Rescue D.T.....again

ohhh my friends, I am very calm. i'm about as chilled out as a lizard in a meat cooler. trust me, i haven't been angry since.......well i can't remember when. i just don't appreciate closed minds and holier than thou attitudes. i'm simply saying that the poll has lost all it's intended purpose, and that YOU guys should chill out a little. you don't see any "let's save Katatonia" threads on the katatonia board, for instance (at least i hope not, i haven't bothered looking.:p) from what i've observed, the only people who are taking this poll way to seriously are the DT fans. otherwise, this thread wouldn't exist, and i wouldn't be typing this right now, would i?

NicktheClayman: i know you aren't attacking me, because i don't try to sound intelligent by using "big" words.:)
Why do you put "win" in quotes?

because this is a message board, and the last band standing isn't going to get a metal in the mail, will they? as well, i've already stated that i consider the poll now void. unless you can tell me that everyone who voted against nevermore in the last round did so because nevermore was their least favourite band in the poll. if so, then i will apologize.

Oh dear me, he stated his opinion! How terribly close-minded of him! Better pull out our big words, shall we? Please note that he didn't say "All the members of the Opeth board are retards".

it is VERY ironic. ask yourself, why would he feel some Opeth board members are retarded? maybe because they've expressed OPINIONS that are not to his liking. the only way you can determine for yourself if you think someone is closed minded is by observing their statements of opinion. am i correct? once again, if i'm not, i will apologize
The poll lost its (sic) intended purpose after people apparently began voting for DT for all the wrong reasons. Let's face it, there is NO way DT could have gotten that many votes if all voted in a serious and honest manner. NO way. I would never expect them to win, though. Still, are you sure that trying to even things out a bit by making honest votes for bands other than Dark Tranquillity is "cheating"? And, I believe YOU are the one who are taking this way too (sic) seriously.

yes, it's still cheating, unless the band you vote for is actually your least preferred band. i will agree, though, that there appeared to be a lot of people voting for DT that wouldn't have otherwise. you guys weren't the only ones cheating. i'm not taking it seriously at all, i'm just stating what i have observed.

oh, and thanks for correcting my spelling. that fact that you still understood what i meant makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.......ok maybe not fuzzy:p

No he really wasnt using big words, just trying to sound intelligent with his use of words and semi-complex sentence structure.

wow, if this is true, then you know me better than i know myself. you haven't even met me, which makes it all the more impressive:)
hehehe I know, but you were doing that, you can tell from the way people write when they try to sound intelligent and use words not used in conversation with people about general topics. Its not hard pay, attention. Im not sure I would want to know you, nothing personal but I dont like many people.
Originally posted by phyre

What exactly is your point?
What exactly is close-minded in his post? Perhaps it's him having opinions which are conflicting with yours? His opinion came from somewhere, probably from differences in opinion with Opeth board members. If he wants to call them retards because of that, then great. If he would have been closed-minded, he would have said something to the effect of "I've never really been to the Opeth board, but I assume they're all retards."

conflicting with mine? there you have it, you just restated my whole point! thank you. what is closed minded in his post? well, by saying someone is "retarded" simply because of difference of opinion is being closed minded.

man, i'm drinking this chocolate milk, and it's making my mouth all dry and pasty. i'm going to get a beer before this turns into a serious problem (eg. my tongue crusts up and falls out.)
hehehe I know, but you were doing that, you can tell from the way people write when they try to sound intelligent and use words not used in conversation with people about general topics. Its not hard pay, attention. Im not sure I would want to know you, nothing personal but I dont like many people.

in truth, that's just the way it comes out. i'd prefer to write with a more direct (and arguably better) structure, but that would take time and discipline. i write a lot of essays, and often i find i have more clauses in a sentence than i really should. i've taken several linguistics courses, so i know how much better it is for basic comprehension and priming, to have a more concrete sentence structure. what can i say, syntax is a bitch. actually i might major in linguistics, because i really love it (especially all of the cutting edge historical and psycholinguistical research that's going on now,) and also because i find the english department to be a joke. i'm not one to kiss ass, and my marks reflect that (sometimes.)
Originally posted by phyre
Heh. Alright, I'm going to claim that neo-nazis are idiots, ONLY because of their opinions.

There you have it! so there have been three statements, and i'll add a possible fourth statement that may have generated HD's opinion.

A) Harmony Dies. . .: “I totally agree, too many retards on the Opeth board...This board is my favourite.”

B) Phyre: "Alright, I’m going to claim that neo-nazis are idiots, ONLY because of their opinions."

C)O’Blivion: (referring to Harmony Dies. . .’s statement) "This statement impresses upon me only a very close minded attitude."

D) some hypothetical guy on the Opeth board: "Opeth is is best band there is. Dark Tranquility is stupid because their songs are not reeeeealy long." (ok it's all i could think of, i quite like DT afterall:p)

All of these statements are rooted in opinions created by objecting to the opinions of others. When it comes down to it, none of these four statements are more or less closed minded than any of the others. so basically by claiming A as a result of D, he is also validating C.

oh man my bladder is going to explode. chocolate milk is the silent killer i tells ya.
Oh Mr. English, Im sorry to have offended you, but you were trying to sound intelligent in your previous sentences, are you one of those, "Im intelligent, and I know it, and everyone else is a joke," kind of people, I dont think you are just wondering.
Originally posted by phyre
What I am saying is that conflicting opinions is a perfectly good reason to call someone a retard. While I won't call someone a retard just because he doesn't like strawberry icecream (well, I might. That's beside the point though) I could well call a nazi a retard, again simply because of opinions. At any rate, it's bloody well not _close-minded_ to call someone a retard.

I didn't say simply calling someone a retard is closed minded, especially if they ARE a retard by definition. What I AM saying though, and what i've been saying the whole time, is that taken IN CONTEXT, those four statements are equally as closed-minded. So IF the Opeth people are closed minded for expressing their opinions, as is implied, HD is is also closed minded for expressing his. I'm not saying "yes he's closed minded, period," I'm saying that if in HIS view of reality some Opeth people are closed minded because they express certain narrow opinions, then he must also accept that his own narrow opinion is closed minded, as shown in my previous post.

Oh Mr. English, Im sorry to have offended you, but you were trying to sound intelligent in your previous sentences, are you one of those, "Im intelligent, and I know it, and everyone else is a joke," kind of people, I dont think you are just wondering.

wow, somehow you continue to interpret everything i say in the most cynical way possible. did you read my last post to you carefully? i'm not trying to sound like anything. the way i write is the way i think, period. my sentence structure has nothing to do with my intelligence. Moreover, by saying i'm "trying" to sound intelligent, you are implying that i am in fact not (suggesting i have a below average iq, although maybe i do.......i don't know.:p) What exactly do you want me to do to accommodate you? write in a fashion that would make my thoughts unclear? my only goal here is to communicate, and as long as i succeed, i don't see why my sentence structure or word choice matters. i don't judge the way you write, because i understand quite clearly what you are saying. period. if you only knew how i think, you'd see that i have no beliefs about the world, including my own intelligence, but simply write what i perceive from my observations. They’re just observation, and I don’t know whether I’m “right” or not. i know your going to interprets this however you want anyway, so it doesn't matter what i say. i do enjoy talking to people and hearing what they think, because i feel it's the only real way to learn about the nature of the world and humanity......and even myself. right now you may have taught me something about myself that i won't see until later on. i don't know. maybe your right. maybe i am somehow writing with this crappy structure to sound intelligent. but as far as i know, i'm not. maybe it's subconscious. but life is too short, and i'm way to content to really care.
Dont look for cover you wont find it. We all know what you mean and it is no joke by any means you obiously hate DT with all your guts and we all can see it.

[sarcasm]Gee misanthrope, i didn't realise that my posts were so see-through...! I mean, the tone of those words, oh! I had no idea [/sarcasm]

And the url to ease things up a bit for the fellow posters

Thanks... i spent ages looking for where i wrote that. :lol:

Peace everyone... peace! I'm just argueing with misanthrope for a bit of fun... i actually agree with the guy about alot of things. :rolleyes:

I've only bashed DT on the opeth forum... hell, i bash EVERY band on the Opeth forum. :rolleyes: It's fun to watch all the opeth fans get all upset when you vote of Vintersorg or you abuse Emperor (he he, go have a look at my arguaments with Kush... he failed to see that i actually like the band, and had them playing DURING our arguament about them... :lol: )
I dont want anyone to accommodate me. Im a psycology whore, I do this automatically, im sorry if I offended you in anyway, but I analyize everything. I really cant help it, I am over analytical sometimes, but you do sound like a person who is of average or over average intelligence and wants everyone to know it. I cant sit with you and have a discussion face to face, so I really cant tell what kind of person you really are, but from what you typed thats what I got.
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
I dont want anyone to accommodate me. Im a psycology whore, I do this automatically, im sorry if I offended you in anyway, but I analyize everything. I really cant help it, I am over analytical sometimes, but you do sound like a person who is of average or over average intelligence and wants everyone to know it. I cant sit with you and have a discussion face to face, so I really cant tell what kind of person you really are, but from what you typed thats what I got.

no, don't worry, you didn't offend me in any way. like i said, i enjoy hearing people's thoughts on anything, even if they're being critical of me. i think i can learn more from talking with you than i can by sitting and listening to a lecture in a classroom, which is probably why i skipped all three of my classes today.:grin: i really prefer to talk to people face to face, and i have tons of people around me that are always ready for a conversation, but music is the only thing i don't really bother to talk to people about. i'm sure you know why, i mean, how many people have actually heard of any of any the bands in the UM forum? anyway, i'm always up for a discussion, as long as everyone can walk away from it without being left with any feelings anger or stress. it's all good. . .
i'm feeling uncomfortable while reading through this thread: it seems quite silly to me to start bashing each other for a poll/game that was just supposed to be fun. i never visit the opeth board, mainly because i don't really like the band and i've been told it's quite fast (the board, not the band :p). if there's ppl there taking that thing (voting bands off) personal and worrying about cheaters and eventually making a fuss about it, i kinda second the opinion that they have to be retards. however, their lack of intelligence has nothing to do with me at all and i have no reason to complain about the issue.

there are a few points where i find o'blivion is wrong. they mostly concern method, and that is to say i have nothing to prove here.


- although the object of communication is mutual understanding, and everybody's entitled to their choice of words to achieve just that (besides, i'm the king of high-sounding meaningless words that give off that false impression that i'm clever, here :D), i really think it's not beyond your chances of comprehension that you did sounded slightly preaching and aggressive.
it's bad enough if you want to tell ppl they're close-minded, but saying it out loud with the 'impress on me a very close-minded attitude' formula doesn't sweeten the pill. in fact, i'd find it even more infuriating, and i'd probably be driven to the thought that you consider yourself on a higher level than me, both language- and grey matter-wise.
now, there is no way of knowing about your true intentions, but if you accept of taking an attitude that you know will lead me to think ill of you (when you could do otherwise), i find such intentions are not relevant anymore. what remains are fairly arrogant words.

- the part about all four sentences being exactly as close-minded i really don't buy, sorry. basically, you assume that all opinions have the same value, whereas the whole point of phyre's statements was to tell you that he doesn't think so.
it is my personal opinion - and therefore close-minded, i take it - that not everything is relative, and that one can place judgement over single aspects of reality, as long as he doesn't assume such judgements are unlimited or eternal or the fruit of rationality alone.
such a judgement, for instance, is: all nazis were dickheads, because they thought causing harm to the largest amount of ppl that was technically possible to hurt was a good thing.
i'm saying they were retarded because of their opinions, and they would probably express the same statements about me, a little while after having burned my sorry body to a crisp. the big difference here regards validity. there is quite a considerable amount of proof that if mankind avoids brutally murdering millions of its fellow human beings, it actually has a better chance to close the chapter of its life with a smile on its collective face and some dignity to spend in the collective afterlife (possibly to buy teddies. i love teddies ;) ). so i think i can safely say that opinions going against this widespread assumption - unless it's proved wrong - and stating the need to happily destroy lives for the sake of doing something in your free time are not as sound as the others.
on a much narrower scale, if there are ppl on the opeth board flaming bands and taking it all personal, in my book their opinions are less sound than those who say that it's just a matter of tastes, because i think there's more worth in being able to cope with other ppl's likes than in trying to impose yours.
of course you can say this is not true. i will assume you're a retard and you will assume i'm close-minded. :)

- about that cheating thing, one should never make such claims without going a bit into the details. where are the rules written? and how did anyone cheat? and what proof do you have about it? and who did it, in the end?

@nicktheclayman: admit you've been rather aggressive, too. i normally write so many big words one could use them to build a skyscraper but you never complained. and in my case it's obvious that i'm trying to sound more intelligent than i really am! :goggly:

rahvin. (voted off bloodbath, didn't vote last time, would surely have voted off nevermore because he can't stand the band)
Damn...Im really sorry i carried along all this crap ( opeth forum members ) with me. Ill just stop posting over there from now on, ill guess i find another hobby they are just too stupid to be destroyed.
Damn, I'm starting to feel like a close-minded retard after having gone through all this. :spin:

I still fail to see how we, the Dark Tranquillity board members, managed to cheat though.
But that might just be a close-minded retard, an Emporer of sorts, speaking.