Rob Caggiano Interview

Mr. Wu said:
it's none of anyone's business outside the members of this band.
Dude, that's a pretty shitty attitude. Some of us have been buying Anthrax albums for 20 years. Did you forget what it is to be a Metal Fan when you joined the industry? I'm not trying to insult you, but don't insult me with comments like that. Of course it our bussiness. Your fans as a whole are way more important than any one member of that band.
... and Happy Hollidays to you to.
Carcassian said:
Yeah, long time fans often open up their rhetoric to a band member with a friendly and intelligent "eat my fuck".

Fucking dullard.

What's your point. This guy gets on his own message board and is pissy becuase people are expressing interest in his band. Is he fucking eminem now? Does he not want people to care? If I was Scott, I think I would pretty happy that people were still interested after so many years. This guy could be slinging burgers at a friggen McDonnalds or attaching cover sheets to TPS reports in some 9 to 5 hell whole like the rest of the world. Instead he's oout rocking, and maybe he's not raking in Metallica money but boo fucking hoo. He's played more then most of us will ever dream of doing. That should mean something.

Maybe Scott's got the right idea. It's nobodies bussiness. Everybody pack up and take your bussiness elsewhere.
DumbAss said:
Dude, that's a pretty shitty attitude. Some of us have been buying Anthrax albums for 20 years. Did you forget what it is to be a Metal Fan when you joined the industry? I'm not trying to insult you, but don't insult me with comments like that. Of course it our bussiness. Your fans as a whole are way more important than any one member of that band.
... and Happy Hollidays to you to.

Scott is JLo now.
spacebeer said:
I think that Scott is trying to say (in a polite way) that just because we have the means now vto fast and very personal communication with the band they still don't owe us any explanation. Indeed it is THEIR band and who are we to decided what is right or wrong, back in the 80's you also just had to accept it and no way in hell would you ever gotten an explnenation, I mean we're not stalkers here right?

I thoroughly enjoy the reunion and will appreciate a new album in this line up but hell....when they decide to take Bush back, I will just leave the band for what they are again....but that's cool with me, won;t come in here to bash it, though it would be very shitty to dump Joey again.

SO you wouldn't give a new record with Bush a chance at all? Did you listen to ANY of the new stuff?

I bet you have some rocking metal bangs.
I´m not a member of the CDC because I´m bitter or angry about the fee or for the reunion. I just don´t care about it.

Happy I got the chance to see them with the Injun and Spitz, it was well worth the money but BushthraX was even better.
whitey131 said:
SO you wouldn't give a new record with Bush a chance at all? Did you listen to ANY of the new stuff?

I bet you have some rocking metal bangs.

I am pretty shure I have all ANTHRAX album excluding Vol. 8 because that was just totally suckass!

And BTW I am not a CDC member, old ANTHRAX is just far superior songwise IMO.
i love anthrax, have done for about 16 years now, its a long time, own everything anthrax related, cdc member, go to every gig i can get to etc etc just like 80% of the people on this board

i dont care what line up is playing, if anthrax are there i am into it.........will always love their music and the a lot of people i feel its an extended family.......

but......... you have to say, that family attitude is from the fans only, no way is the love back........since this rumour started , everything has been handled terribley, from labels to amanagment to the band themselves, its a joke of a set up. i agree really that it is none of our business whats going on, but the problem is that when you show your fans you dont give a fuck what they think or want to know, then why should they ever give a fuck about you again....?!?!? for the music? well most people can get that free, and why should they invest in anthrax?

seems to me that thrax want the sales, want the stadium tours, but would rather not have the fans..........or fans that only part with money, and say nothing when they are ignored.

what a shit attitude to have towards the fans, as some people above have said, its us that work the shitty 9-5 day jobs earning fuck all money every month that we squander on numerous anthrax releases all just to get told to its none of our buisiness....and yet we are spposed to feel sorry for anthrax that they cant sell enough records, bet they made more fuckin money than me last year anmd i bet they had a hella better time doing it..... scott can always come here and sort out these fuckin files !!

to quote sid vicious " you ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"
Scott would have been better off by saying absolutely nothing than posting things like "nobody is going anywhere" and now "there would never have been another album without the reunion" and all his cryptic half-truths and circular talk.

I became an Anthrax fan back in the mid-80s with Joey. I have nothing against Joey. Yes, I do prefer John Bush in the band but that doesn't mean I don't like the Joey era stuff, because I do like it. The reason I'm not supporting this reunion is because the way it has been handled. The fans deserve the truth. And they certainly deserve better than this "CDC" thing, which by all accounts is a total clusterfuck.
You know what my biggest objection to Joey is? He already said he won't sing the Bush era songs. Way to sound like a complete douche bag.
whitey131 said:
What's your point. This guy gets on his own message board and is pissy becuase people are expressing interest in his band. Is he fucking eminem now? Does he not want people to care? If I was Scott, I think I would pretty happy that people were still interested after so many years. This guy could be slinging burgers at a friggen McDonnalds or attaching cover sheets to TPS reports in some 9 to 5 hell whole like the rest of the world. Instead he's oout rocking, and maybe he's not raking in Metallica money but boo fucking hoo. He's played more then most of us will ever dream of doing. That should mean something.

Maybe Scott's got the right idea. It's nobodies bussiness. Everybody pack up and take your bussiness elsewhere.

*Sigh* My point is that you can't expect to get any kind of dialogue at all with someone when your opening gambit is "Eat my fuck". Maybe the CDC idea does suck (and no, I don't subscribe), but if the subscription reduces the chances of reading a message on the board that says "eat my fuck", well fuck me, I think I'd make a CDC too.
whitey131 said:
You know what my biggest objection to Joey is? He already said he won't sing the Bush era songs. Way to sound like a complete douche bag.

*waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!*
DumbAss said:
Dude, that's a pretty shitty attitude. Some of us have been buying Anthrax albums for 20 years. Did you forget what it is to be a Metal Fan when you joined the industry? I'm not trying to insult you, but don't insult me with comments like that. Of course it our bussiness. Your fans as a whole are way more important than any one member of that band.
... and Happy Hollidays to you to.

i agree with you 100!
this band has unfortunately become a bit of a joke now.
what a shitty and arrogant attitude to have towards your loyal fans. people that have supported you for 15 years+...
what a kick in the teeth.

scott would make a great politician.
coop said:
Scott would have been better off by saying absolutely nothing than posting things like "nobody is going anywhere" and now "there would never have been another album without the reunion" and all his cryptic half-truths and circular talk.
I totally agree. But......I still wouldn't mind an explanation. The fans who followed them during the Bush years, we were pretty blind-sided by the reunion, just because of everything that has been said over the years. How can they not realise this? I didn't think the rumour was true, and when it turned out to be true, something really changed in me. This band isn't what it used to be.
max said:
i agree with you 100!
this band has unfortunately become a bit of a joke now.
what a shitty and arrogant attitude to have towards your loyal fans. people that have supported you for 15 years+...
what a kick in the teeth.

scott would make a great politician.

How can u call them a joke. Bands are entitled to a bit of privacy. However musically Anthrax are sounding better than ever and we have frank back. Alive 2 is a phenomenal dvd. i wish people would stop crying and all this "o im a loyal fan pish"
DumbAss said:
Dude, that's a pretty shitty attitude. Some of us have been buying Anthrax albums for 20 years. Did you forget what it is to be a Metal Fan when you joined the industry? I'm not trying to insult you, but don't insult me with comments like that. Of course it our bussiness. Your fans as a whole are way more important than any one member of that band.
... and Happy Hollidays to you to.
Man, just cos we buy Anthrax and albums, and like you, I have been buying them for 20 years, it does not give us the right to know every small detail about the band. Not everything that happens is "our business", its their business, in more ways than one. If you are like me, you've been here for the duration, and you're here for the longer ride as well. Just sit back and wait until they are ready to make an announcement. I could give a fuck no matter what happens, whether they go back with John, or keep Joey, or have both, I'm a fan of Anthrax, and that's that.
Karina_666 said:
Paul Crook played on two Anthrax records, no pic of him inside. Rarely seen in any publicity photos. Helped produce two records. Rob Caggiano, one album, pic right inside like a real member. Read Pauls 20 questions with metal sludge. The guy was in the band 5 plus years and never considered a real member. Rob joins the band and immediately gets treated as an equal. Maybe Paul was too tall and too blonde. I don't know. But it is a little fucked up imo.


I think Crook is awesome. Better than Rob C. even.
I was BSing with him (Crook) after a show one time and I asked him, when he's going to be 'in' the band. He told me he didn't want to, that he wanted to keep his options open. So, I only assume he was a 'hired' gun and that he was o.k. with that, because he wasn't bitching about it at all.