Review of Dragonforce on graspop stream.


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
Timing, this is a term that DragonForce seems to have forgotten. I have heard shit, and I mean, I have heard litteral shit. This "effort", if you can even call it that, sounded worse.

I don't know if they were all drunk or what, but this was just plain awful. It made me ashamed to be a fan. The guitars went constantly out of time, the solos were out of time, the drums were either ahead or behind, the vocals were awful.

Long story short though: They ruined "Through the fire and flames", the crowd was pretty displeased in their performance, the band walked around like they were the best thing ever, and then they ended it and I was happy.

And in the words of David: Dragonforce was hit by the suck hammer. Missed it Isabel, they blew their timing a LOT. -NL | Eric/Swede/Belgian agree
Glad I'm not a fan:lol: Also makes it slightly more bearable that I couldn't go this year.

What a waste of time to watch this, when I could have been studying:loco:
On a related note, just watched the in flames stream, bad setlist, very good playing though. They were tighter then a virgins twat, but other then Behind Space, the oldest songs they played were Pinball Map and Only For The Weak (both from clayman).

Still was worth the watch, even with the shitty setlist. Anders is a weird motherfuck.

Edit: I never thought I'd ever say this, but today, In Flames kicked the fuck outta DragonForce... hard.
shit band = shit show.

Its very simple.

btw, I realized that the main dude on DragonForce used to hang out in an
IRC channel on Undernet that I used to hang out there all the time...
its funny, I remember now, 4-5 years ago he played the first Dragonforce to us.. his name online was <shred>
If any of you talk to those guys, ask him about it.
i could have seen this coming....a few days ago on the myspace homepage where they have a featured artist, there was Dragonforce. i was surprised to see it, but knew it would only be a bad omen.
It's not that they're bad in general, but they kept going off time and couldn't sync their shreds and harmonies for shit last night, and their drummer wasn't using a metronome, as Eric pointed out. Four of us were watching and complaining... I put my head in my hands many times.
NoLordy said:
It's not that they're bad in general, but they kept going off time and couldn't sync their shreds and harmonies for shit last night, and their drummer wasn't using a metronome, as Eric pointed out. Four of us were watching and complaining... I put my head in my hands many times.

If he's a good drummer, He shouldn't need to use a metronome to begin with.. So that makes it all the worse. :zombie:

I'm a big fan of Dragonforce, albeit they are one of the cheesiest bands i've ever heard. Are they usually this bad live? Or is this a one off thing? I've heard they're pretty impressive generally. If it's this bad all the time, I certainly ain't gonna pay the dough to see them at the headlining show they gonna be playing near me.
I've heard they're not anywhere near this bad live usually. I hope they were just very drunk.