Heavy! magazine from Germany was called Heavy, oder was!? at the time and here is the review...
Shadow Demon
USA Import
Kurz und knapp machen es SHADOW DEMON aus Kenmore, Washington, USA (in der Nähe von Seattle) mit ihrer ersten Veröffentlichung, nach gerade mal drei Songs (gut 14 min) ist schon wieder Schluss. Leider, möchte der Rezensent anfügen, denn die drei Stücke ‚... And The Meek’, ‘My Eyes Fixed’ und ‘Of The Shadows’ machen mächtig Lust auf mehr. Kraftvolle beinharte Riffs, einprägsame Chorusse und die fast hypnotische Stimme von Sänger Blaine Hammond dürften die US Metal Fanatiker unter unseren Lesern begeistern.
Diese werden natürlich auch gleich mitbekommen, dass den Newcomern mit HEIR APPARENT Mainman Terry Gorle ein guter alter Bekannten beim Mix geholfen hat. Ich hoffe, ihr tut es Terry gleich und greift dem
Nachwuchs auch unter die Arme. Ich denke nicht, dass ihr es bereuen werdet.
Martin Brandt (10 Punkte)"
Martin, the reviewer, mentioned that it's a 10/12 points and is a very favorable review.
If we can get scans of the actual magazine I'll post them as well.
And here is the translation into English from a friend on the Blind Guardian forums:
Shadow Demon from Kenmore, Washington, USA (near Seattle) keep it short on their first release. After only three songs (about 14 minutes) it's already over. Unfortunately, as the reviewer would like to add, because the three tracks "...And The Meek", "My Eyes Fixed" and "Of The Shadows" make me hungry for more, a lot more. Powerful, rock-hard riffs, catchy choruses and the almost hypnotic voice of singer Blaine Hammond should excite the US-Metal fanatics among our readers.
Those fanatics will of course notice immediately an old, familiar name. Heir Apparent main man Terry Gorle helped with the mix. I hope you make it like Terry and support these newcomers. I'm sure you won't regret it.
The person was kind enough to help us out with the translation also added this note with hs response:
A short explanation: the term US Metal as used in Germany usually refers to Bands such as Omen, Fifth Angel, Armoured Saint or Heir Apparent, classic 80ties Metal from the US and is a rather common classification here.
There is even a scene of fans and traders around that, focused on rare vinyl recordings from the "golden age"
If you happen to post on the Blind Guardian boards be sure to thank TexasFriedCriminal. :thmbup
Additional reviews can be found on the Shadow Demon web site in the Press section.
Shadow Demon
USA Import
Kurz und knapp machen es SHADOW DEMON aus Kenmore, Washington, USA (in der Nähe von Seattle) mit ihrer ersten Veröffentlichung, nach gerade mal drei Songs (gut 14 min) ist schon wieder Schluss. Leider, möchte der Rezensent anfügen, denn die drei Stücke ‚... And The Meek’, ‘My Eyes Fixed’ und ‘Of The Shadows’ machen mächtig Lust auf mehr. Kraftvolle beinharte Riffs, einprägsame Chorusse und die fast hypnotische Stimme von Sänger Blaine Hammond dürften die US Metal Fanatiker unter unseren Lesern begeistern.
Diese werden natürlich auch gleich mitbekommen, dass den Newcomern mit HEIR APPARENT Mainman Terry Gorle ein guter alter Bekannten beim Mix geholfen hat. Ich hoffe, ihr tut es Terry gleich und greift dem
Nachwuchs auch unter die Arme. Ich denke nicht, dass ihr es bereuen werdet.
Martin Brandt (10 Punkte)"
Martin, the reviewer, mentioned that it's a 10/12 points and is a very favorable review.
If we can get scans of the actual magazine I'll post them as well.
And here is the translation into English from a friend on the Blind Guardian forums:
Shadow Demon from Kenmore, Washington, USA (near Seattle) keep it short on their first release. After only three songs (about 14 minutes) it's already over. Unfortunately, as the reviewer would like to add, because the three tracks "...And The Meek", "My Eyes Fixed" and "Of The Shadows" make me hungry for more, a lot more. Powerful, rock-hard riffs, catchy choruses and the almost hypnotic voice of singer Blaine Hammond should excite the US-Metal fanatics among our readers.
Those fanatics will of course notice immediately an old, familiar name. Heir Apparent main man Terry Gorle helped with the mix. I hope you make it like Terry and support these newcomers. I'm sure you won't regret it.
The person was kind enough to help us out with the translation also added this note with hs response:
A short explanation: the term US Metal as used in Germany usually refers to Bands such as Omen, Fifth Angel, Armoured Saint or Heir Apparent, classic 80ties Metal from the US and is a rather common classification here.
There is even a scene of fans and traders around that, focused on rare vinyl recordings from the "golden age"

If you happen to post on the Blind Guardian boards be sure to thank TexasFriedCriminal. :thmbup
Additional reviews can be found on the Shadow Demon web site in the Press section.