Rock the Vote!

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Queen of the ’Ryche
Sep 20, 2005
Pittsburgh PA
Just a reminder to all my friends out there in prog/power-land to get out there on Tuesday and vote! We all have busy lives, but no responsibility is more important than every free man and woman's civic duty to vote. So, make the time and make a difference! :headbang:

I agree totally with your thoughts on voting, but this topic will probably disappear, because of it's off topic nature. Hopefully it will hang around long enough to maybe remind a few people that there are actually some major elections taking place on Tuesday.

I already voted :kickass: Damn Governator is probably going to win anyways, to many people are still startstuck by his Terminating ass...
Hmmm... vote my conscience/beliefs and vote Libertarian, or vote against Sonny f***ing Perdue for someone who may actually win... one way or the other, I can't see not voting Tusday.


Nice to know I'm not the only Libertarian. ;) Actually, word on the news today is that 14% of the electorate this year is Libertarian. Should be interesting.
Nice to know I'm not the only Libertarian. ;) Actually, word on the news today is that 14% of the electorate this year is Libertarian. Should be interesting.

This year Libertarian gets my protest vote :rolleyes: Here in CA Art Olivier (Libertarian) -has some interesting things to say, although I agree with Bear, the governator has it hands down. Still a much better choice then Phil Angelides *cringe*
I'm too young to vote by like, 5 weeks. If I did vote, I'd probably vote libertarian + other 3rd parties, depending on the election.

What a strange trend.
This year Libertarian gets my protest vote :rolleyes: Here in CA Art Olivier (Libertarian) -has some interesting things to say, although I agree with Bear, the governator has it hands down. Still a much better choice then Phil Angelides *cringe*

Wait a minute. I dont agree that Arnold is a better choice though, I think its kind of like the blind leading the blind on this one. Maybe to many Terminator fans that dont know otherwise? Cringe about Angelides? At least he hasn't taken over 2 million dollars from the Indian gaming nation. I could go on but I wont...

Election is really heating up in Albany only days before. There was like 20 different commercials for just one race during football tonight. Majority of them attacking the other person. Apparently a new poll done over the weekend shows that the woman who was 14 pts behind only a few weeks ago is now 3 pts ahead. I guess allegations of beating your wife will do that to your chances of winning. Especially when you say you're going to release the police reports to prove it wrong and then decide not to. This wasn't even a seat that the democrats had planned to go after. The guy holding it right now is just that much of a dirtbag (and that was known previous to the new allegations). He also refuses to debate his opponents which I think is really cowardly.
I have already voted as well. Pfftttt on the new paper ballots here in NM, freaking lines took FOREVER!!! :erk:

"New" paper ballots? What did they do, go back to paper from electronic voting so there'd be an actual paper trail?

(Also a libertarian...but unfortunately, the Libertarian Party doesn't do much for me nowadays....)
I'd imagine most Progpower goers would be libertarians. Hard to imagine metalheads being soft liberals or religious conservatives.

Anyway, I just moved to Kentucky, and not really being familiar with the local races yet, I'll sit this one out. What I've seen has only sickened me anyway. Florida had much more enlightened discourse.
Whatever. I agree it is important, but let's be realistic.
Over 75% of people who vote have no clue what they are even voting for.
I doubt there is ANY country in the world with less-informed voters than here in the US of A.
Whatever. I agree it is important, but let's be realistic.
Over 75% of people who vote have no clue what they are even voting for.
I doubt there is ANY country in the world with less-informed voters than here in the US of A.

Dude, this was a sad but totally true post. I'm not even from the USA and I know more about the elections (and politics for god's sake) than most of my American friends. Some of these hate when I say anything bad about "their home", but they don't even know what the house is.

In any case, there's NO CONCERT BOOKED tomorrow around my area. Please guys, do your part. It IS important. But not as much as seeing Blind Guardian! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Whatever. I agree it is important, but let's be realistic.
Over 75% of people who vote have no clue what they are even voting for.
I doubt there is ANY country in the world with less-informed voters than here in the US of A.
Well, I agree with the first part of your statement, but the second is debatable. It's really inexcusable since there's a glut of info. ALL over the internet about the candidates and issues. You can find out at least something about everyone running in every state at don'

Unfortunately, I'm (once again) finding it hard in New Jersey to find a candidate with a shred of value. For each semi-positive stand, there's at least 3 negatives points counteracting it. Wish REAL people had the chance to run and win instead of these political phonies. I think our system has become a joke fuled by money and power and not by any real concern for the country. But that's just my ultra-jaded view. :erk:
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