
Wanna see who gives you rep?

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I definately say NO..... listen, mainly because there might be something you want someone to know, but you want to remain anonymous.... you might want to give someone negative rep, but still remain on good terms with the person, as I have done that before....

but most importantly.....

do NOT let existing rep be visible.... as I and many others I'm sure have given rep out that was only given because they can remain anonymous.... if rep is always signed from now on (I hope not, though i almost always sign) then please.... please please do not let existing rep be visible!!!!
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Rep doesn't really show how popular a person is, as we have these stupid rep threads where everyone reps eachother. Look at Profanity. I know that wasn't really relevant but I wanted to say it anyway.

I think that rep should remain anonymous. I tend to sign the negative rep I give out and often leave the positives blank so it doesn't look like I want rep back or am being a suckarse. Though I do think that if you have rep turned off, like me, you should be able to see the rep comments you've received by just going to your control panel, rather than having to turn it on momentarily to see. Yes I'm being fussy. =)

Complicated :dopey:
Int said:
Rep doesn't really show how popular a person is, as we have these stupid rep threads where everyone reps eachother.

Exactly. The whole rep-system serves no intelligent purpose, it just adds a bunch of useless traffic to UM. Get rid of it. I really can't see what's so damn great with getting green dots under your avatar.
To be honest it would be best to have senders visible to the recipients. There's actually not much reason left to Rep to be honest, it's been totally abused by some members of the forum :rolleyes: (Hey! Don't look at me!! :blush: ) The only thing left to get out of it is amusing comments, and clarification of what one has done/said wrong if neg rep is received.

Then again, the only for argument for keeping it anonymous would be exactly that, it IS the only outlet to anonymously send a message to another user... though one wonders what use people could possibly find in that.

If people are afraid of repurcussions, then DON'T SEND THE REP.
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Spike said:
Then again, the only for argument for keeping it anonymous would be exactly that, it IS the only outlet to anonymously send a message to another user... though one wonders what use people could possibly find in that.
Read my first post to find out exactly what use that has. I don't know what i'd do if the anonymous reps Ive sent over time all of a sudden became visible, I sent them BECAUSE THEY WERE ANONYMOUS. other wise I wouldnt have sent them!
Mark said:
Maybe we should just not have rep at all?
I wouldn't like that. Rep is an easy way to build good relationships, by making those short but sweet comments that don't really warrant sending a PM.

I don't care whether it's anonymous or not.
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Anonymous rep, and people will give you positive or negative on merits.

Turn it visible, and people who deserve negative rep won't get it.

And yes, Hearse has a point... why did it end at 11 dots? :lol:
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yes, we should be able to see it, because too many wimps give out neg rep and don't sign it. If you don't have the balls to put your name to your opinion, then you're not entitled to an opinion, IMO ;)
And keep rep, I mean I guess it depends what various people use it for, but it's good for complimenting someone on a joke or something without flooding a thread with crap posts ;)

Although having said that, I don't really care if it stays or goes ;)
SunlapseVertigo said:
Read my first post to find out exactly what use that has. I don't know what i'd do if the anonymous reps Ive sent over time all of a sudden became visible, I sent them BECAUSE THEY WERE ANONYMOUS. other wise I wouldnt have sent them!
Um, you know you can only see back so far with existing rep? :err: Unless you've been offhandedly insulting people in recent history, you're not going to have a problem. But yes, if feasible, it would be preferable to not show previous rep senders, though somehow I doubt there are facilities available to discern between the two. Mark?

SunlapseVertigo said:
I definately say NO..... listen, mainly because there might be something you want someone to know, but you want to remain anonymous.... you might want to give someone negative rep, but still remain on good terms with the person, as I have done that before....
And again, if you can't say something to somones face, is it really worth saying? Do you think somone's more likely to take the advice of someone they know and are friends with, even if it goes against the grain, or a complete stranger who they don't know?

Marks call though (of course).

I'm really not fussed either way, though I'm leading towards 'show users' ATM.
The one thing I don't like about the current system is the way it allows... well, cowards to give negative rep to someone without having to be 'accountable'.

If you like someone, but feel the need to neg rep them, then be a man (or woman;)) and have the balls (or... erm. bits?) to stand by your repgivingthing.

I'm still leaning towards turning it off.

And no, you can't (AFAIK) hold back past rep-givers names if it became unanonymous.

Have I even spoken english here? :erk:
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I think it's a good feature Mark.......kind of helps build relationships........nearly all the good rep I've got has been signed, and reciprocated......whilst most of the bad rep also has.....those that don't I sometimes put in the thread..'Why on Earth would I get bad rep for that??', and often people answer, and we can talk about's good, leave it as it is.
I like rep. Its a way of telling the other person what you think about his/her particular post without having to go to the trouble of sending a PM. I dont take it seriously, but always like to see there's people out there who read what I say. I've never given out bad rep, or recieved it, but I would DEFINITELY stand by whatever I say if/when I do, and sign it... and I'd appreciate the same from others but well, won't always happen. If they dont sign it, I wont take it seriously.