Reunion Bashers Int.

Interesting. I like how he says how exciting Anthrax were live. I must of seen them at a bad point in their career (the Persistence tour) because they were the most wooden act I've ever seen.

He appears to be taking it quite well, if I was him I would have no time for those guys. Personally, I have no time for them, ironically since Persistence of Time... A re-union might turn up some up ok tunes, might! I wont hold my breath but I will hold my cash.
And how was the show for you Six?

Scott Ian was the most liveliest of the bunch but the others were just going thru the motions. I live in small city so maybe that was a factor at the time too...
Dodens Grav said:
This guy is in no position to be talking so brashly. He was in the band for two years and put out an embarassingly subpar album, and he goes off talking about things he wasn't involved in like he was there. Anthrax has been crap since Belladonna left anyway, so I'm glad they reunited. I don't care why they reunited or who got hurt, what matters is the performance and what songs are being played. If they keep playing crap from their newer albums the performance suffers. Now they're not, so I can only see that as a good thing. I don't care if this whole reunion was all about the money either. At least I would be able to enjoy myself at one of their concerts now.

I have to agree overall, even though I thought some of the Bush album material was ok. Anthrax seems to have the most bitterly divided fans I've ever seen. Worse than Van Halen, Fates Warning, etc IMHO.
I agree with most of what Rob said. They did kind of fuck up the whole thing. Stringing along John and him. Either shit or get off the pot. What line up is it going to be? Seems to be a money grab situation and PR move for the most part.

I actually like both singers. I grew up listening to the classic line-up and continued to like them when Bush joined the band. SOWN is a great album. Stomp 442 pretty much blew chunks and then I thought Volume 8 was alright. WCFYA is a great record IMO. They were on the right track as far as I'm concerned. I think it's cool they got back together in a way, and I hope it works out. Something tells me it will backfire when all is said and done. I would go see them if they come anywhere near me. They have been good every time I've seen them, both versions.
I still can understand Bush making some kind of bashing, but this newbie? Some people are dumb as can be (if we suppose the interview is genuine).

Helloween - 'The Invisible Man'
Bush has kept quiet, which he should. I think he was better in Saint, but I know there are Anthrax fans that loved him too...
This is similar to KISS when they had the best non-paint version, Revenge Era, then they had the reunion... There were a lot of people that supported Kulick and Singer....
sixxswine said:
Bush has kept quiet, which he should. I think he was better in Saint, but I know there are Anthrax fans that loved him too...
This is similar to KISS when they had the best non-paint version, Revenge Era, then they had the reunion... There were a lot of people that supported Kulick and Singer....
hmm does this mean that Scott Ian will eventually get his own reality tv show Mosh School - Scott Ian travels to the top English colleges and teaches the pupils the lost art of Moshing:grin:
sixxswine said:
Bush has kept quiet, which he should. I think he was better in Saint, but I know there are Anthrax fans that loved him too...
This is similar to KISS when they had the best non-paint version, Revenge Era, then they had the reunion... There were a lot of people that supported Kulick and Singer....

Yeah, but the reunion ended up being the most popular (and profitable) way for the band to go "out" (if they ever really do go "out").

I think the same is true for Anthrax. I don't really expect the band will hold together much longer. If they had stayed with Bush, I think their fan base would only have continued to shrink a little bit year over year, and that's a boring way to end it. I think at least with the reunion their fans get to relive the bands best years .... and they really are the best years .... and then the band will probably just go away.

I have to say I have five times more interest in seeing them with Spitz and Belladonna and Bello than with Bush and company.