Report from GODS OF METAL, Italy


It is said that every masterpiece must have a small "stain" that makes it unique. If this is true, then todays' Testament performance has marked their masterpiece on stage. The band, headed by the titanical ( both class wise and measures wise!) CB, had today the chance to play in a prestigious position and the 5 piece has not missed the opportunity to leave their mark!.............................

.........On the notes of the classic closing track, DOTW while band and crowd had reached a "fission" level that could only be compared to the gold times of thrash, the p.a. is turned off, leaving band and crowd completely astonished, the band keeps playing but CB has no luck in getting his mike turned back on, Billy throws his mike and its stand to the crowd and salutes them with all his affection! The motivations for such a outrageous act are still unknonw, but for sure such a behaviour appears totally uncorrect, especially towards such a band (it would be uncorrect toward anyone anyway) communication of a show that had to end would have been a lot more appropriate using more diplomatic means! This leaves the crowd and us astonished , but Testament's performance, even if AC still has to play, leaves a mark as one of the best of this GOM 2004 that partially erases this shame!
Yes the PA was turned off during "Disciples of the Watch", leaving Testament playing for themselves... too bad as the show was astounding so far once again!

I must add that the security also sucks big time, Chuck invited the fans to come up on stage for "Over the Wall" but the guards kicked them away or even hit them badly when they climbed up to the stage... what a bunch of dickheads. Chuck seemed to be disgusted by this behaviour.

Btw, the setlist was like this :

Practice What You Preach
Sins of Omission
Burnt Offerings
Alone in the Dark
True Believer
3 Days of Darkness
The Haunting
Electric Crown
Into The Pit
Over the Wall
Dog Faced God
Disciples of the Watch
ow fuck, now I understand (sry for bad interpretarion)... and of course you are all right... thats fucked up situation... But someone did it with premeditation?? Or it was just an accident?
Krawczus said:
ow fuck, now I understand (sry for bad interpretarion)... and of course you are all right... thats fucked up situation... But someone did it with premeditation?? Or it was just an accident?
They probably did it because of the delay of the day (20-30 minutes), last year they told Queensrÿche to stop their show after only 45 minutes, in order to let the headliner play its full set...
@ Larf

really ? cool, what about meeting there and drinking some beer together ? You´re invited to our camp, don´t miss it dude ;-)

PS. you´ve got a private mail !
Testament Legions said:

Billy throws his mike and its stand to the crowd and salutes them with all his affection!

What lead singer hasn't thrown their mic in the past? Case in point Axl Rose.

The motivations for such a outrageous act are still unknonw (grow up)

How about having the equipment checked?? Now that is bad behaviour on the part of the sound guys...maybe CB should have aimed at them?? :tickled:

but Testament's performance, even if AC still has to play, leaves the crowd and us astonished and at the same time leaves a mark as one of the best of this GOM 2004 that partially erases this shame! (Shame? fuck them)