Reverse Karma


Apr 14, 2008
So the typical view of Karma is kind of like a do unto others what you would have them do to you. Do good things, and good things will come back to you. Do bad things and you reap what you sew. Maybe Indian mystics may say thats a Westernized version, a bit watered down, but you know what I mean.

Well what do you think of this?

Lets say your the victim. Someone does something bad to you. They flake on you, hurt you emotionally, hurt you physically, screw your over, steal from you, etc. Now you may say, that guy has his coming. One day it'll come back around to him. But how does that help you? We only focus on the perpetrator.

What if, to balance it out, the victim needs to then do that to someone else. Maybe not that week, or month, but at some point in the future. Let's say someone sells you an item on craigslist like a TV or something. Tells you everything is great. You pay top dollar only to find out when you get home he ripped you off. It doesn't work and the guy who cheated you is nowhere to be found. Maybe to balance out the negative energy, you have to do that to someone else.

Reverse Karma.
Um, I don't think I like Reverse Karma. I think it may also be known as the "shit rolls downhill" philosophy. Would it really make you feel better to know you were screwing someone else--who has not aggrieved you--over?
How about Pre- Reverse Karma.

You do something bad to someone, before someone does something bad to you. Someone is eventually going to hurt you. Well, why not hurt someone before you get hurt. It may even prevent it.

I guess you can also do good before someone does good to you, but thats a boring post.
How about Pre- Reverse Karma.

You do something bad to someone, before someone does something bad to you. Someone is eventually going to hurt you. Well, why not hurt someone before you get hurt. It may even prevent it.

I guess you can also do good before someone does good to you, but thats a boring post.

:err: I dunno, I'm gonna have to check with Confucius on that and get back to you.
Everytime I do the math, two wrongs don't make a right.

On another note, I knew somebody years ago that was a total dick and would always burn people. Totally would piss you off and you'd want to get back at them. As much as I'd never want this, one day a friend of mine said he was found dead. I never found out what happened, but my guess is he pissed off the wrong person and he got snuffed for it.

Have good karma. Don't be a dick.
I went to Confucious's house in northern China. I even saw the well where he got his water from.

Or so the Chinese claim.
It's very simple..........Just "BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER!" What's so hard about that? It worked for Bill an Ted! Seems to be workin' for me!
Actually...if I understand correctly, the "Golden Rule" is the "do unto others as you would have them done to you" thing. I thought Karma was more like "What goes around comes around"....which totally ruins your idea.....sorry!
So the typical view of Karma is kind of like a do unto others what you would have them do to you. Do good things, and good things will come back to you. Do bad things and you reap what you sew. Maybe Indian mystics may say thats a Westernized version, a bit watered down, but you know what I mean.

Well what do you think of this?

Lets say your the victim. Someone does something bad to you. They flake on you, hurt you emotionally, hurt you physically, screw your over, steal from you, etc. Now you may say, that guy has his coming. One day it'll come back around to him. But how does that help you? We only focus on the perpetrator.

What if, to balance it out, the victim needs to then do that to someone else. Maybe not that week, or month, but at some point in the future. Let's say someone sells you an item on craigslist like a TV or something. Tells you everything is great. You pay top dollar only to find out when you get home he ripped you off. It doesn't work and the guy who cheated you is nowhere to be found. Maybe to balance out the negative energy, you have to do that to someone else.

Reverse Karma.

Are you just philosophizing?

Or did someone do something recently that you feel fucked you over and you're looking for justification whatever shit you wanna pull?
Good one, Khan! Or as Captain Kirk would say, "KHAAAAAANNNN!!!!" I think we could all learn a lot from Bill and Ted. Just enjoy your life, have fun , be a cool person, and so forth.
Are you just philosophizing?

Or did someone do something recently that you feel fucked you over and you're looking for justification whatever shit you wanna pull?

Nah. Sometimes this site is like watching grass grow so I thought I'd come up with some nonsense to sarcastically argue about. Add some creativity. Kind of can be a mindless ass kissing session on this site. Or who's the biggest Hesher.

"Actually...if I understand correctly, the "Golden Rule" is the "do unto others as you would have them done to you" thing. I thought Karma was more like "What goes around comes around"....which totally ruins your idea.....sorry!"

Awe shit! Hmmm.

But they kind of intermingle.

Hurting someone and then getting hurt back is karma according to what you said. But that would mean your breaking the rule of do unto others.

Ha! You thought you had one up on me but you lose!

I'm still Biggest Hesher~
Suicidal Tendencies had it right.

Two wrongs dont make a right, but they make you feel a whole lot better.

I guess I must be kinda negative, I dont tolerate anyone doing anything to me or my loved ones. I dont always resort to fact I try to avoid it, cos it doesnt actually solve anything. But I can and do seek revenge.

I try to go through life being courteous to people, remembering my manners and respecting my elders. I'm no saint, but people must understand that I dont tolerate a lot of things and will deal with these people as I see fit.

Recently its abuse and violence towards women that tops my hate list. Several years ago I was arrested for Grevious Bodily harm on two men whom I saw chasing a woman down the street at night. I was charged and awaiting my time in court....being told to expect a short jail sentence. Eventually the woman was traced and said the two guys had tried to rape her, I intervened and enabled her to escape. All charges were dropped.
The sad side to this story is I never met or have seen the woman since.

So I guess I beleive in what goes around comes around, you treat people well and eventually you will be rewarded for it. Treat people badly and you might bump into me one night :lol:
Time warrior: YOU DA MAN! Saving that girl and fucking those 2 faggots up! Way To Go!!:worship:

Acujer: CORRECTION! I'm the biggest Hesher!!!

We interviewed Gene Simmons once and he had something very interesting to say. he said the 10 commandments are wrong because if you go by "do unto others" that means you'll let a masochist beat you. You only need one commandment to live by:"Don't hurt anyone including yourself" sounds fair to me!
Damn is crime that out of contrl in England???? TWO men chasing down a chick to rape her - you don't even c that here. I thought cops didn't even carry guns cuz it is so safe and lovely there!


Yer joking, normal cops dont carry guns cos we cant legally own most guns. However gun crime is escalating. Go figure!

We have kids stabbing adults, other kids. We have children torturing other kids. We have idiots that think stamping on someones head and killing them is something to boast about.

And if I was to punch someone who broke into my home, I would face police charges. England, where the criminal has more rights than their victims.

Dont forget we allow islamic extremists to remain in the country, we freed irish terrorists and recently allowed one of them to speak at the very hotel they blew up murdering 5 people! And then theres a certain bomber from Libya that should have faced the death penalty we arent allowed ot have because it infringes human rights.
Local to me a guy was punched because he didnt smoke and couldnt give some idiot a cigarette, he fell causing fatal brain damage. The guy that punched him was sentenced to 18months in prison.

No England is lawless and our home secretary says terrorism can be justified!

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