Review Of Hate Crew deathtoll online at ROYAL CARNAGE now

Stun said:
Oh on top of it all he thinks it's a fucking contest! :tickled:

:Smug: No, actually, you idiot, it's because you wrote a "review" and your friend came in here looking for a flame war, or argument or whatever... oh whoops I mean intelligent discussion, that's right. :wave:
That's probably the best reason to want to slap somebody I've ever read. Oh wait, it isn't!

Contest, not really, but obviously you're taking part in an argument of some sort, and arguments can generally be won or lost.
Tuomas Holopainen is the greatest song writer in the world.

"I only wished to become something beautiful , through my music , through my silent devotion".

After saying something like this you REALLY expect me to take anything you say seriously spellbound?

Cmon, you can do better than that.

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phyre said:
Contest, not really, but obviously you're taking part in an argument of some sort, and arguments can generally be won or lost.

Team Carnage 1 : Bodomite Fanboys 0

:loco:'ve gotta laugh at this thread in hindsight. :)
Holy Christ, they slated a coB album! WHO THE FUCK CARES!

Holy fuck, stop picking fights with these people for fucks sake!
HarmonyDies.... said:
I got an idea! Let's have George Bush discussion!


Alright! I always take an opportunity to do some Bush-bashing.

I hate that fucker. How he went to Yale and actually graduated is beyond me. I watched the State Of The Union last year, and every time he got asked a question, he would completely miss the point of it in his answer. In essence, every answer was "Yes. We ARE going to war with Iraq." Now I heard that he's spending $2.5 million on random drug testing in schools. Such a waste of money. There are so many alternative uses for it.

Though I do believe that he did the right thing by going into Iraq. Even if there were no WMD's, there probably would have been in the future. If that's not enough, it's likely that Sadaam had terrorist ties. And finally, we liberated a country.

But he still sucks. It'll take a miracle for him to get re-elected.
MagSec4 said:
I mostly agree with you.
However, and sadly, he actually has a fairly good chance at getting re-elected

WHAT?! What strings did he have to pull to get that leverage!? If what you say is true, then this is hard evidence that the majority of the U.S.'s population is retarded.

That's it, Schwarzenegger for President! Someone fabricate a birth certificate that says he's natural born!
My opinion on Hatecrew Deathroll. I think Bodom could have done a better job, i it definatley a different sound than there other albums. The riffs have much more chords and it is not as "keyboard drriven." The style switches alot from a manowar style to a very complex thrashier style. But there are also some great tracks that do have there roots in albums such as Hatebreeder and Follow The Reaper. These tracks include "Bodom Beach Terror," "Hate Crew Deathroll," "Needled 24/7," and "You're Better Off Dead!" Overall I feel the album has a much more raw feel to it not such a fast paced keyboard driven album, but there are exceptions. The solos are not overdone like other albums. But as a metal fan I do enjoy the longer solos like in "Kissing the Shadows". On Hate Crew Deathroll there aren't as many classical influeces. On this is album I also belive Jaska has finally found definite style. He uses more complex drum beats with a lot of stop and go double bass. Overall I think it is a good album to add to your Bodom collection. But if you haven't heard of Bodom Hate Crew Deathroll is not for you. Start off with Hatebreeder. That has lots of there style. It has that classical style like on Something Wild but it isalso alot more guitar driven like Follow The Reaper compared to Something Wild. Well, that is my opinion and i hope it helped you.
VaroaMiettiäShakma said:
My opinion on Hatecrew Deathroll. I think Bodom could have done a better job, i it definatley a different sound than there other albums. The riffs have much more chords and it is not as "keyboard drriven." The style switches alot from a manowar style to a very complex thrashier style. But there are also some great tracks that do have there roots in albums such as Hatebreeder and Follow The Reaper. These tracks include "Bodom Beach Terror," "Hate Crew Deathroll," "Needled 24/7," and "You're Better Off Dead!" Overall I feel the album has a much more raw feel to it not such a fast paced keyboard driven album, but there are exceptions. The solos are not overdone like other albums. But as a metal fan I do enjoy the longer solos like in "Kissing the Shadows". On Hate Crew Deathroll there aren't as many classical influeces. On this is album I also belive Jaska has finally found definite style. He uses more complex drum beats with a lot of stop and go double bass. Overall I think it is a good album to add to your Bodom collection. But if you haven't heard of Bodom Hate Crew Deathroll is not for you. Start off with Hatebreeder. That has lots of there style. It has that classical style like on Something Wild but it isalso alot more guitar driven like Follow The Reaper compared to Something Wild. Well, that is my opinion and i hope it helped you.

Your opinion on HCDR is irrelevant! We're making fun of George Bush now!!

lol j/k man. I noticed the same stuff you did about HCDR, but I don't like it any less. Yeah, they deviated from their formula a little bit and the songs are more brutal and a little less melodic/classically influenced, but despite that the album is still great. A band's change of direction isn't always bad, in this case it worked out for them.
You fucking retards, why surfus this topic??? Again?? We all here know this album is BIBLICLE as far as new music goes, no new topics? No new threads! Goddamned tired of ppl writing just to get heard or read. This is a forum for and about COB, new info is great, old info is played out. The Jackson rr3 is still a shit guitar, Alexi is still king, and the ESP weights-sixty-nine-kilos and is a gimpy product!

No harmful-intention meant spell-bound you know you ROCK un my book!!!!