Rites Of Darkness

Saw Impetuous Ritual, Grave Upheaval and Ritual Necromancy (which will all be playing RoD), and they were all fucking excellent, so make sure to check 'em out when you guys are there.
I'll probably go on Friday and Sunday, since I live so close. I fear if I say who I want to see, they'll cancel. There's a ton of hotels in the area and I'm sure one of them has to be kind of cheap. I know one is about a block away - not sure about the price, though.
Red Roof Inn is close and pretty cheap. I paid like $80 a night but it might be more now. If you see a dude with a patch-jacket with a Beherit back-patch that is me. I'll likely be up front waiting for my favorites, or wandering around looking for change for booze.
I'm at the Red Roof Inn also. Splitting the room four ways makes all four nights around $80 a person total. It's really close, and was the cheapest at the time of booking, and probably still is. It's on the figurative wrong side of the tracks, since all the touristy parts of downtown are on the other side, and food options seem piss poor nearby as well. I'm not sure where to get booze either, aside from a CVS downtown, but I'm sure leads will pop up.

From what I understand, RRI is going to host more than a few bands, so it should be quite a party most nights.
If anybody is looking for a last minute ticket I have one. I'll sell it for a discounted price. I am leaving for the venue though in about 4 hours so I'll have to sell it in person. Contact me via phone 309-868-0794
My father asked me if driving 19+ hours for this was worth it, and I responded with "absolutely."

It is surprising how well everything turned out. All the bands that didn't cancel played and all of them sounded amazing. Security was really lax (they didn't care if minors drank at the fest lol) and the venue was close and convient.

Every band that played was so damn amazing that it is nearly impossible to pick a favorite, but I was completely blown away by Pallbearer's set.
What a great show. I was completely shot by Sunday night. Pretty much every band was a must see, unfortunately I did miss several sets that I wanted to see. The highlights for me were Weapon, Pallbearer, Midnight, Cianide, Zemial, Cruciamentum, Vasaeleth, & Ares Kingdom. All of the bands I did see were great though. I was too drunk to enjoy Inquisition, pretty sure I passed out standing up during most of their set. Thanks a bunch to Yoda, Addo, & Bleull for letting me carpool with them. Had a blast with you guys.
I haven't had time to write about it this week, but I sure did have an incredible time at this fest. Bullshit was kept to a minimum once it started, the bands almost all sounded very good, the venue was cool, the hotel was cool, just about everything ruled. Beer selection and pricing at the liquor stores was incredibly shit, but it was reasonable at the venue, though I'm used to a much better craft beer selection even at dives in Chicago.

San Antonio was dumpy in general. So many stray dogs, stray cats, stray people. Roosters in front yards. Bars on windows in so many houses. To the east of the venue was rough as fuck. I trekked with a friend to a liquor store there, and everything was on the other side of the glass, and transactions were conducted through a drawer. It was West Baltimore style. The Riverwalk was nice though, and I'm pretty glad I took Thursday to check that out at night. It was nice, but the rest of downtown was disappointing. Up north there was some nice stuff, but the city seemed awfully small for having 1.3 million people. The only tall buildings downtown were the hotels. It made me wonder what people did for a living there.

I ate well. There was a diner a little bit east of the venue (before the hood) that was quite tasty and dirt cheap. Three tacos of some varieties were $2.25, and coffee was $.85. Ate there twice and it was awesome. Was at two different BBQ places, which both had good, tender meat, but rather boring sauce(s). Not offering a few options seems lazy. I'd want to have a Texas style, Carolina style, and a hot BBQ sauce. Food in general was cheap, and it was cool that getting a beer with dinner was only $2-4. Whataburger was really good too. That burger kept me full for something like eight hours. I still couldn't get over how it was basically impossible to find a 30-pack of High Lifes or PBRs or even Lone Stars. We kept having to settle for 18-packs (wtf?) of Lone Stars for an absurd price. Even 7-11s up here won't rake you over the coals for say, a 24-pack of Budweiser, downtown or not. But they didn't even seem to have 7-11s, and booze was kind of hard to come by at any sort of fair price downtown. Lucky we had a friend with a car and were able to hit a World Market and do a mixed sixer of beers I can't get at home. Poor town for beer overall.

I should probably talk about the bands a bit. I rocked the hardest during Inquisition. I even went back to see them in Chicago on Tuesday. Demigod was strong, and I had a lot of fun talking to Esa about hockey and beer for about half an hour. Antaeus ruled. The only sets I was sort of down on were Adorior and Impetuous Ritual. I just don't get Midnight either. Mitochondrion was much more boring than I expected. Surprises were Weapon, Zemial (not familiar with prior to fest), Anatomia, and when Grave Upheaval decided to start being awesome. Everyone I met was cool. Anatomia partied in our room on Sunday, and no joke, the one guy brought up bukkake in the first five minutes of conversation. One of the Drawn and Quartered guys stopped by and was cool, and we wrapped up hanging with Mournful Congregation and co. We kept trying to offer them money for beer, as it was very late and beer was in short supply, but we should have realized how little our puny US dollars meant at that stage. The parties weren't that crazy. Then again, since so many people flew in, party supplies may have been hard to come by. Did everyone know that the one Ignivomous guy got deported? Another important note is that Willy from Mutiilation showed up and was a pathetic pervert and an unbelievable trainwreck on the first night.
Fuck, I got sick of buying 12 packs of shit cans so I started purchasing cheap ass $4 16oz six packs of the best craft beer the local gas station offered: King Cobra, Olde English 800, Old Milwaukee, and fucking Texas Busch.

There was a Denny's like 3 blocks away from the Red Roof Inn that I ate at every night. Cheap and delicious. Did you go to the Alamo when you were there? Touristy area, but it was nice and lots of cuties in the area.
The Schlitz malt liquor was pretty okay, as far as things went at that gas station. We got some Mickey's too, but that was awful. I was always under the impression that booze is super expensive where I live, but not really. I regret not catching Denny's. I don't live by one, and I legitimately enjoy that place. Provided lots of entertainment when I was young enough to stay out late, but not old enough to drink.

Yeah, I checked out the Alamo on Monday. I had a lot of time between check-out and when my flight left. It was pleasant. I took a huge dump there. In retrospect, I probably should have jerked off there too. I mean, in the bathroom, obviously. Going an entire weekend without porn or masturbating was pretty challenging. It became an increasingly regular joke among everyone I went with.
The Schlitz malt liquor was pretty okay, as far as things went at that gas station. We got some Mickey's too, but that was awful. I was always under the impression that booze is super expensive where I live, but not really. I regret not catching Denny's. I don't live by one, and I legitimately enjoy that place. Provided lots of entertainment when I was young enough to stay out late, but not old enough to drink.

Yeah, I checked out the Alamo on Monday. I had a lot of time between check-out and when my flight left. It was pleasant. I took a huge dump there. In retrospect, I probably should have jerked off there too. I mean, in the bathroom, obviously. Going an entire weekend without porn or masturbating was pretty challenging. It became an increasingly regular joke among everyone I went with.

lol it was a joke among us as well. Or, at least me. I kept saying how I couldn't wait to get back home so I bust a huge fucking nut. We also came up with a joke about the dude in Blaspherian and about how large he was. Addo and I both were wondering what it was like for that dude to take a shit, and we kept referring to things as "Blaspherian-sized" and "that was a Blaspherian fart" and before long ride back to Illinois, all we had to do was say "Blaspherian" and we'd all just bust out laughing.