Role Playing...any of you play?


Sep 15, 2002
Helsinki, Finland
Okay, I haven't seen a thread like this anywhere, so I start it now :)

I am actually a die-hard role player since 2000-2001, or more likely I luv RPG but recently don't have the friends to play with :erk:
My favs are:

Vampire the Masquerade - a masterpiece of World of Darkness, and you can see clearly from my signature that clan Gangrel owns me :heh:

M.a.g.u.s. - I don't know if it's known outside of Hungary, but a quite kewl fantasy RPG

Forgotten Realms - My favorite fantasy world since the Baldur's Gate saga

What about you guys? C'mon nerds, I know you are out there :lol: :lol:
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*steps out of the nerd closet*
I've been active roleplayer since 1993 (or -92, not sure). My favorite games are:
Cyberpunk 2020: First game I played properly. Most of my gaming in 1993-1998 was CP2020 (or modified versions of it). Great world.
Warhammer FRP: Not the miniature game, but normal fantasy roleplaying game based on it. All possible fantasy cliches in one world with nice grim attitude. Shitty gamesystem though.
Fading Suns: I love this game, even though I haven't played it properly (only mastered few sessions). Sci-fi, horror and fantasy all mixed together (weight on the sci-fi), with excellent and rather free gamesystem.

At the moment our gaming group has D&D (3rd ed.) and Earthdawn campaigns "frozen" and short CP2020 and Shadowrun campaigns replace them for the summer. In the autumn we're supposed to continue with either Earthdawn or D&D and Fading Suns.

On computer/console "role-playing games" my opinion is that they don't exist. They're just adventure games maybe based on rpg-system, but without no good role-playing chances and very limited compared to pen-and-paper rpg's. They can be great fun though, I've played both Baldur's Gates through twice. :D
Cyberpunk 2020, D&D, AD&D, RuneQuest, Paranoia, Star Wars RPG (the first ed.).. everything goes.
I like D&D very much but since here's pretty hard to find a 3rd edition party I can actually play it only through videogames.
I loved the Baldur's Gate saga and Neverwinter Nights (the only game I'm playing rite now) is quite kewl...looking forward for the expansion sets Shadows Of Undertide (upcoming) and Hordes Of The Underdark.
Hihihih ;)

Vampire the Masquerade - Started playing this about two years ago. Ended a chronicle that lasted 1.5 years and spanned 800 years of game time late last year. I'm not much of a player, but as a player my fav Clans are Ventrue and Lasombra, mostly in the form they were in the Dark Ages. I love throwing Tzimisce and Gangrel at my players though, they fear those Clans more than sunlight.

Shadowrun - One of the first games I ran, this was maybe 3 years ago. Great for running short things where you kill people and take their stuff with little continuity :p

Call of Cthulhu - Probably my favourite horror game, it always ends with the characters going insane or dying in a horrible way, but that's half of the fun, heheh. The greatest compliment I got was when a player told me he felt uneasy about opening kitchen doors after one session.

Some other titles I've played include B5, Keskimaa Roolipeli (Middle Earth), AD&D, Stormbringer, Heavy Gear, Wraith etc. I can count the times I've actually played with one hand though, I always end up as the storyteller/gamemaster :p

@Zsuzsa: Never heard of this Magus game, probably just a Hungarian thing. ;p

@Everyone: This thread is about pen and paper roleplaying, not about computer games. The type where you sit around a table with real humans, and roll real dice.
i never really like D&D a whole lot...when my freinds run games there like 5hrs long and we accomplish jack shit and we all die at the end

RPG video games i like to play are Neverwinter Nights
Phantsy Star Online, Diablo 2 ....if you want to count that as a RPG..i dont like pen and paper RPG's so i dont play them..