Rob Caggiano Interview

Dredd74 said:
I don't get the whole thing where the band wouldn't be able to continue without the reunion. Can someone explain what the fuck he means by this?? Seriously. There's thousands of bands out there that sell way less albums than Anthrax does and they all still continue with recording and touring and shit. So what the fuck is Scott talking about?? Anyone??

Mr. Wu said:
That's it. As far as why that is the case, sorry, it's none of anyone's business outside the members of this band.

I know people aren't happy with this answer, but it's all you're going to get. While eveyone here certainly wants to know as much as possible, it's not our place to know every single business detail about the band.
Originally Posted by Dredd74
I don't get the whole thing where the band wouldn't be able to continue without the reunion. Can someone explain what the fuck he means by this?? Seriously. There's thousands of bands out there that sell way less albums than Anthrax does and they all still continue with recording and touring and shit. So what the fuck is Scott talking about?? Anyone??
They couldnt continue becuase they prob could not afford to live. The bands that sell less albums are pretty much all newer bands--paying their dues and all that shit--Anthrax did that once already and the idea of having to do it again prob wasnt very appealing
jdelpi said:
Oh you're a little fucking childish. I'm a HUGE John Bush fan, but Joey is a great person to everyone around him. It shouldn't be that surprising that he doesn't want to sing John-era songs. I don't even see why he should. The point of the reunion is to play songs from that lineups's era.

After the reunion tour e could give it a shot. Why not? I like bush better but Joey hass a good voice and I really wouldn't mind hearing him do some of these songs. It's good to keep an open mind on this stuff. Bush did a CD of the older stuff and for the exception of Belly of the Beast he did good on alll of them.
DeathsHead said:
They couldnt continue becuase they prob could not afford to live. The bands that sell less albums are pretty much all newer bands--paying their dues and all that shit--Anthrax did that once already and the idea of having to do it again prob wasnt very appealing

Keep in mind metal is very big in Europe.
Hawng said:
How about one of the first things you learn in the entertainment buisness.....

Give the people what they want and they will love you for it.

I guess robbing people of their money, instead of earning it, is more important these days.

They never robbed me. I´m not into buying every t-shirt or joining fanclubs so I made the desicion to spend some of my money elsewhere. Are you implying that Metallica, KISS, Slayer and Type O Negative are constantly robbing people?
there is absolutly no reason why joey could not do johns songs. he is a talented singer and would do a great job. Id quite like to hear it cos im sure he could add something different to the songs, but id much rather hear Horror of it all of now its dark anyday of the week
the_walking_dude said:
there is absolutly no reason why joey could not do johns songs. he is a talented singer and would do a great job. Id quite like to hear it cos im sure he could add something different to the songs, but id much rather hear Horror of it all of now its dark anyday of the week

I'd love to hear Joey doing the Bush era stuff - i think that guy has an amazing voice - when I saw the reunion stuff live, I couldn't believe how absolutely spot on his voice was, and how matured his delivery has become. I guess at this point the focus of the line up is to provide the "classic" era tracks in an authentic live setting for those of us, myself included, that didn't manage to hear them first time around. If a line up solidifies, I think Joey would do the newer stuff justice, just as John did the classic era stuff justice. There really wouldn't be much point for a branded "reunion" tour to play songs that they had never played together before!

Anyway, call me perverse, but like Christmas, half the joy is in waiting for the surprise to see what will happen!
whitey131 said:
After the reunion tour e could give it a shot. Why not? I like bush better but Joey hass a good voice and I really wouldn't mind hearing him do some of these songs. It's good to keep an open mind on this stuff. Bush did a CD of the older stuff and for the exception of Belly of the Beast he did good on alll of them.

Maybe Joey just simply doesn't like the songs after he left? After all, he was kicked out of the band and told through the press he couldn't have sung on them. Whether or not he can doesn't matter. Or Maybe Scott and Charlie don't want him to sing them? You can't expect the singer who was there first (yes, I know, technically second) to go and sing the songs of the singer who came next. Sure, some bands do it, but it's not expected. If David Lee Roth came back to Van Halen, I don't think anyone would expect him to sing "Dreams" or even "Right Now."
the_walking_dude said:
there is absolutly no reason why joey could not do johns songs. he is a talented singer and would do a great job. Id quite like to hear it cos im sure he could add something different to the songs, but id much rather hear Horror of it all of now its dark anyday of the week

Yes, they still have a lot of ground to cover of their 1984 - 1991 songs, before even getting into the John Bush decade. I didn't find their song selection that impressive at many shows, to be honest. The first three nights of the tour I saw songs like Intro to Reality/Belly of the Beast, Armed and Dangerous, Gung Ho and Panic. Those all got dropped very quickly.
Arg_Hamster said:
They never robbed me. I´m not into buying every t-shirt or joining fanclubs so I made the desicion to spend some of my money elsewhere. Are you implying that Metallica, KISS, Slayer and Type O Negative are constantly robbing people?

Peter Steele once stole my bicycle.
LouieFatterson said:

AHHHHH!!!! :OMG: Now you know why he keeps his cool long hair
Just look at the cities and venues they are playing outside of Chicago and NY. This coupled with the sales of the new DVDs/CDs just solidifies the fact that not many people care what Anthrax does anymore. They took their last gasp and are now going under. It truly is a shame, but it is is over. Now they are left trying to figure out how to get out of the corner they painted themselves into.

Congratulations to Rob for being honest and straight-forward. I am sure his interview pissed Charlie off.
I'm going to be optimistic here and hope that the reunion happened because they all missed each other. But what do I know? Hey, I've been an Anthrax fan since the time when most of my friends were buying barbie dolls and listening to new kids on the block and debbie gibson. I'm just glad they're all still alive and well and providing us with music. They got me (and probably a lot of us) through some hard times.