Review Of Hate Crew deathtoll online at ROYAL CARNAGE now

Even though I am a pretty serious CoB fan, I can honestly admit that HCDR wasn't that great of an album in comparison to Something Wild and Hatebreeder. I'd have given it a 6/10 though....anyways the reviews on Royal Carnage are pretty dependable. Except for the review of Vital Remain's Dechristianize....9/10!!! are you guys insane!!!!! its obviously 10/10. Man that album is the hottest thing since sunburn.
In response to HarmonyDies...: ability-wise, Alexi is incredible. Not everyone likes what he does with his voice though. Yeah it's over. There's nothing more to be said.

In response to the Royal Carnage ppl: Yes, I saw the FtR review... but Markgugs is a fan of cob so that's what I'd expect. I don't agree with the neoclassical part that much. I suppose it is still evident on FtR but not like it was on the earlier albums. And on HCD, it is almost non-existent.
Stun said:
Wow, so that's the whole problem. A bunch of guys who think telling people their opinions makes a metal web site. Well I've read countless reviews that give opinions and also tell me about the album. It's not hard to say stuff like "they've done a slower, heavier song then usual called Angels Don't Kill. Like Sixpounder, it's downtuned to give it some extra crunch. Janne switches between gothic styled keyboards and almost uplifting strings throughout." or "Alexi experiments with cleaner vocals (Needled 24/7) as well as even more brutal ones (Triple Corpse Hammerblow)"... instead we get a ridiculously biased "review" which is obvious from the first paragraph.
Look. I did say that "[Alexi] also does a few rather futile attempts at semi-clean singing here and there," I did say that "there are a few heavier PANTERA-styled riffs here and there," don't come trying to fucking tell me that I didn't describe the music at all. I know every CoB fanboy is going to get this album REGARDLESS of what I say because they already KNOW what it sounds like, but to all other potential buyers the review is my way of issuing a warning because the album fucking sucks. As I've said before, it's not biased, it's my opinion. Did you ever get into your thick skulls that I said numerous times that I've even ENJOYED SOME PREVIOUS BODOM WORKS? Is that a fucking BIAS? Well yes, POSSIBLY, but since it's a positive fucking bias if anything your arguments are rendered null, void ad worthless!

Music reviewing is about giving the reviewer's opinion on the music. It is not about reading fucking tablature or analyzing song structures in great detail, because what consistutes well-composed music to one might sound like total fucking CRAP to another. Were all music reviewers to dissect an album like Bathory's "The Return" or Darkthrone's "Transilvanian Hunger" by reading the FUCKING TABS and measuring the fucking TECHNICAL ABILITY do you think they would ever get higher than 1/10? No. Now as it stands these albums regularly get 9/10 and 10/10 because they are greater than the sum of their parts. "Hate Crew Deathroll," on the other hand, sounds to me like great musicianship wasted on crap songs with 0% innovation -- i.e. what turns out as something less than the sum of its parts.

Rant over, now go flush yourselves down the toilet. Peace.
Shadeg said:
That's what I call professional journalism. Do you really want to know what a retard thinks about an album instead of what the album IS LIKE before making the buying descision?

If that's really the dumbest thing you've ever read.. Well, good luck in the future, buddy - you're gonna need it.
The point of it all is this -- if you're a regular reader of any zine or webzine or whatever, sooner or later you're going to find out that reviever X has muchly the same tastes as you, and the music X gives high grades, you generally enjoy yourself as well. That's the point of music reviews in the first place as I see it. People who like black metal or doom metal might agree with some of my reviews -- and these are not the people who would like Children of Bodom, I certainly didn't. That's it -- if you don't generally agree with my opinions then I wouldn't expect you do with CoB either. Now if you read Markgugs review of "Follow the Reaper," and you think, "boy, that's an accurate review -- he says exactly what I'm thinking" then you might want to check out some of his other SUBJECTIVE REVIEWS to find other bands that you might like amongst those he gives good grades -- now is the message about subjective reviews being the only useful kind FINALLY getting to you people?

I challenge you fanboys to find one metal review site on the Internet which grades albums solely based on their "quality" or "ability."
AFireInside said:
You examine the cd by its contents and its quality, not by if you like it or not.
Well, here I have to disagree a bit. I think that the cd must be judged by its contents and quality, AND there just HAS to be something to tell the readers if it sounds good or not to the reviewers ear. So, I think the cd should be reviewed neutrally, leaving beside all the things that the reviewer him/herself has before thought about the band. Just like you would listen a debut album from a band you've never heard about before.

Oh yeah, and about this FtR review thingy. Again, I didn't read it, but I'd like to say that what are you fussing about it getting 9/10? I guess that if you had given HCD to Markgugs to review, it would've gotten better points. And on the other hand, if phyre had reviewed FtR, I'm pretty sure it would've gotten sg like 5/10 or shit like that.

I'm always open for new music, and in the last couple of months I've learned to listen to for example Type-O Negative, although I've hated them for four years just because a Black Sabbath cover they did. So, when reviewing a cd, just leave your personal feelings about the band on the doormat, when you enter the room. :grin:
Extendar said:
Well, here I have to disagree a bit. I think that the cd must be judged by its contents and quality, AND there just HAS to be something to tell the readers if it sounds good or not to the reviewers ear. So, I think the cd should be reviewed neutrally, leaving beside all the things that the reviewer him/herself has before thought about the band. Just like you would listen a debut album from a band you've never heard about before.
You're somewhat right, but how could I listen to "Hate Crew Deathroll" as if it were CoB's debut album while simultaneously telling the readers whether I think it sounds good or not when my main complaint is that everything on it has been done before, again and again and again until it's not in the least interesting anymore; i.e. until I don't think it sounds good anymore? If this WAS indeed CoB's debut album and no other band had played the style before it wouldn't have received quite as low grades.
Extendar said:
I guess that if you had given HCD to Markgugs to review, it would've gotten better points. And on the other hand, if phyre had reviewed FtR, I'm pretty sure it would've gotten sg like 5/10 or shit like that.
Yes. Actually, it is Markgugs who handles the sending out of promos, and I received HCD from him without requesting it or anything, so I guess he didn't want/couldn't review it himself...

Anyway, for what it's worth, I do like "Follow the Reaper" a bit better than "Hate Crew Deathroll."
phyre said:
You're somewhat right, but how could I listen to "Hate Crew Deathroll" as if it were CoB's debut album while simultaneously telling the readers whether I think it sounds good or not when my main complaint is that everything on it has been done before, again and again and again until it's not in the least interesting anymore; i.e. until I don't think it sounds good anymore? If this WAS indeed CoB's debut album and no other band had played the style before it wouldn't have received quite as low grades.

Well, it was just a figure of speech.. Although, if I were to mention something about something been done before and so on:

1. Look at AC/DC. They've made like 20 albums, all of them are the same shit. And still people worship them.

2. Metallica had made good albums, and when they changed on "Load", they lost some fans. And again after "Reload" and again after "St. Anger". My guess is that even if a band would like to differ from their previosu albums, they wouldn't like to lose any fans, even though they could gain new ones with the new material.

And, about that "no other band had played the style before". What a load of bull. When a band releases an album, of course you tell the readers something like "This stuff is quite much the same as [insert band name here]" So even though their style would be original somehow, people always compare them to different bands no matter how much original contents the music would have. And that leads to the fact that the band have started to being considered to play some style that's been played before.
phyre said:
The point of it all is this -- if you're a regular reader of any zine or webzine or whatever, sooner or later you're going to find out that reviever X has muchly the same tastes as you...

Or you can just go the 'About Us' link and see our playlists to at least get a ballpark of what we listen to on our own time.

And to all of those hammering us for not writing reviews correctly, please feel free to provide us with all the URL's of your own webzines and/or reviews, or anything else you might be doing on your own time and $ to support the underground scene, just so we can all compare notes.
You're still missing the point, which is that CoB's songs are for the most part not even remotely alike. I didn't tell you to review the cd by looking at the tabs, good god, I said to look at them and see for yourself that they not only don't sound alike; the actual musical arrangements notes are nowhere close. Understand my point yet? Your opinion is your opinion, but by saying that they're doing the same things they've always done you're now contradicting the facts, which you choose to ignore. But, you know what they say...

Ah, phyre... if you say your review was only for newcomers to CoB, then why didn't you even remotely describe what the album was like, instead of just saying "it all sounds the same as before, you've heard it all so don't bother"? Hmm nice logic! Anyways, if you say you aren't biased, I'll take your word for it... I guess you must be just too tr00 for CoB or something.

Yep, reviews are opinions with descriptions. Too bad there's no descriptions involved with these reviews... oh yeah, phyre, you sure did say that Alexi attempts some clean vocals and does some pantera-style riffs, or whatever... and that's all! Congratulations. Jesus. Of course I'm gonna come in here and say you didn't describe the album, cause you didn't. Fuck you and fuck your friends.

Well boys and girls, it all boils down to this: one troll, one deaf idiot, and a bunch of guys who think reviews should be opinions, and me, who you no doubt think is a CoB fanboy... just great. Next time, when you're looking for an "intelligent discussion", why don't you walk up to a black guy and call him a my pals, cause that's basically the equivalent of what you did here. I wish this was real life so I could slap you all.
Would you fucking cut all this useless bashing?
The royal carnage crew from my experience is just fine.

Though I can see a spark of a biased opinion in your words phyre, I dont think you should be bashed so hard for this decision, maybe youre just a pissed off fan:u-huh:.

For all the other 'bodomites' out there, Any fan of any band should realise that with time bands need to steer in different directions to satisfy both themselvs and their fans.

Now if CoB doesnt do that soon for either purpose(*cough*money cow*cough*) they are going to wear out sooner than you might have expected them to.

I can most honestly say I enjoy alot of laiho's guitar work(writing and playing).
He's a pretty fucking talented guitar player!
AND I allow myself to be inspired from it when creating my own stuff.

So take it easy and keep listening to whatever makes you feel fucking good!

Metalbeast said:
Would you fucking cut all this useless bashing?
The royal carnage crew from my experience is just fine.

Though I can see a spark of a biased opinion in your words phyre, I dont think you should be bashed so hard for this decision, maybe youre just a pissed off fan:u-huh:.

For all the other 'bodomites' out there, Any fan of any band should realise that with time bands need to steer in different directions to satisfy both themselvs and their fans.

Now if CoB doesnt do that soon for either purpose(*cough*money cow*cough*) they are going to wear out sooner than you might have expected them to.

I can most honestly say I enjoy alot of laiho's guitar work(writing and playing).
He's a pretty fucking talented guitar player!
AND I allow myself to be inspired from it when creating my own stuff.

So take it easy and keep listening to whatever makes you feel fucking good!

Thanks for making sense.
phyre said:
'Cause you can't win with words, now can you?

Oh on top of it all he thinks it's a fucking contest! :tickled:

:Smug: No, actually, you idiot, it's because you wrote a "review" and your friend came in here looking for a flame war, or argument or whatever... oh whoops I mean intelligent discussion, that's right. :wave: