. i listen to neoclassical or progressive or technical death or progressive death or any one of a number of different things.

that's the real problem: not so much the catagorization, but the fact that everyone wants to put their favorite band in that genre, and somebody else who likes something completely different, is diametrically opposed to it.
Cannibal Corpse was fun for the first month or so of listening to their CD, but after 4 weeks of Blowtorch Massacre, Gallery of Suicide, and the like, it started to get quite old. The songs have unique names (sometimes), but they sound identical after a while. I've never seen any Death metal band play live, so I have no opinion on it.
Hey man... I'm 15 and I worship the old shit... Sep, Slayer, Morbid Angel, (some old) Metallica... and I know alot of other 15 yr olds that are the same... the prob with them is that they can't acknowledge music like Opeth.