Roll call for Nightwish at the Pearl Room, this Saturday 5/31


Talk about a band I've never been able to get into, regardless of whether it's Old Lantern Jaw on the mic or whatever the hell the new chick's name is... Just need to remember to offload Oceanborn and Wishmaster the next time I dig through all my boxed up CDs...
I'll be there as well.
And I'm as skeptical as you Rachel, but should be a good show nonetheless.
Although I am not a huge fan of Annette's vocals for such a symphonic power metal band such as Nightwish, I have to give it to them for not just getting a Tarja clone as a replacement vocalist.

Btw....what do we all think of Tarja's solo album?
John Two Hawks will also be there, however I won't.

I do like the new disc with Annette, and really haven't listened to any other Nightwish albums since it came out.

John Two-Hawks, a Native American hailing from Arkansas, will perform the song "Creek Mary's Blood" with NIGHTWISH at two more concerts on the Finnish/Swedish symphonic metal band's current North American tour:

May 30 - Headliner's Music Hall - Louisville, KY
May 31 - The Pearl Room - Mokena, IL

Fan-filmed video footage of John Two-Hawks performing with NIGHTWISH on November 11, 2007 at The Palladium Ballroom in Dallas, Texas can be viewed below.

John Two-Hawks is a multi-instrumentalist who is devoted to spreading the culture and mentality of Native Americans. He has published six solo albums, and although he is constantly touring the U.S., Two-Hawks is very rarely seen on European soil.

The song "Creek Mary's Blood", which was composed by NIGHTWISH keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen, was included on NIGHTWISH's platinum-selling (in Finland) "Once" album. On "Creek Mary's Blood" John Two-Hawks plays the flute and reads a poem translated to his native language.
Just got back from the Nightwish show. It was damn near a full house... more full than I expected.

Before I say anything else, please note that I have seen Nightwish live with both Tarja and now Annette. I have been in artist turmoil since the announcement of Annette, but I gave tonight's show my full attention and kept an open mind.

When a band switches a vocalist, it's always a tough critique: Dave Vs. Sammy, Bruce vs. Blaze, Joey vs. John, Matt vs. Tim. Here is my two cents.

Aside from Annette, I take nothing away from the performance of the rest of the band. It was spot on as usual. With regards to Annette, I take nothing away from her well projected stage presence and interaction with the crowd. Her deliverance on the new tunes was solid. I could not; however, connect with Annette on the Tarja era catalog. The power just wasn't there. The sustain wasn't there. Hell, they even piped in Tarja's background vox early on in the show. The goosebumps weren't there. For me, Tarja's timbre, style, FIT with the symphonic nature of Nightwish. Annette, in my opinion, belongs in a pop/rock band.

Though it was very cool to see and hear John Two-Hawks, the balance of "Creek Mary's Blood" was killed for me. That song, like the others, needs a soaring voice, that of which Annette does not have.

I also took note of the crowd reaction. They seemed to embrace Annette, both on the new and older selections. I just couldn't. I may be in the minority, but I am no stranger to going against the grain. It just wasn't for me, but I am glad that I took the chance and gave Annette a fair shot. More power to the band. I just can't remain an avid fan anymore.

For those that were there, I'm curious to hear your reviews as well.
I got 3 reviews tonight from people who were there....

1) Show was medicore
2) Annette is horrible on the old stuff, and the setlist was poor
3) Dans a fag so who cares what he thinks but I don't think he was all that impressed either

I would not go see Nightwish even if somebody bought my ticket for me (as Jose discovered) and the reviews I'm getting from people I trust make me think I've made the correct choice. Sometimes a band is more than a voice, but in this case Nightwish and Tarja belong together to make beautiful music.
Alright, now that the Tarja fan boys and girls have spoken……here’s my review.
The show was advertised to start at 7pm so we got to the venue around 6:30 only to find a line of people stretching around the corner. As we were waiting in line the group in front of us had a guy check at the front door and he said that the doors were opening at 7 pm. So we pretty much waited for an hour just to get in, hey at least the weather was nice. When we finally got to the venue we managed to get a spot right up front about 4 feet from Tuomas’ keyboards.
There were no local openers this time so we just waited around for about another hour before the opener started. Sonic Syndicate hit the stage and I think I had a blast making fun of them with my group, the band did absolutely nothing for me, just your typical “core” band I guess. Some of my friends didn’t even bother to see them as they sat on the floor leaning against the barricade.
One of the things that really stood out about this show is that this was a totally different audience than you would find at a metal show. While I was waiting in line there was a lot of people who were speaking Scandinavian languages and that didn’t really look like your average metal concert attendee and a ton of teenage girls, it’s just a totally different audience I guess.
Nightwish finally went on, from where I was standing the sound wasn’t too great but I could still hear everyone just fine. Having already seen Nightwish with Annette last Halloween at the House Of Blues I already knew what to expect, I went to this show just to have a good time rather than be yet another critic.
The set consisted heavily on the new album, with your staple old Nightwish songs in between. After the first couple of songs Annette said that this was the last show of the tour and that she couldn’t wait to get in that plane today to go back to Sweden. I could really tell the guys were a bit burnt out and the fact that Annette repeated the “I can’t wait to get on that plane” statement about 3 more times added to that feeling. Emppu was awesome, he really looked like he was having a great time sipping Coronas pretty much throughout the whole set.
Jon Two-Hawks came out during the encore, he did great. You don’t get to see too many Native Americans perform at Metal shows so this a bit of a treat and a bit different.

Overall I had a great time as did most the group of people I was with (about 10 of us), one of my friends was crying after the show ended actually, she’s a huge fan. The set felt a bit shorter than last time but it flowed well. I will be catching their show with Sonata in September but they should really make another album after that.
Here's what I posted elsewhere, followed by some more board-specific comments:

It was good, but I liked the House of Blues show more. They seemed strangely un-locked-in for what was the last show of this tour. Like, "Bye Bye Beautiful" only had about half the oomph that it should have. I dunno, maybe it was just watching Sonic Syndicate open that was the problem. It's impossible to see them and not become depressed and sad for music, so maybe it just took me a while to revive from that.

Tuomas should write some more low stuff for Anette to sing. She sounded awesome in the middle of "The Poet and the Pendulum", singing a part that you don't even much notice on record, since it's just the low part of a wide harmony.

John Two Hawks was cool to see, if a bit awkward.

Honestly I think the guitar tech getting a chance to play was the best part of the show.

But five stars for Anette's cleavage!

I totally agree with Jose that they seemed ready for the tour to be over. I also choose to interpret Anette's two references to the House of Blues, and Mokena being not-quite-Chicago as disappointment at not being back there again.

So this was the chance to compare turnouts at House of Blues vs. The Pearl Room. I don't know if a "sold out" show at the House of Blues (which Nightwish's October show was) equals the venue's listed capacity of 1300, but even if not, it still won easily. While this was probably the largest non-Powerfest crowd I've seen at The Pearl Room, it wasn't anywhere near as dense as it was for Iced Earth and Testament. I estimated 700, 800 max.

They actually had a spotlight rigged up on the balcony, which seemed incredibly silly, since the Pearl Room stage is hardly one to get lost on, and it seemed like they agreed, because after blasting Anette in the face with it for the first song-and-a-half, it never appeared again. Overall the lighting was significantly lamer than their HoB show. Don't know if that's just this leg of the tour, or the venue.

There's nothing "-core" about Sonic Syndicate, but there's an abundance of "bad"! Unfortunately this crowd, unlike the Amon Amarth crowd, was dumb enough to not know that they totally suck. And speaking of a "non-metal" crowd, SS encouraged the audience to do the arms-above-the-head-swaying-back-and-forth thing as seen on American Idol. And the crowd actually did it. Holy fuck.

The other sign of amateurism was that when I showed up at 8:15, everyone else was already there. Then again, I was hoping to miss all of Sonic Syndicate, and instead had to wait another 15 minutes for them to even start, so I guess that makes me an amateur too.

It did seem like a strangely short set, and I was hoping for more last-show-of-the-tour hijinks.

I think I'll only go to the September show if friends want to go.

My two cents...

I'm a huge Nightwish fan, saw them several times with Tarja (including PPUSA which spoiled me forever). It took me a while to get into the new album, but I love it now. I was curious how she'd handle the older stuff. The line was ridiculous, and the venue once again didn't have Guinness. The PR could be so great, if they'd make just a few changes, but that's another argument. The Hot Topic crowd was out in full force, I felt like a geriatric at 28, and the difference in the number of voices singing along to "Bye Bye Beautiful" versus that of "Dead to the World" was both shocking and disappointing. The setlist was heavy on the new stuff (WE DEMAND FISHMASTER!), and I wasn't all too happy with Annette's performance on the older songs. Another gripe which I don't think was mentioned -- The guys usually kick the singer off the stage for a song or two, this time around they picked a mellow, plodding mood-crusher which sucked. Marco's voice is much better suited to the hard stuff, IMHO.

Overall, I was disappointed, but I'm glad I worked. I'll go the next time around, but mostly for Sonata.

- R
I agree with Rachel....Nightwish is/was one of my favorite bands, but Annette's voice does not do anything for them IMHO.
There is no power or intensity...just a pop sounding voice with little vocal range.
The band are amazing and I hope they will always have that powerful, symphonic sound to their music.
So, overall the show was alright. It has to be the only Metal show I've been to where the majority of the voices of the crowd singing along are female voices.
Ha Ha!

And I must say the kindness of the PR security never ceases to amaze me.
*rolls eyes*
I estimated 700, 800 max.

I'd give it a bit more than that. The Symphony X show I went to last year had a reported 600 or so (I think, could be wrong) and the balcony was not opened, nor the little extra side alcove to state left, and there was much more room at the rear of the room by the steps. This show had an open balcony stuffed to about 3 rows deep all around, the side alcove was open (that's where we watched from), and little room even near the back. So I'd push it up closer to at least 1000. But that's a complete guess! And who cares anyway, it was a large crowd :)

Kathy and I ate dinner at Sapporo across the parking lot. The line was around the corner of the building when we went into the restaurant. They started letting people in while we were eating. By the time we finished eating and got to the line, it was STILL around the corner of the building.

They probably delayed doors and show time since there were no openers.

Sonic didn't do anything for me. Very much latter day In Flames or Soilwork alternating core / melodic vox. The songs all sounded the same. They clearly have a fashion consultant that has them do their hair according to how fashion consultants feel that bands in their niche should look.

I thought Nightwish's sound was bad, I could barely hear the keys or guitar all night. But that could be because we were at the edge of the alcove, and the balcony overhang blocked one set of hanging speakers for us.

Song selection was about as expected, but I wish there were fewer songs from the new CD; they played about half of it, including all 13 minutes of TP&TP. Annette sounded fine on the new songs, and she also sounded fine on the old songs, too, in an "It's now Annette singing the old songs" way. I mean, given that a poppy singer is handling them now, they sounded about as good as they could. I can't fault her for anything in the performances, she can't control who used to sing for the band.

To the Pearl Room's credit, the downstairs bathrooms seemed to be open from the beginning. The main speakers did not go out during the headliner's set. I've never had problems with security, and I noted their presence seemed even less obvious than usual.

My lingering question after the show is: How the hell do you mosh to Amaranth???? Jeez. :)

They clearly have a fashion consultant that has them do their hair according to how fashion consultants feel that bands in their niche should look.

It's funny, one of my friends said "I bet Sonic Syndicate drew straws to see who was going to get which hair cut". :lol: