Rob Caggiano Interview

If you think I/we don't care, I am sorry. That's the only reason we still do this. Because we care. And because we love writing songs and being in a band. We knew going into the reunion that it was going to piss people off no matter what. We had to do what was in our hearts. Same as when we made Fistful Of Metal when everyone told us we sucked and we should give up. Or when we did I'm The Man or fired Joey and got John etc etc..
No message boards back then.
And I'm not complaining about it. I think it's great for you to have a place to interact and to reach out to the band.
There is no great secret out there that we're not telling you. Next year we will have material and we will record. Please let things play out the way they should. Ya know what they say, "timing is everything."
how does it matter? they will say when they say. Joey is singing now and he is fucking awsome. I just cant see Anthrax playing without him again. he fits in so well adn his voice is great
DumbAss said:
Dude, that's a pretty shitty attitude. Some of us have been buying Anthrax albums for 20 years. Did you forget what it is to be a Metal Fan when you joined the industry? I'm not trying to insult you, but don't insult me with comments like that. Of course it our bussiness. Your fans as a whole are way more important than any one member of that band.
... and Happy Hollidays to you to.

How about one of the first things you learn in the entertainment buisness.....

Give the people what they want and they will love you for it.

I guess robbing people of their money, instead of earning it, is more important these days.
Hawng said:
How about one of the first things you learn in the entertainment buisness.....

Give the people what they want and they will love you for it.

I guess robbing people of their money, instead of earning it, is more important these days.

Anthrax never robbed my money. I gave it to them free and clear. If you continue to purchase albums, shirts, etc. while you are pissed at the band, then thats your own problem.

And the picture you posted is far from amusing. Its probably one of the more immature things I've seen on this message board to date.
Hawng said:
How about one of the first things you learn in the entertainment buisness.....

Give the people what they want and they will love you for it.

I guess robbing people of their money, instead of earning it, is more important these days.

i am not sure what number lesson that is, as far as i know the first lesson in the music industry your ass, cos someone is trying to fuck it........

s'why you cant blame thrax for whats going down at all, survival is the name of the game for most bands.......must be pretty easy to get embedded in all the crap that surrounds you just trying to play music and get your stuff out there
Mr. Wu said:
There is no great secret out there that we're not telling you.

You posted earlier that you knew the next steps but weren't telling, you also posted without the reunion there would have been no new album (shocked many)

I'll buy a new record reguardless of who sings. I just hate this highschool b.s. It's hard to take you guys seriously like this.

P.S. If you keep Joey, make him get a hair cut, I can't stress how funny that mop of 80's bangs looks these days. Consider it intervention of a friend. If I was walking aroung looking that silly, I would hope someone would tell me.
GregadetH said:
This entire thread is a bright, shining example of why I don't post anymore.

You took the time to make a negative and dumb post about all the negative and dumb posts?
Anthrax is lucky they have some of the loyalest fans on earth. No matter how much they/we bitch and moan many still buy the 4th, 5th, 6th Editions of their greatest hits.
I can't believe how long this thread is! shit. I love Anthrax w/ Bush and Rob as much as anyone, but get this-
it's THEIR decision. everything they do is up to THEM. you don't have to like it, but the fact is you can't change it.
and if it's that important to you- stop listening to them.