Review Of Hate Crew deathtoll online at ROYAL CARNAGE now

If I got you right, you came here..

"to spark an intelligent discussion, i.e. one that doesn't consist mainly of "man ure gay and cant judge music at all bcuz u dont like teh bodom!!1""

..and the best way of starting a discussion like this is to squash Hate Crew Deathroll without giving it even a chance. If even some of your 'arguments' had something to stand on.. but no.

"All the elements that made the CHILDREN OF BODOM Songwriting Formula® famous are here, of course, and they sound exactly like they always have."

Are you deaf?
Half the reviews on you guys' site are a load of bullshit. Give or take a few. Do you think you're going to become the forefront of the internet in terms of metal album reviews? That'd be a laugh. Shut your site down. It sucks. Go buy more pot with the money you get from the server being taken offline. Maybe if you were -straight- enough to write a decent review, then you might have a SLIM chance of having the site make it on the net. As of right now, NEVER. Get out of the fucking house and look at the sun. There's a world outside this box...and the box isnt worth crying over . Oh and the stuff about the members not showing respect for the band by giving legitimate responses on this board and all that good shit? Maybe you should respect the band YOU'RE reviewing in your REVIEW so you won't sound so god damned biased. You're not Zakk Wylde, and you CAN'T just get away with saying "fuck this" and "fuck that". You sound like a 12 year old who just learned to whine and swear in the same sentence. Go cry to your mom.:wave:
You think I'm a fanboy? Whatever. You posted a ridiculous review... you didn't even remotely look at it objectively. About the line that someone quoted before about "the cob songwriting formula" or whatever... it's a very good point, since every single CoB song is quite different, unlike some other bands that I can think of. Like I said before, whoever wrote it obviously didn't know shit about music, and barely manages to listen to a song much less evaluate it and review the entire album. You're probably so fucked that you think all melodies sound the same or similar. It's sad that people like you run these websites.

Tried to spark an intelligent conversation? Hahahahah get outta here you stupid troll.
Papa Josh said:
The band has stopped being relevant... hell, were they ever? Their songs aren't very strong at all. I'll admit, some of Hatebreeder was good and I even liked a cut or two off of Follow the Reaper, but the dude's vocals have got to go.

And if I want Yngwie, I'll listen to Yngwie. Not Children of BOREDOM. :p

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

You suck and so does your website. I don't need anything to back it just suck.
RockBodom said:
Half the reviews on you guys' site are a load of bullshit. Give or take a few. Do you think you're going to become the forefront of the internet in terms of metal album reviews? That'd be a laugh. Shut your site down. It sucks. Go buy more pot with the money you get from the server being taken offline. Maybe if you were -straight- enough to write a decent review, then you might have a SLIM chance of having the site make it on the net. As of right now, NEVER. Get out of the fucking house and look at the sun. There's a world outside this box...and the box isnt worth crying over . Oh and the stuff about the members not showing respect for the band by giving legitimate responses on this board and all that good shit? Maybe you should respect the band YOU'RE reviewing in your REVIEW so you won't sound so god damned biased. You're not Zakk Wylde, and you CAN'T just get away with saying "fuck this" and "fuck that". You sound like a 12 year old who just learned to whine and swear in the same sentence. Go cry to your mom.:wave:
So what you're basically saying here is "you don't like Children of Bodom, so you and your site suck?"
Needled24Seven said:
another thing there is one huge problem with your review, its that you obviously have something against cob from previous issues. you cant just give them 3 out of 10 because there is so much talent in there that even if you didnt enjoy it yourself you could appreciate it for what it is.
What it is to me is a record full of rehashed, tired-sounding songwriting, boring riffs and wankery, mind-numbingly lame lyrics and not really much at all to grab my interest. You know, if you had read the review thoroughly, you would've noticed that I even said I enjoyed some previous CoB works, but their formulaic approach is getting VERY tiresome after 4 releases in muchly the same style.

Also, as I've said before, if you get a promo from a record company, you review it. What would be fucking asinine would be to have only Children of Bodom fans reviewing Children of Bodom, etc.
Stun said:
You think I'm a fanboy? Whatever. You posted a ridiculous review... you didn't even remotely look at it objectively.
Objectively? OBJECTIVELY?!? Do you understand what the purpose of a record review is? A record review is, per definition, the reviewers subjective opinion of the album. There is very little room for objectivity in a review, other than straight facts such as "this record was recorded in 2003," "the guitars are competently performed" and things of that sort.
Stun said:
Like I said before, whoever wrote it obviously didn't know shit about music, and barely manages to listen to a song much less evaluate it and review the entire album.
Yes, you said that before, and I asked you to explain yourself, because to me that is a total non sequitur.
Needled24Seven said:
i would have to agree since the website lets a biased like this asshole do a review, who obviously has no clue what hes talking about. the bottom line is no respectable webzine lets a person who is baised towards a certain band do a review on that band...end of story...
If, for example, someone who raped my cat and murdered my girlfriend was in Children of Bodom, I'd have a BIAS against them. As it stands now, I merely express my opinion. You can't just go around saying that a negative review equals bias against the band, that's asinine if anything.

Oh, and BTW, we have a positive review of "Follow the Reaper" on RC as well, so maybe if you read that you fanboys can consider our site to have some "integrity" and quality again? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Needled24Seven said:
i would have to agree since the website lets a biased like this asshole do a review, who obviously has no clue what hes talking about.
Are you saying he has no clue based on the low score he gave? If you read the review, all criticism of the album is very well supported. It may differ from your opinion, and that's fine, but you can't say it's not bolstered journalism.
the bottom line is no respectable webzine lets a person who is baised towards a certain band do a review on that band...end of story...
Well, if our journalists only write reviews for bands that they love, then all our reviews would be given high scores by default. And that would make for uninteresting reading, no?

By the way, the review we have for Follow the Reaper holds the album in high regard. With the logic at display here, would the reviewer for that album have a better understanding of CoB just because of the higher score? I think not.

The point of giving you all a link to the review(s) is to start some intelligent discussion. Just because this is a CoB forum doesn't mean that we can't criticize (or hail) the band here. No band is above criticism surely...
Here's the link to Follow the Reaper review:
It got a 9/10 if you don't feel like reading it. :grin:

To me, this is indicative about what Royal Carnage represents: respect for difference in opinion. Some of my fellow staffer's favorite CDs are absolutely HATED by me, and vice versa, yet we do not bicker about it. They are definitely up for discussion, which I assume is what Josh's goal was by posting this review here, but it immediately turned into "oooh, you guzy are teh suck, U don lyke the n3w Bodom." That is pretty childish, Erik's review is not.
Well I'd like all of you when you feel up to it to look at some tabs from each of their cds and look at the difference in structure of the riffs, melodies, and overall layout of the songs... and I hope you aren't going to say the music doesn't flow. Look at how Alexi's voice has progressed from a basic black/death metal growl to what it is now. If you don't like it, fine, but not many vocalists can do what Alexi does (take a look at the Aces High cover, or the end of Angels Don't Kill, or Lil Bloodred Ridin Hood, to name a few)... he's a nut. And his guitar playing has progressed as well; he's always branched out in different directions each album. They are a constantly evolving band, which is plain to see... almost every band's sound constantly changes. Look at Deadnight Warrior and Needled 24/7. See lots of similarities? Not many. I just don't see where you guys are coming from saying that CoB are repetitive and boring and all that bullshit... get a grip, listen to CoB with an open mind, or something.

When I tell people about things, I give my opinions, but I also tell them what the songs are like, what kind of mood they are, maybe even say something about what the song is about, especially if it caught my ear. Lots of CoB songs have fairly straight-forward themes to them (with funny lyrics), except for his fucked up stories, which are great (like Wrath Within, Taste of My Scythe, Northern Comfort, Lil Bloodred, etc). Anyways I wouldn't bother talking about them too much but I would tell the about the songs and why I disliked them, not "they are so boring oh they sound the same they suck blah blah blah".

There, I backed myself up, you fucking babies. Did you? Lets see the great responses I get from this. Well you can always hope.
I doubt that discussion is worth it, but anyway...

did you listen to the album at all?
where did you get the idea nothing has changed?
I think SW and HCDR aren't really THAT similar, are they?
I didn't like it that much first to be honest, and I love the previous stuff.
it took me a while to get into it. love it today. it was not what I expected (and I really know CoB quite well), but it is better.
CoB made a constant change in their music. you can't expect them to play pop on their next album (changes take a while).
sure they still use guitars and that stuff, but that's mainly it with similarities if you see it on the long run...

the quality got better and better and alexis vox are the best so far IMO.

as for the layout; the reaper motiv is not a lack of ideas, it's some kind of sign for CoB. you might have mentioned that it's on ALL CoB covers so far...
do you really think you are the only one who mentioned it, and it's a repetition by accident? :lol:

sure, if you compare CoB to manowar, that's kind of unfair...
noone can beat the kings of heavy metal!!!
those guys can make songs with less than five chords!!!
tell me someone else who can do that!! :lol:

this manowar stuff, was about the thing were I started with metal too. maybe you are just not ready for something more complex and tricky yet...
you'll grow into it maybe. I hope for you...

and yep; it maybe was a bad idea to come up here with such a great start...
you didn't really expect a warm welcome that way, did you?

@rubenios; who are you about to impress that way?
it's about discussion here, not a contest who uses the most 4 letter words in a sentence...
At the end of the day I don't give a shit if some guy sitting at his computer reading this likes me or not. I give my honest opinions, for the most part, I am respected it for it.

Granted, I did not know that Needled 24/7 was a song as I don't have the new album and I don't have a great urge to get it, because I am not a fan. I never came here pretending to be. Personally, I like Alexi's work on IMPALED NAZARENE's Nihil more than any of his BODOM work.

I posted information for others to read and to get the real insight as to what Bodom fans thought of the release as they are the ones that truly matter to the band, not me.

It's rather unfortunate that some cannot express themselves without slagging others (i.e. attacks on MANOWAR, which I'm quite used to, frankly, so thank you!)

And last I checked there are tons of mags/zines that assign cds to people that don't necessarily like a band. Sometimes it makes for incredibly humorous reading. Perhaps some need to develop a sense of humor, hell I don't know.

I find it funny that no one, aside from us at RC, has said anything about Follow the Reaper's 9/10.

I guess what we've seen here is the reason why the band, label and management do not endorse this forum.

I rest my case.
What's the idea in writing a review which consists of nothing else but an opinion? If you want people to visit your site and read the reviews then maybe you should tell them something about the album instead of just telling us how much you hate the band?
Papa Josh said:
Personally, I like Alexi's work on IMPALED NAZARENE's Nihil more than any of his BODOM work.

And what did he do to get your respect on that album? He didn't sing? You know, he only played the guitar and wrote a couple of songs, it's not that big of a deal. It's not like he wrote the whole album and so on.

Can't say anything about that HCD review or the FtR review, 'cause I didn't read them, and I never will. And that's just because I know what bands I already like, and I will stay far from those reviews. I only read reviews if I find a band I could like but have never heard of before. Only then they come handy. And if I've had an album for 8 moths, what's the idea of reading a review of it, since I already know what it's like. Huh..
You, man, you shoud be more objective when you TRY to analise some CD. I know for sure that you didn't play it twice. If you listen to a cd only once you cannot judge it, it makes no sense.

First of all you cannot offend anybody with a review unless you don't give a fuck who reads your reviews. You ought to know that if I'm reading some magazine and it's talking about something, the less i can expect is to found some insults.

You have to be careful at the time of choosing what are you gonna say and HOW are you gonna say it. You wrote that Children of Bodom are playing the same songs as in Hatebreeder's time, ok, I can accept that or I can totally disagree, but at least I'm not gonna tell you that your brain is totally upside-down. I think Follow The Reaper was their poorest cd, you know it's almost the same formula as in Hatebreeder but played softly and giving Keyboards more power than before. But Hate Crew Deathroll is a fucking kick in the ass to the Follow The Reaper era, quick riffs, strong guitars and loudness. It's extremely loud (for being Children Of Bodom, I know that compared with Burzum's music they are ballads... or... whatever..).

None of the songs is the same as another, I think, I have noticed that every song in the album has got its own personality and melody. As far as I am concerned, the only thing I have to complain are the lyrics, they are faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being good, but hey, I like them.

So... do you want me to review one of your Limp Bizkit albums? :grin:
Needled24Seven said:
do i need to explain this statement to you two?

so far all i can tell is that your review was based on feelings and youve shown no sing that you actually know anything about music or any music theory at all. so ill just assume you dont and keep wondering why youre actually writing reviews in the first place. :confused:

For someone who complains about grammar, spelling, punctuation etc, ad nauseum, you sure need to go back to school!

Last I checked, most reviews are opinions, thus the grade mark. Geez, I feel like I'm lecturing a second grade classroom.

No offense to those who wish to carry a truly intelligent conversation.

As far as Implaed Nazarene and "Nihil" I like the fact that he only plays guitar as that is what he's best at. I don't care how much of the material he had a hand in, I like the performance. It's vicious.