Roll call for Doro this Saturday @ The Pearl Room

Other than you and Bob do you think people "refuse" to attend shows because of the local openers?
Cause I don't.
I know sometimes the openers suck but that hasn't stopped me from going to shows.

Not "refuse" per se, just less incentive to attend.
Though depends on the headliner.
There are some bands I will see, no matter who else is on the bill.

There are others though where if it is just one band I want to see, but the openers are of no interest, then my chances of going diminish.

It's cool that you go to check out lots of different shows.
The reality though is that most people (not just Bob and I) are indeed a lot more selective, and the opening bands do make a difference on many occasions.
Would anyone going to the Doro show be willing to grab me a ticket for Symphony X on 4/13 so I can save Ticketmaster fees? I can't get you cash in time, but I could drop money into your Paypal account or something, and there's plenty of time to mail it to me afterwards. Please PM me if that's workable!


Funny, Bob and I get crucified when we use that excuse...
Different though when the shoe's on the other foot! :lol:

Except my intentions were to actually attend the show. My plans changed 3 hrs before doors oppened.

I also didn't spend 3 months bitching about the venue or opening bands. :p
See, if you hung out with the local scene you would always find someone that you know at any concert.

That is SO true!! I can't remember the last time I went to a show & didn't know at least a handful of ppl who I had no clue were going. Shit...even going all the way to LA for NAMM, and I couldn't believe how many Chicago ppl I ran into.