Rock the Vote!

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In my own state, I'm no fan of Robert Menendez. However, I wouldn't vote for Tom Kean Jr., even if it would guarentee Nevermore headlining ProgPower next year.

Why? Menendez is corrupt. Kean is clean. I'd think it would be open and shut over there in New Jersey.
They are Republicans. You either support the head of the ticket if you are a Republican politician or you stop being a Republican. When it comes to politics, there are some things we have to make allowances for.
My loss of respect for McCain wasn't because of his support for Bush in '04. That I could handle, due to his position in the machine. I lost respect for him because of the torture issue. As for Guliani, he wasn't in office when Bush ran in '04, and even when he was, it was at a city level. He could have very easily had made himself scarce. Instead, he got out there and pledged allegiance, in grand fashion, to a man he thinks is an idiot.
Why? Menendez is corrupt. Kean is clean. I'd think it would be open and shut over there in New Jersey.
As I alluded to earlier, this election for me, is completely and totally about obstructing Bush in every way possible.

Given that our current congress has been dubbed the "do nothing congress", I'm not sure how much difference that would make.

Since you tagged yourself a "religious conservative", I'm going to guess that politically, you and I wouldn't agree on much. That's cool. We can still split a beer and argue about Metal. Let it suffice to say, I think Bush is the worst President this country has even known, and I just can't see leaving his power unopposed for two more years. In my own state, I'm no fan of Robert Menendez. However, I wouldn't vote for Tom Kean Jr., even if it would guarentee Nevermore headlining ProgPower next year.:heh:


Well, for lack of better words, I think the war stands a better chance of ending without making the senate more of a tug of war than it already is. Like I said, I agree with you if we weren't in the middle of a war, but the current situation is an exception in my opinion.

I realize you and I probably wouldn't agree on much politically speaking but that doesn't bother me. From the looks of this thread my views may not be in line with most people on here, but we've always been a diverse crowd. :)

Rock on my brother! :headbang: :kickass:

P.S. I can't believe you'd pass on an opportunity to see Nevermore! :OMG: :)
My loss of respect for McCain wasn't because of his support for Bush in '04. That I could handle, due to his position in the machine. I lost respect for him because of the torture issue. As for Guliani, he wasn't in office when Bush ran in '04, and even when he was, it was at a city level. He could have very easily had made himself scarce. Instead, he got out there and pledged allegiance, in grand fashion, to a man he thinks is an idiot.

I think McCain straddled the line beautifully on the torture debate, personally. As for Giuliani, he's a social liberal who has to win over the Republican base. He won a lot of brownie points by helping Bush out. I can forgive him, especially considering the alternative. It's not like we had good options in '04. I'm not going to hold Democratic backing of Kerry against anyone either.

As I alluded to earlier, this election for me, is completely and totally about obstructing Bush in every way possible

Won't happen with Menendez. All Bush has to do is buy him. Honor among thieves and all that. They stick together, regardless of party.
I think McCain straddled the line beautifully on the torture debate, personally.
You say "straddled the line beautifully", I say "sold his soul and his integrity". Potato, potato.

Won't happen with Menendez. All Bush has to do is buy him. Honor among thieves and all that. They stick together, regardless of party.
Yes, but rats aren't willing to go down with a sinking ship.

Honestly, there is really no point in me voting this election. All my local elections will go Democrat and the State ones will go Republican. None of them will even be close.

Seriously though, I think the main thing I hear everywhere is that no one is happy with are current 2 parties, and almost everyone is sick of having to choice between the lesser of two evils. That said, it is great to see so many people voting libertarian! Like someone said earlier, if the libertarian party could just become a little more mainstream they may actually have a chance.

I believe that most people in this country are fiscally conservative and socially liberal (I did read a study but can't remember the exact numbers, but I think it was over 70%); therefore, neither the Dems nor the Repubs are representative of the American people.

Time for a political revolution...
One more thing...

Rock the Vote sucks! Rock the Vote is just an underhanded organization that wants to turn the young people of this country in to mindless socialists...
Rock the Vote sucks! Rock the Vote is just an underhanded organization that wants to turn the young people of this country in to mindless socialists...

You could not have said THAT better! Everyone has an agenda. I am so freaking tired of politics in general, and that all the LEFT has to say is Bush is stupid etc. Boring. No solution from them either. Its the "lets hate Bush platform". Nice job.

I am a conservative but not a republican at this point. They left me behind several issues ago. I do go to church but I am not blind enough to be evangelical. I believe what I do as do you. I seek candidates that value keeping America strong and the values our WWII vetarans fought for. I am all for equality across the board. I am NOT for taxing excessively those who earned their lot. Everybody has equal opportunity in this country so don't whine at me otherwise. If you are stupid cry elsewhere.

The economy is better than it has EVER been but do you hear it from the media? Hell no. Why? It doesn't fit their political agenda. Unemployment at 4.6% lowest ever. DOW highest ever. Only 2% of workers work for minimum wage. I can go on if you wish. Iraq may be a failure but we cannot just leave. The radical Islamo-terrorists would only become stronger and unless you are a moron you would understand this. Maybe we should not have gone in but we need to finish somehow. OK I'm out.
Something that just occurred to me.....

Al-Queda HAS to have wanted very badly to stage an attack before the elections here. After all, it worked perfectly in Spain, and the US electorate would be even easier to push over, and a much better 'plum.' It would completely discredit GWB's claim that "we're safer since going into Iraq" and be a total embarassment.
If an Islamic jihadist were over here and voting, they'd naturally favor the Democratic party, and would prefer that they win, hence the importance of staging an attack.

Yet, AFAIK as I write this, an attack hasn't come.

Here is what comes to mind thinking about today.

Freak Kitchen Propaganda Pie lyrics

Good evening and welcome
Would you like an aperitif?
May we recommend
The Disinformation Beef?
We do our very utmost
To meet all your demands
Just sit back and enjoy
While we wash our dirty hands
Feed your hungry eye...
Propaganda pie
Have a slice of lie
Propaganda pie
We serve the only version
The daily six o clock buffet
We edit your dinner
Cut the improper parts away
Special flavorings
Make sure you stay obedient
Nothing is more efficient
Than a tampered ingredient
The propaganda pie
Have a slice of lie
Propaganda pie
How about some desert?
More manipulated wine?
We got the most delicious cake
To send shivers down your spine
It's got a funny smack
And the icing is malign...
The propaganda pie
Have a slice of lie
Propaganda pie
If an Islamic jihadist were over here and voting, they'd naturally favor the Democratic party, and would prefer that they win, hence the importance of staging an attack.
Somewhere in Washington, D.C., Karl Rove is smiling.

George Bush has been the single greatest recruiting tool for jihadists since the Crusades. By some estimates, we've killed 1,000,000 Iraqi civilians. Their population is only 26,000,000. We've killed one out of every 26 people that lives there. Those people are someone's child, someone's sibling, someone's parent, someone's spouse. By our own government's intelligence reports, we've increased extremism around the globe.

Something that just occurred to me.....

Al-Queda HAS to have wanted very badly to stage an attack before the elections here. After all, it worked perfectly in Spain, and the US electorate would be even easier to push over, and a much better 'plum.' It would completely discredit GWB's claim that "we're safer since going into Iraq" and be a total embarassment.
If an Islamic jihadist were over here and voting, they'd naturally favor the Democratic party, and would prefer that they win, hence the importance of staging an attack.

Yet, AFAIK as I write this, an attack hasn't come.


If that happened here I think it would have the opposite effect. People would freak out and be MORE willing for MORE war. Republicans win in a landslide, and less rights for everyone, US citizen or not.
Honestly, there is really no point in me voting this election. All my local elections will go Democrat and the State ones will go Republican. None of them will even be close.

Seriously though, I think the main thing I hear everywhere is that no one is happy with are current 2 parties, and almost everyone is sick of having to choice between the lesser of two evils. That said, it is great to see so many people voting libertarian! Like someone said earlier, if the libertarian party could just become a little more mainstream they may actually have a chance.

I believe that most people in this country are fiscally conservative and socially liberal (I did read a study but can't remember the exact numbers, but I think it was over 70%); therefore, neither the Dems nor the Repubs are representative of the American people.

Time for a political revolution...

I disagree with your statement about most Americans being fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I believe most Americans to be fiscally conservative and socailly conservative as well. Most Americans, like myself, embrace out traditional values that our country was built upon. Most Americans realize the seriousness of the war on terror and want themselves and their families to be protected from additional terrorist attacks.
Time for a political revolution...

Damn straight! This is the only way anything is REALLY going to improve in this country... the Reps and the Dems are way too much alike to really change anything. They're both about big government, whether they themselves think so or not.
Damn straight! This is the only way anything is REALLY going to improve in this country... the Reps and the Dems are way too much alike to really change anything. They're both about big government, whether they themselves think so or not.

Until another party steps up and takes that challenge, all we have is what we have....
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